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-=[ Rank Up Requests ]=-


Events Staff
Very Sweet
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Should you feel that your character is ready to be given a rank up in the divine system, you may post on this thread to request such. In posting the guidelines of your tier and how you believe you have achieved them, divine staff can review your request and get back to you with a response. If you are rejected, you cannot apply again for one OOC week. If you are accepted, you will be requested to make an event or sermon in which the rank-up can be achieved in game.

There may be a day, week, or longer pending on your rank up, do not contact divine staff privately nor bump this thread. We will check it regularly but may opt to clump requests together. Divine Artifacts at T2/T4 are for you to submit on the thread [here] only once you have achieved those ranks in game and in full.

Please ensure that your rank up request only includes the progress made from the point of your last rank up if applicable. Events from before T1 do not count on your way to T2, for example.

The thread for guidelines can be found [here].

Note: If you feel uncomfortable to take this to a public thread you may also take it to Divine Staff in a private conversation on the forums.

If you would prefer the rank up to be done in-game (in an event or general roleplay) rather than on the forums, this is possible, but will depend on if Divine Staff are available at that time and will take some scheduling. You can make a ticket or contact a member of the team to inquire. This is only available to T2 and above, all T1 applications will only be given a rank up via an emote.
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Lord of Altera
Karn - T4 Request

Show extended worship, with three months OOC since achieving T3.-

Karn has been T3 for over a year. This has been long coming.

Must have a significance presence in the world as an embodiment of the virtues of their divine. Must make a constant effort to guide and foster their faith through either significant personal acts or active participation in events.-

Karn holds the words of his divine to great heart. A hefty amount of resolve can be shown. When I think the word Skraagite, I think of Branko and Karn even if two seem vastly different when interacted with. Karn shows his dedication to his faith as he deems what he has done as, "my life's work". My busy work life keeps me busy from events but this has not stopped the use of Karn to be a quest giver of sorts. He has guided and fostered quite a few. Hellmann being a successful one, as he helps steer her on a destined path.

Must hold at least one sermon in which they explain their own unique views and understanding of their Divine.-

Karn has done this on 1/25/21, a sermon where he publicly expressed his unique views and understanding of his divine. He actively expresses his views when in discussion with the thoughts of the good Skraag brings to their realm. Either it be through undead and etc.

An event held to sanctify an area/region in the name of their Divine, or the creation of a larger secondary shrine/church.-

6/15/21 Karn sanctified the swamp where he has made home. A large shrine within an underground temple that has been slowly carved into the land.

Must be part of or create an organization dedicated to their Divine.-

Karn has his cult, The Children of the Wight. Though he is leaning to reforming it to better suit public eye.

Must show further evidence of having a unique view and understanding of their Divine and their faith. To truly show how they differ, and what faith means to them personally.-

Shown in Aryn's hunt of a snake demon, Karn isn't quite like what other Skraagites have shown themselves as. Karn being much of a talker and holding a firm grasp on his Divine. Even with his own personal tenets upon pillars of his place of worship. Some favorites as,

"Collect and harvest. Recycle, use every scrap."

"The world requires balance. Life, there is rot. There is death, then there is undeath."

"Make your will strong, learn from thy Eternal Father. Our strength and power of will are gifts from him."

"Blood is thicker than water, do not betray your immortal family."

Must have at least ten instances in their divine log where they have personally done something significant in the name of their faith separate to the event(s) above.-

1. Skraag instructed Karn earlier to kill his untrue followers. Belial was murdered as he designated Branko to do orchestrate the act 4/29. Antone was kidnapped. Orchestrated by Karn and he was terrorized mentally and inspired fear through him as he also betrayed Karn being a sought after disciple.

2. A version of the Trials of Skraag was attempted to be revived in his name. Maebh was to be kidnapped and used in it, but Karn ended up killing her while under a chase. Karn was met with resistance from the people that tried to play hero. Tylla, Lilith, and Karn himself died. 8/9/20

3. Karn has been luring people in with Glimpses of Immortality. Using the spell to mark them and obtain things in exchange. More with the intent in some way the markings ties the individual's souls to his God. Tainting them. Doggett 12/5/20 Fizzydrink’s Jishrimite, and one other.

4.A hunt for a Demon, One Karn had a hand in releasing. Karn sacrificed knowledge to Know in order to learn where one of the demons was. Karn seeks out these demons in hopes it will weaken Jishrim, for they are of his ilk. 1/25/21

5. Karn has been pushing the expansion of his line in the name of Skraag ever since he sired it. With attempts to organize the Vyres under him when he was a Sire. Once he was sired again he aimed to further it's expansion subtlety. Karn's line had hit nine on 3/10/21

6. Karn still following words given to him by Skraag, "Expand my cult, empower me". Hellmann has been taken under Karn's wing 3/16/21 through his guidance and teachings she has risen herself to T2. Hellmann accepted into the Children of the Wight when she hit T1.

7. Karn has given his Fluich to Skraag in SL 3/16/21, when there was events happening around SL involving his Lord.

8. A prophet of Skraag came to Karn and asked for Karn and Branko to aid their Lord with his doings in the Landing. With approval, a Kaiser Scorpion then given as well. 3/21/21

9. A long time ago, Karn has vowed he would replace undead that kept being slain in the Lost Frontier. If you look upon previous casting of raising undead, Karn has raised 26 undead. Most of those being depose, undead to wander the Frontier.

10. Actively Karn seeks relics and pieces that hold Skraags power. This being through deals and gathering information, being a cunning Greyling that he is. He has sent even people to start sniffing out paths to these items. Such as the Cloak of Decay. Not to empower himself, but to keep such items within the rightful hands of his followers. Regarding this Karn seeks to empower Skraags name in new ways, currently going about to bring a better light of the public eye to Skraag's name. To encourage acceptance and mutual ground with Mages and Blessed such as Aryn.

An offering of something of great personal value to the character themselves given to their Divine. Include evidence of why this offering is of importance and significance.-

What comes to mind for this character I have watched for years grow and change. Is the spiritual offering of Karn's people. The Greylings. Karn wants so badly for them to come back that he offers what remains of them. The offering has not been offered verbally or done in an event, but is there on a deeper level as character interact. Through the wish Branko asked, which gave birth to a miracle child. A Greyling. Karn has pushed and raised her to worship Skraag. For the great personal offering Karn is giving Skraag is the fate of the Greylings. Even what all he has left of his kind, birthed from a miracle. The Greyling child feels it is right as well. Agreeing to take Karn's mantle once he is gone. To do what he may fail to do in his place.

This means beyond anything to Karn. For once the wish was made by Branko. Karn would not leave the embryo, till the child was born. The child being the future of his people. The greatest offering non-verbally to Skraag he could make. She will one day be in his hands.

The character will also be contacted via a divine servant in some form when they are T3, and an Oath will be sworn. Include this in your T4 rank-up application:
Oath sworn:

Karn in the past has given an Oath to Skraag that he will protect his land from invaders, as well that he will be in service to Skraag till his end. These have been sworn long ago, I would like to have something fresher and for T4 if I have met all requirements. This either serving as the new Sanctified lands guard in this life and when he meets his end transitioning into possible undeath.


