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My 2nd character, Bella Antonia


Legend of Altera
Name: Bella Antonia
Nickname/Alias: Bel, Belly
Age: 21
Gender: Female
Race: Human
Height: 1,7 Metres
Weight: 63 Kilograms
Hair: Light+Dark Brown
Eyes: Sky Blue
Skin: Pale
Identifying Marks: Nothing really
Appearance: A young good looking lady who can be found sitting at places with beutifull view. Or at the water
Strengths: Good gardener and cook. Is very nice to people and always wants to help. and also is moderatly clever.
Weaknesses and fears: She cant fight, Is very scared of rats, Sometimes doesnt know what to say. and can be clumsy
Religion and cults: She worships the gods of altera and believes if you live a good live you will be rewarded with a good afterlive.
Profession: Cook, wants to open her own Restaurant

Backstory: Bella was born on a farm in the very eastern region of Altera, near the borders of the Eastern-Frontier. Her parents were poor and they could just to live on what they grew. Bella began helping her father in the gardens growing strawberries and carrots when she was only 3, she helped him garden because she liked it and there were no other kids in the region that she could play with. her mother died 3,5 years after Bella was born by a disease of unknown name. Her father couldnt handle the pain so the 3,5 year old Bella had to tend the garden herself. It was suprising how good she did that because that winter Bella kept the two alive.

While still helping her father in the garden and now on the fields aswell she began getting better at gardening and farming, she aswell started to learn how to cook and clean the house helping her father in times he needed her. One night while she was inspecting some of the strawberries because rats visited them that day she spoke to the ghost of her mother. The ghost told her that her father did not have very much time left in live because still couldnt handle the pain of Bellas mothers death. The ghost dissapeared but before it left it told Bella not to tell her father about this. 3 weeks later her father died like the ghost said, at exactly midnight. The next day she saw the two ghost together walking into the sky. But how could a 6 year old girl survive on her own. She realised she couldnt and Saddled food and a horse and began searching for an old friend of her father. A hunter who lives in a small cabin in the woods at the border of her compound. The hunters found her asleep on her horse. They took her into the cabin and learned her everything she needed to know about cooking meat and how to treat it. They gave her writing lessons too and she picked up writing relatively fast. She also learned her some mathematics. geography and history of Altera.

To be continued......


Legend of Altera
Bella now 8 years old. Hunting faster and better than the real hunters. cooking meals like the kings personal chef, And tending gradens like nobody can she began to feel lonelyness. Yes she was very good friends with the hunters. but she missed something. Something a child cannot life without, she wanted to play with other children. Still she couldnt life without the hunters and the hunters couldnt live without her now. She helped them very much by cleaning the house and cooking the food so the hunters could hunt more now. So they could sell more at the markets in the big cities. Bellas live got better because of that. The years were fine there were no problems. But one day the hunters spotted something different than pigs, cows, chicken or sheep in the forest they saw a big black thing staring at them with its big black eyes. They knew what it was and hurried back to the cabin. Telling everything they saw to Bella. That night more and more monsters came creeping over in the woods staring at the cabin waiting for the right moment to strike. Bella watched out of the windows they saw, bog black eyes in the forest a green four legged monster walking next to the trees. Walking bones with shirts. Ugly undead men lurking at the cabin. The next day they were all gone. and didnt reappear....

TBC...... (To Be Continued)


The Court Jester
Retired Staff
Nice profile, but just a heads up - second characters are no longer permitted on the same account, due to the new in-game profile plugin.


The Court Jester
Retired Staff
Maybe ask the people you RP with which one they prefer? :confused: Or choose the one you want to develop the most.
Or you could just start afresh if you really can't decide... Good luck choosing anyway. :)


Legend of Altera
I think looking to the relations in Karadus''s live hed like to end his life but i just want to hold on him and i wanna Develop Bella...Karadus will leave


Legend of Altera
(bit late but was bored so the story continues)

Bella stepped out of the cabin still shaking because of last night, She looked around and smelled the fresh air carefully walking forward. Getting more and more courageous with every step she took. No monsters were there, all gone. Bella walked back to the cabin to get a small barrel to fill with water. She walked through the forest making her way to the lake to get water to drink, finally she arrived and filled the barrel when suddenly a big black winged dark creature flew over, Bella ran to a place with more sight but the creature was gone. She walked back to her barrel not knowing a drip of blood from that creature fell in. The hunters were on a trip to town so Bella ate alone today. The water hasnt changed colour so she used it to make soup and drank some herself, the fire eliminated the dragonblood in the water so the hunters would get it into them but bella did......