Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Snowy Peaks- Lounge and Spa (poster)


Lord of Altera
The Snowy Peaks

Looking for a place to just relax and unwind after a long day. The Snowy Peaks offers a calming lounge with a fountain and nice fireplace. They serve good foods and drinks as well. The atmosphere is not the same as your everyday tavern, it is more of a place to gather and have polite conversation.

We also offer a full service spa with everything from simple back massages and facials to full body massages. With the use of salts, oils and saunas we can just about take care of any tension or stiffness one may have.

We also have private rooms if one desire a room for the night. Stop in if you are ever up in Halbed, the doors are always open.

Your friendly proprietress,

Lady Jessamine Noakes