Events Staff
Very Sweet
In order to first become tier two, the following requirements should be met;

Show extended worship, with one month OOC since achieving Blessed status. CHECK! divine logs full of proof!
Must significantly contribute to (by attending) or host at least two events which are of thematic significance to their divine. The Descent and The Sanctuary, Girl was there to patch up the wounded fomr the Construct Ship and participated in the creation inf a new Divine Ground for Shallerana Links to both event threads are in the Divine log
The character should keep something on them that represents their Divine personally. (Items, Clothing, etc) She's always had a painted bead with Shallereanas symbol on a leather strap that she wears as a bracelet,. The woolen Gambeson from her son has the white tree on tea green patch of the right arm and I'm making a skin to show it
Must create a small shrine to their Divine, and grant it an offering. (Must be an item, check notes at the top of the page.) Valtae and Fronslin worked together carving out a 1 meter statue form stone in the Archons image, as he gave selflessly of himself for Mortalkind even when he wasn't known or asked for such a gift. (that he didn't understand the implications of the gift is forgivable, he does not see the world the same way as mortals). This was done over the course of a week and retained until the perfect site was found for a shrine at a grove tree that was lost to to time and grew wild.
Must have at least five instances in their divine log where they have personally done something significant seen favorably by their Divine separate to the event(s) above.
  • With Lorabella in attendance Tae lead a prayer in thanks for the All Mother showing the lost Caparii soul to civilization after she was abandoned by her own father in the woods. Tae offered to the All mother a Shimmerroot in a pot she kept and raised while the child offered the stick that she used for self defense prior to being found at the White Willow Hospital. Odd offerings to be sure but heartfelt.
  • The entirety of the Hospital log, too many entries since t1 to list individually
  • What an amazing discovery! Valtae and Fronslin have taken it upon themselves to steward an abandoned Eldnari tree, together they began working on a shrine using the local rocks from the area, They construct the beginnings of Faith in their newfound home. Etching tenets into set standing stones by the roots. The beginnings are there. But this marks the first act of significance for the newfound village out of time. Their plans are to dedicate their efforts to Shalherana, building a place to aid her other faithful, and people that may need it.
  • Tae opened her own hospital in Linistel that's associated with the cult she's a part of, The White Iris. Too many vyres in landing and seeing the revolving door of patients shortening by being turned made her desire a retreat where she could mend people to be safe instead of becoming another persons snack.
  • A patient vyre in the landing was eating an animal to avoid harming people, and was caught by someone and stabbed, Valtae treated Trinsel using Healing Hand 1 for her stab wound, and learned that she needed to eat flesh of people. She felt bad that the vyre could not take care of herself without harming something else and does not know if she willingly turned. Feeling conflicted, She still decided to heal her anyway, And perhaps talk with other people about the vyre curse and it’s recent changes.
Valtae feels her powers grow, vines sprouting nearby and a couple butterflies taking to landing upon her forearm. They leave glowing marks that fade into her skin, and with that she feels rejuvenated and revitalised. The brief sense of a great presence lingers at the back of her mind before it fades, and she is changed.

- Valtae is now T2, you may RP this accordingly but you can submit an Artifact now that will be delivered when ready. -​

Show worship of a Divine for at least one month OOC from the creation of a divine profile/thread.Nuvan has been worshipping Korog for one month OOC, I created the log on 5/14/21, and it's 6/14/21
The character must be at least two months old OOC.I've been playing Nuvan for around 2 1/2 months OOC.
The character must be at least sixteen years of age.Nuvan is 42 years old IC.
Must significantly contribute to (by attending) or host an event which is of thematic significance to their divine.5/21/21: Successfully held a sermon of Korog within the Great Cathedral of Storm's Landing. The sermon was about dwarven creation and Korog's Tenets. It gathered about 12 players, from what I could see. It lasted about 30-45 minutes. Among the audience was King Thordil Barumur himself! After asking about how to further gain his god's favor, he learned the directions to Aeroch Rimtar, Korog's Holy Ground.

5/29/21: Visited Praes Divina, and partook in the various events that were there on that day. (The Gathering of Faiths)

((I'm not sure if this one counts))
Three notable acts in line with their Divine (Hunting, Healing, Bartering, etc) separate to the event(s) above.5/17/21: Prayed to Korog for guidance in making a bronze sword with his neck injury. The sword has Korog's holy symbol embedded into the crossguard.

5/20/21: Said a prayer to Korog while forging a dwarven hatchet out of Irzis-Fyr.

5/22/21: Prayed to Korog in making an Irzis-Fyr arming sword. The sword has Korog's holy symbol in the crossguard, and he plans to offer it to Korog's Shrine.

6/10/21: Prayed for guidance to Korog while finishing a riveted chainmail hauberk, the first of its kind he's ever made.

6/12/21: Made a pair of Korog Holy Symbols, one he hangs at the front desk of his smithy, and another he wears around his neck each day. They're both smithed of gold and bear his initials.
One offering of an item to their Divine at the Grand Cathedral. (Place in hoppers.)5/23/21: Offered the Irzis-Fyr arming sword to Korog's Shrine, praying "Korog, King o' Kings, please accept me' offerin'."
Nuvan finds that when he next works on a crafted item, his energy does not waiver until its completion. He makes one of the best things he's yet made, and he can hear the faint call of dwarven song in the area. He feels empowered, after, and proud.

- Nuvan is now T1. -​

Determination - Tier One

Show worship of a Divine for at least one month OOC from the creation of a divine profile/thread: Here -> [X]

The character must be at least two months old OOC: (Was told to post none the less in this case)

The character must be at least sixteen years of age: They are 122

Must significantly contribute to (by attending) or host an event which is of thematic significance to their divine: Lead the Hunt in This (And was the iniatied member): [X], (Main one for this is the first, but this event was also held in the name of their divine) Lead the burning and Sacrficed a fabled item. [X]

Three notable acts in line with their Divine (Hunting, Healing, Bartering, etc) separate to the event(s) above:

  • Conflagration: Burnt down a part of the forest, being stopped by Shalherana and Theodra before Determination could destroy it all.

  • Life: Brought an exotic plant to Jishrim’s holy forest to raise and spread in his name

  • Misery/Suffering: Tore out the eye of thier own child to sacrifice to thier god.

One offering of an item to their Divine at the Grand Cathedral. (Place in hoppers.): Gave the eye of her child at the cathedral, and sacrificed a fabled item (Sanguine Rapier) at the burning event.
They wake up wrapped in a web cocoon that they struggle to escape from. Eyes, matching that of their child, appear on the inside to look at them, and the sounds of fire crackling and burning is all around them. The cocoon splits, and they fall to the ground with a thud with no trace of flame nor the cocoon itself. Several sets of hands are felt on their arms to help them stand, and then there is nothing but the lingering sensation of vertigo for the next few hours.

- Determination is now T1. -

The above are done, but I know theres a few outstanding. I will go over Eimar and Karn later today and see where Thure is via ticket. Not forgotten. :)


Events Staff
Very Sweet
Ignis - Tier 3
Show extended worship, with two months OOC since achieving T2.received tier 2 on 1/14/2021
Must significantly contribute to (by attending) or host at least five events which are of thematic significance to their divine.1.1/18/2021: Cassius held a meeting in Haven regarding [REDACTED] with [REDACTED]. Thure was there are contributed to it, Syynove was a theme.
Explanation: Thure attended the event, and this event was regarding the collective faith of ignis acting together to restore order to the world. (if that is not enough, I can explain in dm's as it is sensitive information)
2.5/30/2021: Thure hosted a Sermon at his church in Harding
Explanation: Thure spoke on how to bring order to the world and what limitations ignites have, as well on touched on the definition of heresy.

