Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Active Kalith


Lord of Altera

AI Kalith 4 Fixed.png
(AI Image please do not hate me, May not be 100% accurate)

General Information
Name: Kalith
Titles: N/A

Age: 29
Race: Moor Elf
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Asexual
Relationship Status: Aromantic
Social Status: Nomad/Exile/Clanless (Formerly Middle-Class clan)

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Physical Appearance
6'2" (1.87m)
Weight: ??? (Will update this, am very bad at gauging weight)
Eye Colour: Black iris
Skin Colour: Very pale grey
Distinguishing Features: Red tattoo's that span across her entire body and face
Build of Body: Ectomorph
Hair Colour: Oil-Black
Hair Style: Rear-length at the back and shoulder length at the front with a strand going over the center face
Complexion: Uncomfortably clear to an uncanny degree
Scars: N/A
Voice: Bored and semi-monotonous, as if she's not taking much effort/care to get the words out

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Dislikes: Proud-types, Loud noise
Strengths: Analytical, Tolerant (Wont care of others curses/boons etc, but may still judge based on other actions)
Weaknesses: Lack of care for others, Terrible at holding a conversation.

Fears: Doesn't necessarily fear things, however, will act in self-preservation
Values: Herself
Education: Decently educated by their clan, however, will pick up things quick through frequent reading.
Languages: Common, Elvish, Mok'yra
General Attitude: Negative towards most things and people, however, will tolerate most things with silence.
Religious Inclination: Follows none, however, is aware that they aren't fabrication.
General Intelligence: Currently learning of most things in the outside world, however, is calculated and analytical.
General Sociability: Difficult, has a rude personality and will often speak how she feels on topics without care.
Alignment: Neutral Evil

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Joint Hypermobility Syndrome, Apathy
Injuries: N/A

(Big WIP, will be worked on more eventually)
(And yeah it's edgy I know)
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