Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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profile and back story


Name: Xephnos
Nickname/Alias: STRIDER
Age: 117
Gender: male
Race: Dwarf
Height: 5ft 1
Weight: 7 stone
Hair: dark brown
Eyes: blue
Skin: very pale
Identifying Marks: right eye is made of mystical diamond, hands are made of glass
Appearance: short thin muscly
Strengths: unnaturally advanced intelligence the ability to see in to oblivion (with the diamond eye)
Weaknesses and fears: weakness: glass hands fears: to be abandoned and alone
Religion and cults: atheist and the cult of the dwemher
Profession: rogue wanderer who wants to help

back story: i have wandered the planes of oblivion and slain deadra princes. my adventures have cost me my right eye and my hands. i crafted the replacements my self. ever scince i shut the gates of oblivion i have wandered the world. i have been all over tamriel and now my adventure has brought me to the province of Altera.