Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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National and Regional Maps!


Lord of Altera
I was screwing around on a painting app, and then one car ride later I have a map of my nation, and I realized that we don't really have a place to collect maps and geographic info for our nations! Post any maps of your nation or the region here so we can see! Try to avoid having a more then five post convo, aside from responses try to limit posts to either maps be geographic info. It's fine if you want to do it IC, but you must post (in parentheses) that it is IC and what your nation is.

Know what? I think I'll post my nations map IC just for fun ^-^


Lord of Altera
(IC, Volopia)

Hello Republic of HW national leaders, delegates, biker gang bosses, and any other form of national leader/represenitive! The glorious leader of the Mostly Democratic Republic of Volopia, Overlord Ray Cresill, has released an amazing illustration of the glorious landscape of Volopia made by his son in the back seat of a limo as they went on a joy ride!
Purple- Volopian land
Green- Other nations
Red- capital
Light orange- major town
Dark orange- borders of the Ghastly Wasteland
Blue- water (rocket science, that there...)
Black- the Wall of Progress
Sandy- the Great Tribilion Wall

Feel free to contact us for historical information on any of these!
(NOTE: lore is largely WIP!)


Lord of Altera
(IC, New Spagbog)

*After a few days of messing around with "Email", Agnes Flowerham decides to come into Volpia in person*

"I have a few questions to ask, if you don't mind," She says, peering over her sectacles. "Why is there a large wall, The Wall of Progress, splitting the country? And what are the Ghastly Wastelands?" The Leader of Histography pauses to take a sip of tea. "And, finally, What is the Tribilion - sorry, Great Tribilion Wall?"


Lord of Altera
(IC, still Volopia)

The story of our nation is the only answer to this questan, so i'll start at the relievent point. In the early industrial era, aside from the peninsula in which we mainly rule from the land was made of pointy stick wielding barbaric tribes, and the invention of the gun lead to a great chain of colonization. However, before we could blow their brains out we had to find other means to protect our Victorian-steampunk society. The Wall of Progress was erected as the barrier between modern (at that time) and barbaric society. Between the split, as you may see, stands the mighty all military city of Bellru.

As we ventured forth from our home, with some of the first invented guns, we found a mighty and somewhat scary thing. The Ghastly Wasteland. Believed to be created be angry ghast spirits by barbarians, this was more then a desert. Although deserts have sand, the Wasteland is so sparse if life and so dry not even sand makes dunes here. Just miles and miles on end of hard sandstone. Naturally no one else wanted to own it, so Volopia moved in. As of now much of it remains uncharted and there is no hope of survival there. Only one water mass has ever been found that was large enough to support large populations, Lake Tribilion.

Upon this strange lake, a mighty civilization arose. Two city's rose in Tribilion, Yongdoo and Oodgnoy, exact oppisitea in every aspect and always at war. Once, according to their lore, a great being came forth from upon the sky's and made cease fire between them for 100 years. During which they erected a mighty sandstone , the Great Tribilion Wall, between them that stands today. No one of either side was allowed to walk the top of the wall, for if one did both sides would open fire and attack the other. To this day, both keep militia soldiers on either side.

*As she returns home, she has an oddly smaller nose and slightly off shade eyes and a weird "memory lost" syndrome from inhaling certain gases.*


Lord of Altera
*Of course, nobody notices the changes as old people are smaller than usual, wear glasses and don't remember things anyway*


Lord of Altera
(IC, New Spagbog)

As the new Pension Wall is reaching its final stages, it is time to create a more formalised map of the nation.

Upper Portsham
Middle Portsham
Lower Portsham
Sea/River Spag
Other Countries
State Cities
State Capitals
Pension Wall



Lord of Altera
(IC, Volopia)

*The Volopian Emmisary of International History Gathering grunts a little as he looks over the map.*

"If you don't mind me saying, the key and the map match up somewhat scarcely, perhaps diversifying the color system from four shades of green to other colors like poor, lonely blue? Also, perhaps a little backstory to the wall? The Pension Wall, for it seems to split more then the Wall of Progress in our land?"

*And then, no one notices Agnes Flowerham slip him a folder as she walks by.*


Lord of Altera
(IC, New Spagbog)

The folder reads "Information on New Spagbogian Histography" and inside there is a clipping from the New Spagbogian Times.

"Youths In Turmoil, Wall Built" screams the heading.

In the afternoon of last Tuesday, plans were finalised about the Pension Wall, to divide the citizens of New Spagbog into two groups; the Youth and the Pensioners. This is to protect the more elderly, fragile members of our community from the vicious, and offensive younger folk. "Obviously the young men are furious," Says Major. Ronald Gilbert" "But the wall guards will take care of them."


I really should change the map slightly. Thanks for pointing it out!


Lord of Altera
(IC, I really don't think in ever NOT Volopia)

Greetings, mappers and map readers! Upon request of several people that don't actually exist, we recently urged the Overlords son to release another map this time while in his helicopter of the geography of Volopia!


Grey- Mesa
Green- normal land
Orange - Ghastly Wasteland
Dark red- Ghastly Craters/The Great Ghastly Crater
Black- Tetonic Plate Boundery
Purple- modern bounderys (for reference)

(OOC, I think I'm Ray1333, right?)

The folder was actually secret military information :3

You know, since we make the maps, we could make each other neiboring country's. face it, as of now everyone is just everywhere, plus it'll promote map making and RP.