Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Storm of Humanity's end[Dark theme]


Lord of Altera
'And with it the age of man had ended, not by the tools of another creation more powerful then themselves, but tools by their own hands.'

Dust and ash fell from the sky. Cities buried under thick lays of gray and black. Buildings burnt and cracked under the heat of the ending fires. The cries had ended long ago and left the streets a ghostly empty. Bodies had been turned to ash and blown away in the winds of the end. A storm brought on by humanities own hands. The storm that they would write at the end of their stories simply as 'the end'.

To those that still lived within the walls that humanity had managed to build. They lived a life of hardship and suffering. Each night fighting the cold.. Or one another for that which would keep them alive. Food... Water... shelter from the storm that raged around them. Humanity had become monsters. Without its leash... its rules they became beasts.

Beasts without a code, beasts without a pack. Their minds fading to that which gave them only one rule, one reason to fight and move. The reason of survival. The only reasons beasts need to kill. The only code they live by. For it was only humanity that led itself to this end.

In a book where they had so many ends. So many ways that they could have walked. Humanity choose to walk that which led to its own destruction. One that led to but one rule in the storms. Survival of the fittest.