Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Olwë Calafalas


Name: Olwë Calafalas
Nickname/Alias: None
Age: 534
Gender: Male
Race: Elf
Height: 7' 4" (2.25m)
Weight: 235 lb. (16.8 stone)
Hair: Black
Eyes: Green
Skin: Pure White

Identifying Marks: Purple-ring birthmark on right shoulder that glows at night.

Appearance: I generally wear verdant attire, that befits my life in the woods. On formal occasions, though, I wear white, silk, robes. I always have a sharp hunting knife that was forged by dwarves for my grandfather, and I carry a small hunting bow.

Strengths: Climbing trees and running. I have keen eyesight, which helps with hunting. I am also an expert tracker and naturist.

Weaknesses and fears: Poor swimmer, and I am afraid of being underground. I also am not very apt at close combat, and tend to prefer being perched in a high place with my bow.

Religion and cults: Shalherana, Goddess of nature.

Profession: Hunter/Forester.

Born to a high-elven family in a magnificent forest of gold and silver, Olwë was raised in Elven tradition. Taught to use a bow as early as he could stand, he grew to be a master even among his own people. As a kid he would spend his free time climbing trees to their top until he would come out above them and be able to see an endless sea of treetops all around him. He wasn't very social, but it didn't bother him, since he was so preoccupied with exploring the forest and its vast and endless intrigues.
After reaching adolescence, he began venturing out of the forest and into the plains surrounding it. Here he would run into various peoples and races, often not saying much, but listening intently to tales of the world. It was in one of these tales that he heard of Altera, and decided to head that way.
It was a long and difficult journey, but he eventually made it to the city of Port Silver. He then began to explore this new world, finding its diverse landscapes and people stimulating and intriguing.
After years of wandering the land, he decided to settle down, as much as a wanderer can settle down. He still travels much throughout the land, but no longer ventures outside the realm of Altera.