Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Storm's Landing | A missive from the Treasury


Bored Brit

An important missive to all resident citizens of the Landing, working or otherwise;

Each resident citizen over their race's age of maturity may be entitled to monthly
sums of coin to the value of Five Hundred Radiants to assist in their living costs
and expenses. Citizens who are unemployed or earning less than Five Hundred
Radiants per month are entitled to seek out the Treasurer's office and collect their
coin each and every month.
Citizens are encouraged to spend this coin within the City on goods that they need
in their day-to-day lives.

Mathieu de Courtnay
Treasurer of Storm's Landing

This is to act as an IC explanation to justify the money one might get from voting if
you are a Storm's Landing Citizen. There will be no actual money handed out during
this process due to it only causing further inflation. The current amount being given
is based on Storm's Landing's monthly income which is currently particularly low IC.​