Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Suggestions About Rp Events


No Gods, No Masters.
Retired Staff
Hey guys, i really like this server, but its a roleplay server, and I havent seen/done and roleplay yet.
So in light of the helpful new chat system I would like to make a few suggestions.

#1 The Idea of an Arena is great, and I think that there should be weekly Tournaments sponsored by the kings, with an entry fee and cash prize. However, all equipment must be provided at the tournament. The tourney should not be a contest of who can get the best stuff, but who is the best with the dynamics of fighting in Minecraft. Also the tax money would be able to give the kings plenty of resources to build the Arena, though I, and probably many others, would gladly donate any aid.

#2 Quests. This Idea is a little bit harder to do macro-scale. The kings could probably fit together a few cool quests, but really it would be up to a group of people with one of them deciding where to go next.
This could me like "the shadow of Israphel" by the yogscast. Get a few people to build some terrain, traps, etc. etc. and then give an unsuspecting team an objective and there you go! Personnally i think that if the towns came together then there could be some really cool quests created.

#3 Jobs. With the introduction of the Wurkit mod, pretty much we all already have them. But there could be instances when someone wants to provide a service, like redstone wirer, killer for hire, and other things that deal with the more complicated aspects of the game, where some people are just better than others. I for one am really good with pistons and redstone, so say you wanted a vault, but you didnt want to donate, for som in-game money i could build you an obsidian vault with a piston combination lock. Others may be really good with the mechanics of fighting and could be mercenaries.
When the adventure update comes out, it will most likely allow for even more possibilities.

#4 WAR. I used to play on CityCraft Survival server and that is where i got the idea. You could get 2 teams, both with the same number of players, and then send them to a remote section of the map and have each team construct a obsidian vault with a diamond block in it. Then you would say "the war starts in 3 days. No contact with the other team is allowed till then." Then each team has three days to construct a fortress and gather supplies and decide on a strategy. The winner is decided by the team who captures the other teams diamond block. For abuse sake, beside the vault, obsidian will not be allowed, and the vault wil be 3 x 3 x 3, with a wooden door that cant use lockette and a diamond block in the center. Other than that the only rule is no contact whatsoever with the enemy until the war starts. Its a lot of fun to see how the people decide to make their fortress and make strategies.

Any other suggestions or comments please post.


Lord of Altera
I love suggestion number four. Only I should add that the battleground should be cleared by admins and their wands after each match.


Lord of Altera
Has anyone else signed up yet? You should make a specific post about the war somewhere with the date and time etc proabbly in general discussion where people are more likely to look at it


For #4....I would suggest a time considerably less than 4 days. An entire team could make a crazy nigh impossible defensive structure in 3 days. One day, 24 hours would be my recommendation.


Lord of Altera
I'm pretty sure he means game days but if mods keep changing day times that wwould muck it up