Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Storm's Landing Learning Center


The Alchemist
Staff member
Copy of Copy of ICEANDFIRE (12).png
Hear ye'! Hear ye'!

The Storm's Landing Council has allocated funds from the charity drives to create a new and enticing building within the Landing, a new Learning Center (Name to be decided upon by the current Council.)

They seek an architect and building crew to design the interiors for the new building. A sum of 25,000r is allocated for the build.

Before the Council leaves office, we have found a way to incorporate their new learning center goals. As I am not a builder OOC, we are seeking one who would like to have a hand in renovating a current building already in SL to be a new learning center for the city. The compensation is 25k rads for the interior design. Please reach out to me if you are interested.