Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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PsychoSquirtle Character profile

Name: Gol
Nickname/Alias: Gol
Race:Half human half dwarf
Height:5 foot 5 inches
Weight: 150 lbs
Hair: I dye it a lot. usually blue or dark browny red
Eyes: Purple
Skin: Light peach/weathered
Identifying Marks: purple eyes
Appearance: dark red cloak, green trousers and purple eyes
Strengths: physical strength,smithing, potion making.
Weaknesses and fears: Spiders.... I HATE them
Religion and cults: Being half dwarf i was taught to worship my ancestors but as my father abandoned me and my uncle was a swine i don't know what to believe anymore
Well I'm half human, half dwarf. A bit of a strange mix but my mother, being a human fell pray to the charm of a men, my father was a dwarven miner and abandoned my mother when I was young. I spent my childhood working for my uncle in an old inn where I was treated like an abomination as I was mixed race. The other kids made fun of me in my younger years but when my dwarven blood kicked in I was soon much stronger than them. This only made them jealous and they continued to pester me. It was like torture. So one day, when I was only 7 years of age, I picked a fight with one of the bullies and crushed his head like a melon. The village that I had grown up in chased me away, shooting arrows at me and slashing at me with their swords. I hid in a cave for just under a year, living only on the mushrooms that grew there. Then I began to wonder, reaching small hamlets but not staying for more than a week at a time. After 9 years of aimless travelling it might be time to settle down...


Lord of Altera
Could you please only make the titles bold and delete the link on weight? It hurts my dyslexic eyes.
Also, it's not very realistic that you don't have a religion. Atheism in the medieval times was so rare, you could count the number of atheists on one hand. Try and think of the right deity for your character.
Another thing is the name of your character. What sick parents would call a living being PsychoSquirtle? Indeed, nobody would. PsychoSquirtle is a gamerstag, but not a roleplaying name.
Finally there's your strengths. You said that your dwarven blood made you smarter, but the strengths I see in this profile are more strengths of an elf than a dwarf.
Could you please only make the titles bold and delete the link on weight? It hurts my dyslexic eyes.
Also, it's not very realistic that you don't have a religion. Atheism in the medieval times was so rare, you could count the number of atheists on one hand. Try and think of the right deity for your character.
Another thing is the name of your character. What sick parents would call a living being PsychoSquirtle? Indeed, nobody would. PsychoSquirtle is a gamerstag, but not a roleplaying name.
Finally there's your strengths. You said that your dwarven blood made you smarter, but the strengths I see in this profile are more strengths of an elf than a dwarf.

Changed some stuff :)