3.4/82021: Defending the Monastery of the eternal flame in the sorrows
Explanation: Its a Monastery to Ignis that thure is patron of.
4.3/28/2021: Went to and contributed to a sermon where Synnove gave us a mission
Explanation: Thure was in attendance, and further gave the closing prayers
5.4/2/2021: Sought Glory in a hunt for Drakodos
Explanation: Killing and hunting a Drakodo is a feat that brings glory, as they are difficult to kill. Before the hunt Thure prayed and dedicated the hunt to synnove, as a way to achieve glory in her name.
The character must have earnest and genuine faith to their Divinevery much so
Evidence of a more unique understanding and outlook towards their own faith.Thure has a unique understanding of the Nobility respect tennet in regards to what constitutes nobility. It is a sort of combination from the old understanding of being born into it, and Podric's idea on earning it.
Edit: To elaborate on the understanding: Thure believes that nobility is born into, but those who are born into it must continue great works, deeds, actions, and character in order to keep their nobility. Further one who is born of none noble bloodlines can raise themselves to become noble through great works, deeds, actions, and character. This effects his worship because he believes that one of the things that ignites must do to worship is to achieve nobility, as well as respect those who are noble.
Must show evidence in their log of teaching another something thematic to their Divine. (Hunting, Fighting, Dancing, etc)3/22/2021: Thure held a small conversation seeking to convert Alfonso
Must have at least five instances in their divine log where they have personally done something significant in the name of their faith.
1. 2/20/21: Completed the Tower of Synnove in his castle.
2. 3/11/21: Completed and Christened the Church of the Pheonix in the town of Harding
3. 3/11/12: Defended the church and town from Killroxian raiders as they seiged the town, burning all the dead.
5. 3/22/2021: Thure used the Sanctuary of Light in his Tower of Synnove to find the trueth behind Alfonso's criminal past.
Explanation: Thure used the power of synnove to discover the trueth about crimes related to jishrim, for the purpose of allowing, or not allowing a man to serve in the towns guard to preserve order, as well as possibly uncover a heretic. Which serves her tennets and mantles
[To Guide Another]
Ultimately they must guide another into the rank of T1 and showcase at least ten ways they assisted doing so. This can be through lessons, discussions, or other ways you feel are significant in the journey of the student. They must reach T1 before you can apply for T3.
1.Adopted Elexana as began teaching her about the path of synnove and nobility
Explanation: He adopted Elexana, raising her to nobility to further her worship of ignis, as is inline with his unique understanding of the faith and worship
2. Taught her how to act nobly as a noble lady
He would give her lessons on how to remain calm and orderly under pressure from people who sought her harm (Astrum incident)
3. Taught her how to act truthfully as a noble lady
Explanation: He would teach her how to answer questions from other people in a truthful way, while also not breaking her oath
4.Put her on house lockdown to re-teach her how to act nobly
Explanation: He would then teach her how to act in a manner befitting a noble, and not lash out at people she did not like, but instead keep order in her mind and control her emotions.
5. put her on house lockdown to re-teach her how to show respect
Explanation: He would teach her how to again keep her emotions in check, and show respect to those of wealth and power regardless of her feelings towards them. (Asher Incident)
6. put her on house lockdown when she became a vyre, and brought marceau to cleanse her vyrism
Explanation: He would seek to aid her in expelling the skraag curse from her body inorder to aid her in her worship
7. Taught her again how to show respect again
Explanation: Taught her to show respect to her father and lord. This would be in regards to the tennets that call for respect for those of nobility, power, and wealth
8. Taught her again how to act nobly again
Explanation: He would teach her that sometimes it is best to remain quite, to gather the truth behind other people who wish to talk. this further allows you not to lie as you are not speaking. It could also allow you to uncover a murderer, or a Heretic, that both would need to be sought out, due to the tennets.
9. Taught her about his new perspective on nobility
Explanation: He would teach her his unique understanding on nobility
10. Taught her how to deal with problems, through legal means, so as not to break the law. JM was also present
Explanation: He would instruct her that as ignites we cannot break the law, even if the law is wrong. This was in regards to the Ashen Truth, and her want to act against them. But thure informed her that they are protected by kalstaat law, and if they go elsewhere are protected by their laws. And thus we cannot directly move against them unless they break the laws of a region they are visiting.
11. Taught her again how to act nobly and with respect (synnove cult swearing in ceremony)
Explanation: Here he would teach her how to show respect and act nobly by instructing her it is wrong to ask for a holy brand on an unauthorized location.

New Student:
1. 6/1/21Taught Leonhardt about offerings to Synnove and how it is of value to worship her.
[To Great Lengths]
They must showcase ten additional instances of significance in the name of their Divine. These should be of importance, be it through protecting a group, hunting down something of significance, the poisoning of a town, or some other action. Why these actions are considered significant should also be added to your logs, how your character personally feels them necessary or important.
1. 3/25/2021: Thure defended an Emberlark from Griffon, Thure oversaw the healing of an Emberlark before later releasing it back to the wild
Explanation: Thure concideres the Emberlark to be a holy creature for synnove as it is related to fire.
4. 6/1/2021: Thure translated an ancient Harateth plate for his student Leonhardt
Explanation: This is significant because thure believes that things of old harateth are still worthy of being praised and acknowledged because harateth died and rose again as Synnove. Translating the plate would help preserve the history of the faith and spreads its knowledge.
5.6/1/2021: Thure used the the Tower of Synnove to discover the facts about some vyres, including their weaknesses
This has been taken to tickets, so I'll delete posts for now and keep it to tickets. Ghost is on a bit of a break for the time being but I've not forgotten.

In order to first become tier three, the following requirements should be met;

Show extended worship, with two months OOC since achieving T2. Jan 02 2021
Must significantly contribute to (by attending) or host at least five events which are of thematic significance to their divine.

  1. PLanned the foothold event and led it.- Significant to the divine as it was to secure the blight land protect the people and help push back the blighted area to a smaller foothold.
  2. Held the blessing of a shrine and garden grounds dedicated to warriors and the learning of warriors.- Eimar held a blessing attended to by a few where he dedicated the first stage of the temple to valiant the garden grounds the upper portion devoted to southern ways and ideals while the lower half is a forest. Always to be kept wild with an outdoor camp and seating devoted in honor to the warriors of thedora for all they have done protecting innocents,hunting down evil, and defending the realm from monsters. So that they may teach warriors at the temple the ways of archery and the skill of bows, how to fight and combat creatures that normal warriors would not have to fight, may they always find safety and comfort for their deeds in the gardens of valiant. While also honoring Candice Kane for her first small fight against creatures of evil and what she displayed showing no fear in the face of them, trying to protect those around her and managing to kill one of the creatures spilling her first blood in battle honoring her with a shield and axe so she may continue her path.He then offered up a kite shield,boar spear, and seax while he walked around anoting the various armors with holy oil in the sign of the sword. Asking for valiant to protect those there and to bless the shrine and offer this place his protection for the warriors who may be wounded recovering and learning in the place. Finally not expected eimar offered up one thing that was precious to him his masterwork helm to valiant as he preformed a baptism blessing the pregnant mother of his child to baptis the baby in valiants name promising to love the child unconditionally and to protect him and their mother regardless of what may happen between the pair in life.
  3. Held an event to teach others the art and basics of horsemanship and how to ride and fight.- Thematic as it teaches people how to the martial fight upon horseback.
  4. Held an event to teach and spread clans stories and teachings of tata and Theodora's relationship. - of importance as it spreads the cults and clans views on the relationship of theodra.
  5. Held a large council to gather support and ideas to help contain the blight. held a dedication to the small valiant shrine at the location after the meeting as well. - A promotion of the workings of valiant to help others and find support to attack the blight/ shrine establishment.
The character must have earnest and genuine faith to their Divine.
Evidence of a more unique understanding and outlook towards their own faith.
Must show evidence in their log of teaching another something thematic to their Divine. (Hunting, Fighting, Dancing, etc)

  1. Teaching elwin basic of valiant and the ways his order and himself view and aid others without force and how they follow valiant and defense with a sword.

