Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Meinheld Character Sheet


Name: Meinheld
Nickname/Alias: Meinheld
Age: 22
Gender: Male
Race: Elf
Height:5 ft 2 in
Skin: Pale
Identifying Marks: Dagger painted in blood on his chest
Appearance: You don't really know he wears a hood
Strengths: Darkness,Bows, and Shortblades
Weaknesses and fears: Sewers and Savage Beasts
Religion and cults: Worships nothing
Profession: Rogue Assassins Meinheld was born in an assassin family he had a rough life at the age of six he was made to steal and kill for his family at age 12 a dagger was painted in his own blood onto his chest.At age 16 he took on more contracts and harder killing nobles and govenors. At age 17 he finally murdered some of the assassins and ran off with the others most of them tried to kill them but a few bacame his best and only friends.They took shelter in this land. Hes been trying to stop murdering but voices say KILL every time he takes out his blade

(I know I took the KILL part from Harry Potter 2)