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Saint of Giving

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- ] C H A R I T Y [ -
The Saint of Giving

Starting as a being of curiousity with no real name, she took on the title of 'Charity' for it closely resembled that of her core strengths. Appearing as a gentle womanly figure, tall and looming wearing long robes of glittering grandeur. She is often ethreal, pale, and wisp-like. A figment that finds ease and purpose in charitable actions and gift giving, she tends to emerge in places that have need of her, to partake and encourage the actions of charity. She is benevolent and innocent, aware of the limits of her powers, but still desires to aid those in need.


SYMBOL || A Mistletoe above a Bell​
COLOURS || White, Iceblue​
ENTITY || Figment​
TITLES || The Saint of Giving​
SIGNS || The coming of snow in odd places. The jingling of bells. Ethreal glowing wisps that carry the laughter of children.​
» The Gods do not mind her existence​
» Jax cares little for her​

elz solus​
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