Must have at least five instances in their divine log where they have personally done something significant in the name of their faith separate to the event(s) above.
  1. Consulted and helped to plan the ambush and such for the figment ambush to end its terror over people.-significant as the being is a figment and has been gathering power extracting it from people and becoming a threat. To what he was told even the gods look down upon this and he was proactive to help end this threat to the people and the gods.
  2. Established a fort on the blights front steps.- has built the first stage of the fort the rest is on pause at the moment due to ooc blight stuff with lore. And established a blessed spell he maintains permenatly there that gives valiant a permanent presence at the edge of it.
  3. Took wounds meant for Kam unto himself, letting her continue to fight a blight creature.- When Kam was defending him while he was casting the spell STRONGHOLD. It was going to be a savage wound he took unto himself so she could continue to fight the creatures of the blight.
  4. He took the wounds from marian and Aelyth after their brawl. - after watching their fight in the tavern and stopping aelyth from continuing to hurt marian when she could no longer fight. He took their wounds onto himself for a time to ease their pain for their great skill at combat.
  5. Took wounds from Sophe after she was assaulted.- Sophia was badly wounded and left outside the hospital he took her wounds upon himself so that he could mover her and she could live enduring the pain in her place.

[To Great Lengths]
They must showcase ten additional instances of significance in the name of their Divine. These should be of importance, be it through protecting a group, hunting down something of significance, the poisoning of a town, or some other action. Why these actions are considered significant should also be added to your logs, how your character personally feels them necessary or important.

  1. Told the landing and warn of a prison break meant for uriel.- Due to the breaking of the law and justice he overheard the planned prison break and warned not only the landing but all other cities of the possibilities of such.
  2. Used redirect to direct undead back unto himself/bolster to inspire others while fighting the undead at the tavern.-Protected people who were about to hit and overwhelmed by undead to make them focus on himself. Then re-invigorated the people there with a war cry so they could fight on to wipe out the undead taint.
  3. He refused to burn the clinic full of undead, not knowing if innocents lay inside moving in by himself to try and rescue any that may be left inside.- To protect those that may still be left inside as no one knew eimar did not want to risk it and went in by himself to try and find if anyone was left alive almost resulting in his death.
  4. Aided in the defense of the valley against corrupted creatures.-Fought with the Theodrians against blighted birds and bovin to help put them down before they could harm anyone, ended up getting infected and fighting thryss and lost.
  5. Helping investigate for the kidnapped people from bokra- Contacted both marian and Elwin when they were kidnapped gathered clues to help rescue them from the jishrimites, plans where stopped when they were returned back to the cathedral.
  6. Took up a challenge to fight Thryss in hand-to-hand combat.-They joked about it for awhile before she finally fought him in a honorable fight even if they both were a bit edgy from jishrimite infection.
  7. promised to work with the glasses against quiq, excluding those of jishrim or skraag origins.-Gathered support of various organizations to help rid the world of corruption and eliminate such a large threat from the world, refused jishrimite help.
  8. Fought and helped put down the undead in the sewers of the landing helping to protect those that was with him.- Joined a party and personally killed 5 undead minor zobies and protected 2 people who were in trouble in the sewers to cleanse it of skraags taint.
  9. Challenged and fought the large anhadler being in the sewers almost dying but defeating him with help in the end.- A large seven or eight foot tall anhalder showed up leading the zombies eimar used his divine ability to challenge the being and fought him, almost dying in the process before the being was killed.
  10. With the return of Raal he returned to her service and upheld his oaths made to her and the family. -Kept his oathsworn oaths and duties and returned to Raal's side as soon as she returned picking up right where they had left off.
  11. Helped and aided the hospital in the landing standing guard to protect the people inside, during the landing crisis.- Watched over and protected the innocents and defenseless for days on end staying at the landing hospital during the crisis.
  12. Donated 30k to the landing coffers so they could renovate and update the sewers, and add posts for the guards in them to help limit dangerous creatures in its depths. -Donated a vast amount of money that seems to have gone away in a effort to improve the living conditions of all the people in the landing and help bring everyone to a more equal plane of living.
  13. Has dedicated the entire mountain area in onora to the future divine and holy ground for warriors to rest heal, and learn the various arts devoted to valiant and to bring his name forth.(Currently in stage one as the garden is growing, having hired Valtae to lay out and build it in the harsh environment.) -self explanatory
  14. Helped sort out a disagreement in the valley between Dayton and another Vyre, getting them to agree to a proper duel then he oversaw it ensuring the terms were met. -The two were going to kill each other over a disagreement he then got them to agree to a duel together with terms and conditions to fight honorably and settle the matter.
  15. Tried to strategically find a way out when confronted by multiple jishrimites and Rolland, ended up fighting Rolland trying to talk him out of it and reason with his brother, but ended up fighting at a severe disadvantage even though it wound up in his death. -Tried to guide rolland back onto the path of valiant for a few moments while trying not to sacrifice his own life needless even though int he end was fruitless.
  16. Confronted Cassandra at the landing ball, and informed her he would not let her to the best of his ability to abuse the word and oath he swore to her. He would keep his oath but would not allow her to manipulate it for Jishrims gain in life. - Was a topic of contention between him and valiant from his time being captured a second time by brood mother, he finally stood up to her over the oath and while he will keep it he wont let it harm others at the cost of it.
For the time being, this is denied with some recent RP developments. We'll discuss how to approach it and get back to you.


don't sit on ladybugs
Lore Staff
Show worship of a Divine for at least one month OOC from the creation of a divine profile/thread.
[x] Divine profile was created on 03/20/2021

The character must be at least two months old OOC.
Character profile was created 03/08/2021, but she's been around for longer than that.

The character must be at least sixteen years of age.

She is currently around 16-17 (profile may be out of date, i have NOT been updating it at all, rip)

Must significantly contribute to (by attending) or host an event which is of thematic significance to their divine.

x] Echoes, [06/18/2021] Candice participated in the hunting of giant spiders living inside the ravine of Queensport, injuring multiple in the process.

x] Queensport Contracts [06/17/2021] Candice snuck behind the party going, packed with medical aid, and hiding her scent. (While she was sort of hiding in a bush waiting to be needed, I still am placing this here in case it can be of use.)

Three notable acts in line with their Divine (Hunting, Healing, Bartering, etc) separate to the event(s) above.
Helped slay a group of maulerkins outside of the SL Cathedral, managing to kill one that was clinging to Avalyn's leg.

Went on a hunt with Leighton Altham, taking her very first kill south of Eldpoint. She later took the deer's bones and used them in her carving, which she later gave both as gifts to her friends as a sign of trust and loyalty, but also to Theodra herself, at the cathedral.
(That'll be talked about later though-)

Heled Tylla create a shrine in Praes Divina, making something that she felt would be representative of her understanding of the companionship that the Goddess brings; a stew pot and load of pillows, meant for storytelling and post-hunt fun.

Participated in Aryn and Aelyth's pre-wedding hunt. This was her very first, and she did her best to keep up with it all.
(she did not do very well, though. rip.)

Got a tattoo based primarily off of her main offering to Theodra, but also her understanding and growth of her perception of the goddess (A skull, but also an apple. Haha, funnee.)

One offering of an item to their Divine at the Grand Cathedral. (Place in hoppers.)
Offered Theodra a hand-carved pendant made of bone, shaped to look like a skull. It was made of the femur of her first ever successful hunt kill. She had a quiet talk with Theodra about her faith and her future, and accidentally called her mom.

(Please say if I need to add more, im speed writing this, and might have skipped over something-)


Events Staff
Very Sweet
Karn - T4 Request

Show extended worship, with three months OOC since achieving T3.-

Karn has been T3 for over a year. This has been long coming.

Must have a significance presence in the world as an embodiment of the virtues of their divine. Must make a constant effort to guide and foster their faith through either significant personal acts or active participation in events.-

Karn holds the words of his divine to great heart. A hefty amount of resolve can be shown. When I think the word Skraagite, I think of Branko and Karn even if two seem vastly different when interacted with. Karn shows his dedication to his faith as he deems what he has done as, "my life's work". My busy work life keeps me busy from events but this has not stopped the use of Karn to be a quest giver of sorts. He has guided and fostered quite a few. Hellmann being a successful one, as he helps steer her on a destined path.

