Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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[Request] A political chart


King's Hand
With the end of the GoC and Draco getting king, the leadership of Lonmar and its allies has started to work out a constitution for Altera.

As you may see this chart is still simple, boring and not very medieval.
So maybe one of you, great artist of Altera, can design something more beautiful.
Lonmar's sigil can be found on the Wiki (and somewhere on the forums).

If we decide to use one of your products, Lonmar will pay you of course, and we are King, so we will pay good ;)

Thanks in advance
Tomahawk777 (Ulrych Lonmar - King's Hand)


Lord of Altera
so this is a structure for the leadership of Altera right?
the map should be made to include all the different factions of Altera: bandits, druids, barbarians, earthspawn, elves and the power structures withing those races and cults as well. Another idea would be to include the various houses of Altera and eachs importance and power within Altera on a big "power" map. Also groups not aligned with the "alteran royalty" (eg bandits) should be made clear on the map. A lot of work i know but it would be awsome :p

if someone more experienced in Alteran lore could post a simple power structure map i would be happy to illustrate it


King's Hand
Ummm...I don't know I you got what that should show, its just how Lonmar and its allies will rule Altera, because they won the Silver Crown.
So it doesn't have to do anything with races and cultures.
But you can also do such kind of Map...after you made me the chart illustrated! :D