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[Skraag] Aziryn | Tier I


Lord of Altera
IG NAME || Juvix_
CHARACTER || Aziryn Renae


|| Skraag

STATUS || Exploring her faith


CO-PATRON || Sallana


AESTHETIC || Black shadowy moths can be seen on or around their person. They can be dispersed at will, and made more prominent in certain situations as decided by the player.

QUIRK || They are able to summon small skeletal pets that like to linger around them and can do mundane things (like playing dead, fetching small items, etc), though they cannot be used in combat. Up to the size of a rat and up to five at any one time. They vanish into black soot if they are taken out of a ten block radius.


PROVIDENCE || The blessed’s soul is warded by their faith in their Divine. If something tries to possess them, or they’re targeted by an effect that is functionally identical to possession, the blessed may roll a d6 save to resist it. If they roll their tier or lower on the d6, the possession fails and has no effect. They are additionally fully immune to any attempts to lay claim to their soul (in terms of it being trapped, imprisoned, or otherwise by some entity. This is not expected to come up much in RP, but exists for flavor). For curses or afflictions like Vyrism or Spiritblessed, they may resist it outright or optionally roll a possession save against it.

NATURAL ALLIES || Certain creatures recognize the Blessed of certain gods and behave differently than they would to other mortals, so long as hostility isn’t shown to them. Mindless undead aren’t hostile to Skraag blessed.

SPIRITUAL WEAPON || By ritually praying over a weapon for one hour, the blessed may imbue it with some measure of the divine influence. The weapon will glow with the strength of torchlight in a color thematic to the divine, and intangible foes or foes that are otherwise immune or resistant to attacks from mundane weapons always take some amount of damage from successful attacks with it. Only one weapon may be imbued at a time. For bows, the effect applies to all arrows fired from it.

|| Skraag

Tier || I
Action || Prayer, and a drop of blood.
Cost || 0 SP
Duration || 30 minutes
Spell || With a prayer and a drop of blood, the caster gains an uncanny ability to detect any corpses within a 10b radius of where the spell was cast, as if the corpses themselves gain an ethereal green glow even through surfaces. This spell will also illuminate spilt blood, regardless of it having been cleansed, the marks remaining. This lasts for 30 minutes.

|| Skraag

Tier || I
Action || Touch, must maintain unbroken contact for five minutes.
Cost || 1 SP
Duration || Permanent
Spell || The caster blesses a corpse which will rise as a weak mindless undead under the sway of Skraag within five minutes of the spell competion. It is hostile to all living things, including the one who raised it, the soul which once inhabited no longer present, in essence becoming a Zombie. This can be cast within the wards. It can be played by the caster but it should be kept in mind they are slow, weak, and likely easy to cut down.
Note: Should this spell be cast upon a Vyre with Repose on their body, it will remove the effects of it after the five minute cast. Repose can also be cast over with Depose.

|| Skraag

Tier || I
Action || Prayer and touch, or blood consumption.
Cost || 1 SP
Duration || One hour
Spell || The caster curses their target with decay by praying to Skraag and holding a hand on them for a moment, even if on armour, or consuming the target’s blood (which can be no older than one week). After two rounds/20 seconds, their target will begin to feel a creeping nausea take root, their eyes taking on a yellow hue, and their veins blackening. They will find their skin begins to blister and rot after another round/10 seconds, which will become painful but not debilitating. After one hour, all effects fade, leaving no traces. The target may roll an opposed Soul+Determination check against the caster to resist this effect, or Body+Fortitude to power through it.

|| Skraag

Tier || I
Action || Prayer, and touch of the ground.
Cost || 0 SP
Duration || One hour
Spell || The caster kneels and presses a hand to the ground, summoning a small cluster of locusts and other insects that eat away at any flora in a five block radius for one hour, leaving the land barren. Any living creatures in the area, including people, will find they get bitten and harassed. These bites are irritating, and not lethal nor poisonous.


UNDEATH || Ever since her first blessing, Aziryn's appreciation for bones, flesh and decay has grown. Innocent summons are adorned with fabrics and flowers of their own rotting colors,
to highlight the beauty of their continued unlife. ... And, occasionally, Aziryn does tie the creatures up with lace before forcing them to struggle their way out of this predicament.


FEAR & PESTILENCE || The ongoing restlessness in the town of Bärental served as a lovely opportunity to experiment. With the use of her newly acquired passive gifts and alchemy,
Aziryn poisoned the town's well with Mercurialis Poison, causing illness to spread and "brief comatose spurts" affect freed people. A curious test causing bouts of fear.
Next time, perhaps something stronger to thin the line between life and death.

CONVERSION || After discussing her faith with Tes'ryn, the demoness was converted to following Skraag in hopes that Tes would receive a new soul to call her own, from him.
Something to explore in the future.

SHRINE || A private, artistic shrine is created underneath the cellar, hidden from prying eyes. Bones and skulls, poisons and ever-blooming flowers, and paints of blood red hues adorn the space.
Personally written tenets have been carved into wood and hung up, sealing the shrine for Skraag. There she prays in peace, surrounded by art and eternity.




ARTS || Aziryn is an avid collector of most useful things she deems beautiful. Fabrics and laces, flowers and bones. She takes precious care of these trinkets, and often uses them to create new art, or clothes.

ARTS || Song and performance have been Aziryn's main ways of gaining a living for years due to her travels. It isn't rare to see her play and sing for a small crowd in a city, nor is it rare to witness her arts by a shrine of Sallana.


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Lord of Altera

"To the start of my eternity."

Tier I
|| As Aziryn stood over a cauldron, researching the alchemical concoctions she'd been so fascinated with, she soon noticed the peculiar hue her brew had gained. The color was unmistakable; a deep red that reminded her of blood. Intrigued and the slightest unsettled, she reached her hand into the mixture. To her horror, or perhaps awe, she found that it wasn't just a potion she had prepared. It was blood. Bones, too, surfaced from the depths, and it wasn't until much later in the night that Aziryn realized what she had truly created. The cauldron was no longer a mere vessel for her experiments but a testament to something new.
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