Must hold at least one sermon in which they explain their own unique views and understanding of their Divine.-

Karn has done this on 1/25/21, a sermon where he publicly expressed his unique views and understanding of his divine. He actively expresses his views when in discussion with the thoughts of the good Skraag brings to their realm. Either it be through undead and etc.

An event held to sanctify an area/region in the name of their Divine, or the creation of a larger secondary shrine/church.-

6/15/21 Karn sanctified the swamp where he has made home. A large shrine within an underground temple that has been slowly carved into the land.

Must be part of or create an organization dedicated to their Divine.-

Karn has his cult, The Children of the Wight. Though he is leaning to reforming it to better suit public eye.

Must show further evidence of having a unique view and understanding of their Divine and their faith. To truly show how they differ, and what faith means to them personally.-

Shown in Aryn's hunt of a snake demon, Karn isn't quite like what other Skraagites have shown themselves as. Karn being much of a talker and holding a firm grasp on his Divine. Even with his own personal tenets upon pillars of his place of worship. Some favorites as,

"Collect and harvest. Recycle, use every scrap."

"The world requires balance. Life, there is rot. There is death, then there is undeath."

"Make your will strong, learn from thy Eternal Father. Our strength and power of will are gifts from him."

"Blood is thicker than water, do not betray your immortal family."

Must have at least ten instances in their divine log where they have personally done something significant in the name of their faith separate to the event(s) above.-

1. Skraag instructed Karn earlier to kill his untrue followers. Belial was murdered as he designated Branko to do orchestrate the act 4/29. Antone was kidnapped. Orchestrated by Karn and he was terrorized mentally and inspired fear through him as he also betrayed Karn being a sought after disciple.

2. A version of the Trials of Skraag was attempted to be revived in his name. Maebh was to be kidnapped and used in it, but Karn ended up killing her while under a chase. Karn was met with resistance from the people that tried to play hero. Tylla, Lilith, and Karn himself died. 8/9/20

3. Karn has been luring people in with Glimpses of Immortality. Using the spell to mark them and obtain things in exchange. More with the intent in some way the markings ties the individual's souls to his God. Tainting them. Doggett 12/5/20 Fizzydrink’s Jishrimite, and one other.

4.A hunt for a Demon, One Karn had a hand in releasing. Karn sacrificed knowledge to Know in order to learn where one of the demons was. Karn seeks out these demons in hopes it will weaken Jishrim, for they are of his ilk. 1/25/21

5. Karn has been pushing the expansion of his line in the name of Skraag ever since he sired it. With attempts to organize the Vyres under him when he was a Sire. Once he was sired again he aimed to further it's expansion subtlety. Karn's line had hit nine on 3/10/21

6. Karn still following words given to him by Skraag, "Expand my cult, empower me". Hellmann has been taken under Karn's wing 3/16/21 through his guidance and teachings she has risen herself to T2. Hellmann accepted into the Children of the Wight when she hit T1.

7. Karn has given his Fluich to Skraag in SL 3/16/21, when there was events happening around SL involving his Lord.

8. A prophet of Skraag came to Karn and asked for Karn and Branko to aid their Lord with his doings in the Landing. With approval, a Kaiser Scorpion then given as well. 3/21/21

9. A long time ago, Karn has vowed he would replace undead that kept being slain in the Lost Frontier. If you look upon previous casting of raising undead, Karn has raised 26 undead. Most of those being depose, undead to wander the Frontier.

10. Actively Karn seeks relics and pieces that hold Skraags power. This being through deals and gathering information, being a cunning Greyling that he is. He has sent even people to start sniffing out paths to these items. Such as the Cloak of Decay. Not to empower himself, but to keep such items within the rightful hands of his followers. Regarding this Karn seeks to empower Skraags name in new ways, currently going about to bring a better light of the public eye to Skraag's name. To encourage acceptance and mutual ground with Mages and Blessed such as Aryn.

An offering of something of great personal value to the character themselves given to their Divine. Include evidence of why this offering is of importance and significance.-

What comes to mind for this character I have watched for years grow and change. Is the spiritual offering of Karn's people. The Greylings. Karn wants so badly for them to come back that he offers what remains of them. The offering has not been offered verbally or done in an event, but is there on a deeper level as character interact. Through the wish Branko asked, which gave birth to a miracle child. A Greyling. Karn has pushed and raised her to worship Skraag. For the great personal offering Karn is giving Skraag is the fate of the Greylings. Even what all he has left of his kind, birthed from a miracle. The Greyling child feels it is right as well. Agreeing to take Karn's mantle once he is gone. To do what he may fail to do in his place.

This means beyond anything to Karn. For once the wish was made by Branko. Karn would not leave the embryo, till the child was born. The child being the future of his people. The greatest offering non-verbally to Skraag he could make. She will one day be in his hands.

The character will also be contacted via a divine servant in some form when they are T3, and an Oath will be sworn. Include this in your T4 rank-up application:
Oath sworn:

Karn in the past has given an Oath to Skraag that he will protect his land from invaders, as well that he will be in service to Skraag till his end. These have been sworn long ago, I would like to have something fresher and for T4 if I have met all requirements. This either serving as the new Sanctified lands guard in this life and when he meets his end transitioning into possible undeath.
This is approved, and I leave you the option of a written emote or an in game appearance to do it. You can also write a new oath to replace the T3 one if you like. You also should start looking at the T4 'extra effect and trinket' or second artifact to get approved, but the T4 transition can happen before those are accepted. Feel free to take this to PM to discuss as well.
Trinket/Artifact guidelines:


He/Him, They/Them
Valiant - tier oneByrne - Quests
Show worship of a Divine for at least one month OOC from the creation of a divine profile/thread. His faith was instilled in December, and the thread was made on February Third.
The character must be at least sixteen years of age.He just hit 16!
Must significantly contribute to (by attending) or host an event which is of thematic significance to their divine. Consecration & Retribution
Three notable acts in line with their Divine (Hunting, Healing, Bartering, etc)1. Being trained by Rolland Schiff, learning much from the man and recieved his first sword from him, Sparksong.
2. He had requested a meeting with Uriel Valhart, the moment he heard of the man, and sent him a adorable letter found here
eventually being adopted by the man after he had learned of his home life, on that day Byrne became a Valhart, ready to take on the training of Uriel as Rolland was dismissed. - Courage
3. Proving his vigilance when he was in the Garden of Jishrim, defending his aunt from who he believed was being attacked, letting her go free when he was offered up, being a hero. He then attempted to save the group before Jishrim brought him back to the cathedral, he then met with Valiant, being told he did well. This was his second time meeting the man. - Conflict/Loyalty/Vigilance
4. "Besting" his father in a joust, winning the joust, a form of battle, honoring him after his death and contributing to his re-exaltment. - War/Honor
5. All the years he spent training his body, the excersize, the art of refining his body and diet to fit his dreams. - Unending Endeavor
One offering of an item to their Divine at the Grand Cathedral. (Place in hoppers.)The lance that he bested Uriel with in the Joust
Last edited:


Exitus acta probat
Lore Staff
Sallana - Tier OneMaya Rosewood [x]
Show worship of a Divine for at least one month OOC from the creation of a divine profile/thread. Profile started on May 16th 2021.
The character must be at least sixteen years of age.Over this threshold.
Must significantly contribute to (by attending) or host an event which is of thematic significance to their divine. Assembly of Sweethearts [x] - The questions that Maya raised during this event eventually turned into the focal point of it. The philosophy of her personal faith, unorthodox though it may be, became a central discussion point between her and all of those gathered, as well as the Blessed of Sallana in attendance.
Three notable acts in line with their Divine (Hunting, Healing, Bartering, etc)
  1. Passion, Hearth, Pleasure - Maya acquired and now resides within the Storm's Landing brothel, known as the Siren's Song. As the owner of it and purveyor of what lies within, she dedicates it all to the Mother Maiden.
  2. Pleasure - The first feeding as a Vyre that Maya has and the euphoria that it brings to her body and mind alike are all dedicated to Sallana.
  3. Tenet Oath - Maya swears a vow at the Cathedral, promising to only ever place her faith and worship within the Mother Maiden, promising to avow herself of the other gods and bring the worship of the Mother Maiden to new heights.
  4. Arts - She has painted a painting, dedicated to the purview of Sallana. It depicts motherhood and the sensation of holding your children for the first time and every time thereafter, the joy that such a motion brings is unrivaled.
One offering of an item to their Divine at the Grand Cathedral. (Place in hoppers.)A fine bottle of champagne that she acquired when she was wed to her first husband.



He/Him, They/Them
Show worship of a Divine for at least one month OOC from the creation of a divine profile/thread.
[x] Divine profile was created on 03/20/2021

The character must be at least two months old OOC.
Character profile was created 03/08/2021, but she's been around for longer than that.

The character must be at least sixteen years of age.

She is currently around 16-17 (profile may be out of date, i have NOT been updating it at all, rip)

Must significantly contribute to (by attending) or host an event which is of thematic significance to their divine.
x] Echoes, [06/18/2021] Candice participated in the hunting of giant spiders living inside the ravine of Queensport, injuring multiple in the process.

x] Queensport Contracts [06/17/2021] Candice snuck behind the party going, packed with medical aid, and hiding her scent. (While she was sort of hiding in a bush waiting to be needed, I still am placing this here in case it can be of use.)

Three notable acts in line with their Divine (Hunting, Healing, Bartering, etc) separate to the event(s) above.
Helped slay a group of maulerkins outside of the SL Cathedral, managing to kill one that was clinging to Avalyn's leg.

Went on a hunt with Leighton Altham, taking her very first kill south of Eldpoint. She later took the deer's bones and used them in her carving, which she later gave both as gifts to her friends as a sign of trust and loyalty, but also to Theodra herself, at the cathedral.
(That'll be talked about later though-)

Heled Tylla create a shrine in Praes Divina, making something that she felt would be representative of her understanding of the companionship that the Goddess brings; a stew pot and load of pillows, meant for storytelling and post-hunt fun.

Participated in Aryn and Aelyth's pre-wedding hunt. This was her very first, and she did her best to keep up with it all.
(she did not do very well, though. rip.)

Got a tattoo based primarily off of her main offering to Theodra, but also her understanding and growth of her perception of the goddess (A skull, but also an apple. Haha, funnee.)

One offering of an item to their Divine at the Grand Cathedral. (Place in hoppers.)
Offered Theodra a hand-carved pendant made of bone, shaped to look like a skull. It was made of the femur of her first ever successful hunt kill. She had a quiet talk with Theodra about her faith and her future, and accidentally called her mom.

(Please say if I need to add more, im speed writing this, and might have skipped over something-)
Candice finally falls asleep after a day of tracking, resting aside in the leaves as she begins to nod off, in her dreams is a vast forest, seemingly endless trees and roots among-st the terrain, she finds herself wandering until she finds herself to the mouth of a cave emanating out into the wilds with howling of wolves, she can barely make way into the cave before it begins to resonate with her soul, the vague silhouettes of many wolves within the cave staring back at her is the last thing she sees before waking up with in a cold sweat.

- Candice is now T1. -


One so Bereft of Light
Retired Staff
These are also remarked on Bennett's profile, with each item referred (i.e. "Guardhouse Training") being noted in the divine log if searched for with CTRL + F. Bennett's not perfect, so take your time to decide if you need it, there's no rush for him to hit T3 in immediate.

Tier III Goals:
  • Show extended worship, with two months OOC since achieving T2. [Since March 1st.]
  • Must significantly contribute to or host at least five events which are of thematic significance to their divine. [5/5, "Guardhouse Training", "The Exalted Spider", "The Trinity"/"Garrison at the Guardhouse", "Reconciling Differences", "Into the Depths".]
  • The character must have earnest and genuine faith to their Divine. [Bennett speaks of Valiant like a role model--the only one that hasn't faltered. The only one that can't.]
  • Evidence of a more unique understanding and outlook towards their own faith. [Bennett's faith differs from the other followers of Valiant in a rejection of the decided 'fatherly' aspects. He holds the values of Murkztob closest of the Court of Conflict.]
  • Must show evidence in their log of teaching another something thematic to their Divine. ["Tour".]
  • Must have at least five instances in their divine log where they have personally done something significant in the name of their faith. [18/5, "The Second Effigy", "Reckoning", "Tour", "The Exalted Spider", "Evacuation", "Garrison at the Guardhouse", "Unfinished Endeavour", "Generational", "Phantoms", "Pilgrimage", "Challenge", "Praes", "The Trial of Rolland", "Once More", "Nothing's Gone Forever", "Web and Ash", "Quarrel", "The Child".
They must also pick one of the following paths:
[To Great Lengths] [13/10]

They must showcase ten additional instances of significance in the name of their Divine. These should be of importance, be it through protecting a group, hunting down something of significance, the poisoning of a town, or some other action. Why these actions are considered significant should also be added to your logs, how your character personally feels them necessary or important.
  1. "Garrison at the Guardhouse": Led the resisting forces at the gate and walls of the guardhouse fighting to ensure that the Landing's undead don't overtake them. Bennett is by no means the one to tilt the scales, but he coordinated the effort to the best of his ability.
  2. "Unfinished Endeavour": Brought together the remnants of the Valiant Order, including his mother--and Jorvun--for Jorvun's funeral. He returns Sunderspear to him.
  3. "Generational": Bennett brings his mother back to believing in Valiant.
  4. "Phantoms": Aided in helping a wounded child, and distracted a wraith that would have otherwise attacked others in the party.
  5. "Pilgrimage": Led a trek into the mountains where the Kilroxian battle had once been had, engaged in an argument with the Angel of Conflict about what to do about the Life schism--Valiant tells him something will be attempted for the sake of the people hurt in the wake of the divine politics (the revived) by Bennett's prompt.
  6. "Challenge": Issued a challenge to someone that had previously antagonized his friends to defend their honour and help put aside issues to help the man.
  7. "Praes": Confronted Bok'ra with Uriel at Praes Divina.
  8. "The Trial of Rolland": Bennett defends Rolland's right to fair trial and attempts to find a more just punishment for his actions than putting him to death.
  9. "Once More": Bennett attempts to rally people into the belief that they could make a dent in Jishrim--that the Spider is afraid of them as much as it stokes fear. The crowd is receptive until Sophie and Illy begin to make a fuss, but Bennett talks them down after offering compromise.
  10. "Nothing's Gone Forever": Among other things, diffused a knife attack and refused to buckle to Jishrim's demands.
  11. "Web and Ash": Bennett, Maebh, Raelur and Umbra kill a Jishrimite spider together.
  12. "Quarrel": Bennett hosts a summoning of the Angel of war, discussing plans to fight back Jishrim with it.
  13. "The Child": Bennett is stabbed in the side and groin, then in the face several times. He guards against Bok'ra as Daeron arrives, then Bennett's borrowed time runs out. He dies trying to save the child from evil hands.
Last edited:


An Alteran Bard
Retired Staff

I've written down the progress in this thread.Just open the spoiler "Completed" and you'll have a comprehensive list :)

Hoping for that first tier :)


sparkles emoji
Valiant - tier oneByrne - Quests
Show worship of a Divine for at least one month OOC from the creation of a divine profile/thread. His faith was instilled in December, and the thread was made on February Third.
The character must be at least sixteen years of age.He just hit 16!
Must significantly contribute to (by attending) or host an event which is of thematic significance to their divine. Consecration & Retribution
Three notable acts in line with their Divine (Hunting, Healing, Bartering, etc)1. Being trained by Rolland Schiff, learning much from the man and recieved his first sword from him, Sparksong.
2. He had requested a meeting with Uriel Valhart, the moment he heard of the man, and sent him a adorable letter found here
eventually being adopted by the man after he had learned of his home life, on that day Byrne became a Valhart, ready to take on the training of Uriel as Rolland was dismissed. - Courage
3. Proving his vigilance when he was in the Garden of Jishrim, defending his aunt from who he believed was being attacked, letting her go free when he was offered up, being a hero. He then attempted to save the group before Jishrim brought him back to the cathedral, he then met with Valiant, being told he did well. This was his second time meeting the man. - Conflict/Loyalty/Vigilance
4. "Besting" his father in a joust, winning the joust, a form of battle, honoring him after his death and contributing to his re-exaltment. - War/Honor
5. All the years he spent training his body, the excersize, the art of refining his body and diet to fit his dreams. - Unending Endeavor
One offering of an item to their Divine at the Grand Cathedral. (Place in hoppers.)The lance that he bested Uriel with in the Joust
-=] [=-
Byrne awakens to the clash of armies and the shouts of dying men, heard from afar, but with no discernible source. Rising from his bed, his heart pounds with the rush of battle—a sense of elation as though he has become invincible. The mirage fades, but with a gift in its wake; the youth is granted a blessing from Valiant, with a tattoo of a shield to denote it. (Location is up to player, as is the color.)


Events Staff
Very Sweet
Sallana - Tier OneMaya Rosewood [x]
Show worship of a Divine for at least one month OOC from the creation of a divine profile/thread. Profile started on May 16th 2021.
The character must be at least sixteen years of age.Over this threshold.
Must significantly contribute to (by attending) or host an event which is of thematic significance to their divine. Assembly of Sweethearts [x] - The questions that Maya raised during this event eventually turned into the focal point of it. The philosophy of her personal faith, unorthodox though it may be, became a central discussion point between her and all of those gathered, as well as the Blessed of Sallana in attendance.
Three notable acts in line with their Divine (Hunting, Healing, Bartering, etc)
  1. Passion, Hearth, Pleasure - Maya acquired and now resides within the Storm's Landing brothel, known as the Siren's Song. As the owner of it and purveyor of what lies within, she dedicates it all to the Mother Maiden.
  2. Pleasure - The first feeding as a Vyre that Maya has and the euphoria that it brings to her body and mind alike are all dedicated to Sallana.
  3. Tenet Oath - Maya swears a vow at the Cathedral, promising to only ever place her faith and worship within the Mother Maiden, promising to avow herself of the other gods and bring the worship of the Mother Maiden to new heights.
  4. Arts - She has painted a painting, dedicated to the purview of Sallana. It depicts motherhood and the sensation of holding your children for the first time and every time thereafter, the joy that such a motion brings is unrivaled.
One offering of an item to their Divine at the Grand Cathedral. (Place in hoppers.)A fine bottle of champagne that she acquired when she was wed to her first husband.
This was discussed over PM with a likely re-submission in time.

These are also remarked on Bennett's profile, with each item referred (i.e. "Guardhouse Training") being noted in the divine log if searched for with CTRL + F. Bennett's not perfect, so take your time to decide if you need it, there's no rush for him to hit T3 in immediate.

Tier III Goals:
  • Show extended worship, with two months OOC since achieving T2. [Since March 1st.]
  • Must significantly contribute to or host at least five events which are of thematic significance to their divine. [5/5, "Guardhouse Training", "The Exalted Spider", "The Trinity"/"Garrison at the Guardhouse", "Reconciling Differences", "Into the Depths".]
  • The character must have earnest and genuine faith to their Divine. [Bennett speaks of Valiant like a role model--the only one that hasn't faltered. The only one that can't.]
  • Evidence of a more unique understanding and outlook towards their own faith. [Bennett's faith differs from the other followers of Valiant in a rejection of the decided 'fatherly' aspects. He holds the values of Murkztob closest of the Court of Conflict.]
  • Must show evidence in their log of teaching another something thematic to their Divine. ["Tour".]
  • Must have at least five instances in their divine log where they have personally done something significant in the name of their faith. [18/5, "The Second Effigy", "Reckoning", "Tour", "The Exalted Spider", "Evacuation", "Garrison at the Guardhouse", "Unfinished Endeavour", "Generational", "Phantoms", "Pilgrimage", "Challenge", "Praes", "The Trial of Rolland", "Once More", "Nothing's Gone Forever", "Web and Ash", "Quarrel", "The Child".
They must also pick one of the following paths:
[To Great Lengths] [13/10]

They must showcase ten additional instances of significance in the name of their Divine. These should be of importance, be it through protecting a group, hunting down something of significance, the poisoning of a town, or some other action. Why these actions are considered significant should also be added to your logs, how your character personally feels them necessary or important.
  1. "Garrison at the Guardhouse": Led the resisting forces at the gate and walls of the guardhouse fighting to ensure that the Landing's undead don't overtake them. Bennett is by no means the one to tilt the scales, but he coordinated the effort to the best of his ability.
  2. "Unfinished Endeavour": Brought together the remnants of the Valiant Order, including his mother--and Jorvun--for Jorvun's funeral. He returns Sunderspear to him.
  3. "Generational": Bennett brings his mother back to believing in Valiant.
  4. "Phantoms": Aided in helping a wounded child, and distracted a wraith that would have otherwise attacked others in the party.
  5. "Pilgrimage": Led a trek into the mountains where the Kilroxian battle had once been had, engaged in an argument with the Angel of Conflict about what to do about the Life schism--Valiant tells him something will be attempted for the sake of the people hurt in the wake of the divine politics (the revived) by Bennett's prompt.
  6. "Challenge": Issued a challenge to someone that had previously antagonized his friends to defend their honour and help put aside issues to help the man.
  7. "Praes": Confronted Bok'ra with Uriel at Praes Divina.
  8. "The Trial of Rolland": Bennett defends Rolland's right to fair trial and attempts to find a more just punishment for his actions than putting him to death.
  9. "Once More": Bennett attempts to rally people into the belief that they could make a dent in Jishrim--that the Spider is afraid of them as much as it stokes fear. The crowd is receptive until Sophie and Illy begin to make a fuss, but Bennett talks them down after offering compromise.
  10. "Nothing's Gone Forever": Among other things, diffused a knife attack and refused to buckle to Jishrim's demands.
  11. "Web and Ash": Bennett, Maebh, Raelur and Umbra kill a Jishrimite spider together.
  12. "Quarrel": Bennett hosts a summoning of the Angel of war, discussing plans to fight back Jishrim with it.
  13. "The Child": Bennett is stabbed in the side and groin, then in the face several times. He guards against Bok'ra as Daeron arrives, then Bennett's borrowed time runs out. He dies trying to save the child from evil hands.
This is completed.


I've written down the progress in this thread.Just open the spoiler "Completed" and you'll have a comprehensive list :)

Hoping for that first tier :)
Kublai finds that the next time he gazes upon his own reflection, it is a blurred and unclear image. It warps and warbles like that before slowly shifting to the faces of those he cares for, as well as those he does not, those tied to his story. An expectation is felt, an exchange, to serve evermore.
- Kublai is now T1 -​


An Alteran Bard
Retired Staff
Elz , thanks! That's amazing!

Should I request my thread to be moved from Unblessed to blessed? Or how does that work?


Lord of Altera
Visage - Tier 2
Acts of worthe
Show extended worship, with one month OOC since achieving Blessed status. Became blessed 16/04/2021
Must significantly contribute to (by attending) or host at least two events which are of thematic significance to their divine.Links to events:
08/07/2021 - Malark went to Nid-Arach, willing to risk his life over the rumour of possible knowledge. This is majorly significant to Malark's current goals as the Knowledge he gained gave him not only great new info, but will motivate him to form a cult with the goal of reforming what he learned of to Visage. (I'm happy to clarify that if needs be). He suffered two injuries, one near fatal, though what he gained made it worth.

16/07/2021 - Assisting a fellow Visagite, he Schemed with her and the others present in various ways. Using their skills of vyrism and his divine blessing to ambush and fight mercenaries and cultists, to uncover MANY family secrets and, in turn, learning a lot about her. He killed 5 people overall, sustaining many injuries and in turn secured not only the manor, but the many Secrets and new Knowledge it all came with. His first time actively killing in order to seeketh far in his name, and he felt no reluctance in doing so.
The character should keep something on them that represents their Divine personally. (Items, Clothing, etc)An old coin, got from an event where he helped a fellow Visage seek knowledge long ago. Old and long etched away but serves as a reminder of the first time he saught Knowledge outwith books, an important lesson.

A holy symbol, an oval sshaped feature which he wears on his wrist under his sleeve at most times unless not wearing such to cover it.
Must create a small shrine to their Divine, and grant it an offering.The metallic brain of Talos the Construct
Sacrificial dagger
2 Journals, his very first from when he started
A copy of the book he got from Nid-Arach
A copy of the 'Cloak of Decay' book he got from Bok'ra
The greatest secret he holds currently, offered before as a vision.

Must have at least five instances in their divine log where they have personally done something significant seen favourably by their Divine separate to the event(s) above.Choosing Azarin: Malark planned to join the Azarin line for a while. Bok'ra found this out and due to his affiliation with Xozu, made him meet. He offered Malark 1 week to choose his bloodline instead or to be considered an enemy. Through deciet, he left with this week timelime and instantly went to the Azarins, securing himself as a Thrall. Kept his Scheme in tact, tricking the spider of his intentions.

Teaching Tenets: Whilst visiting the shrines outside Storms Landing to pray, he came across Hellmann and Loriss with a small child named Lorabella. Using ILLUMINATE and VISION, he taught her of the good word of Visage and garnered a positive influence and reaction, feeding the kids curiosity to one day develop.

The Schemer's Schemes: A simple one. Malark had a commission from Bok'ra for some armour. Though he would have accepted radiants, Bok'ra came to him in a bit of a state. He played on this, offering to wave the payment of radiants for knowledge. Bok'ra was quick to supply, gaining a GREAT secret (happy to share with divine if needed).

Minion of the Wight: A long term risk. Through sharing his worship to Astreia, he learned everything about her, this event marking the final story and secret she had to tell about herself. Overall, he now kept all her secrets within himself, realistically sharing not many of his own. Her entire story was clear, a great achievement to him.

A helping hand/Offering: He was asked to help clean up a murder scene by a close friend at the time. A plot he was aware of, but he managed to convince her to let him help. Through Scheming, he cleaned the crime scene and safely got the body out of sight using illusions and the like. At first, offered the body to Visage for its memories, though quickly learned it wasn't of interest and cast it out to sea.

The kid's tragic past: Using Vision and Illusion 1, he communicated as Antiquity, his main Masquerade and persona. Offering an exchange of Secrets to three individuals, he got the curiousity of a kid who shared a dark secret of their past. He exchanged a Secret of one other than him, gaining a new Secret and useful friend.

Assisting a fellow worshipper: Using both Vision and Illuminate, Malark helped a fellow worshipper unbond from a Shadow Elemental. He knew that he could teach in this one the knowledge he gained himself rather than see the man, who was a friend, suffer. He revealed himself to him, protecting a fellow Visagite and gaining his trust, promising to guide him.

Guidance and Advice, a promise of tutorship: Passing on advice and guidance to the previously mentioned Visagite, he made a promise to him. He will one day ask Visage permission to teach this one and bring him to his gaze so that they may achieve great things one day. He got him involved in daily prayer and seeking Knowledge under his name.

(*Note, he has a 'long prayer' at the end of his divine profile. Would be neat to check out if need inspo for emote/stuff ^^)
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Bored Brit
Show worship of a Divine for at least one month OOC from the creation of a divine profile/thread.

The character must be at least two months old OOC.

The character must be at least sixteen years of age.

Must significantly contribute to (by attending) or host an event which is of thematic significance to their divine.
Unlisted: A Journey into the Sorrows to recover a long lost tome. Lenore can confirm.

Three notable acts in line with their Divine (Hunting, Healing, Bartering, etc) separate to the event(s) above.
-Various Rituals (See link.)
-Various Bloodhunts dedicated to 'The Powers' (Skraag and co) for his family.
-The Elder of the 'Khrarstein' line of Gluttony.

One offering of an item to their Divine at the Grand Cathedral. (Place in hoppers.)
Upon being copied, verbatim, Khroroth offers the book 'Immortal Codex' to Skraag in a personal shrine within the SL slums.


Lord of Altera
Sallana: Tier 1Anwar Attia [X]

Show worship of a Divine for at least one month OOC from the creation of a divine profile/thread.
Thread shifted to Sallana worship on 2021/05/28.
The character must be at least two months old OOC.Anwar has been around since December 2020.
The character must be at least sixteen years of age.Anwar is 20 years old.
Must significantly contribute to or host an event which is of thematic significance to their divine.Reclamation [X] - Anwar ventured into the cathedral with Sophie Velour, Linden Silveira, and Lana Wake. Together they searched the Sallana shrine for any surviving items to safeguard until the cathedral is stable again. Anwar found a golden harp and a divine trinket (Lover's Chalice), both of which he is holding onto until they can be returned.

Additionally, he took part in the Assembly of Sweethearts [X] and A Blessing for Tranquility [X].
One offering of an item to their Divine at the Grand Cathedral.- Bolt of Silk
- A bottle of wine
- Several poems (can provide a link to Anwar's poetry document)
Three notable acts in line with their Divine:- [Arts & Love] Has written several poems (mainly on love), some of which he has published. (Once again, I can provide the link to Anwar's poetry document)
- [Arts] Co-wrote a poem with Sophie Velour to inspire people not to lose hope and to continue resisting Jishrim. (Can be read here)
- [Arts] Has taken up learning music, and has put much effort into learning the lute as well as singing. (He's been taking lessons from Loriss since May)


Lord of Altera
Skraag Line Divider top.png
Show worship of a Divine for at least one month OOC from the creation of a divine profile/thread.
The character must be at least two months old OOC.1627286204022.png
The character must be at least sixteen years of age.1627286218320.png

Must significantly contribute to (by attending) or host an event which is of thematic significance to their divine.

Dorothy has attened 2 summoning events, one which was relatively significant, and one which was short, but a summoning nonetheless
Three notable acts in line with their Divine (Hunting, Healing, Bartering, etc) separate to the event(s) above.
Dorothy completed 10 lessons on the following of Skraag and the ways of the divine world under Hellmann's tutelage
Dorothy built a church in the Lost Frontier in Skraag's name, like a large shrine or temple
Dorothy performed a ritual with the help of Hellmann, offering her own blood as sacrifice to raise a small animal into an undead

One offering of an item to their Divine at a shrine/church/etc (Log its OOC location for collection.)
In a summoning, Dorothy sacrificed a green tinted blown glass skull necklace, a trinket she had made and prayed over centuries ago, to Skraag after filling it with her own blood. She intended it as an offering to let go of the old era, and she will create a new necklace to symbolize her coming to terms with the new.

Skraag Line Divider.png