Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Jasper151627237's Ban Appeal [Accepted]

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Hi [Unsuspecting Comment], I'm Jazzper
Good evening,

After a long time of IRL getting in the way and now with the impending closure of HollowWorld, I would like to formally appeal my ban of November 2023 so I can rejoin the community I have been part of since 2015 and do my part to wrap up several outstanding arcs of myself and several friends.

In November 2023 I received the notice that I had been banned for the use of Creative to duplicate worker contracts for personal gain. I will preface this with the statement that I did not duplicate them for such, as I was one of the Admins working with/on the worker-gathering-crafting plugins (and in this case actively troubleshooting the workers’ yield). However, the conversation with Moderation team right after the ban helped me understand why it was issued; although not malicious in intent I had failed to write down what I was doing at that time, which is why these actions were considered suspicious and the ban was issued. This was definitely on me as it is why the team has an on-forum thread for self-refunds to prevent exactly this from happening, and I should have remembered to comply with it and prevent this loss of trust.

Although I already expressed my regret for this failure to comply with this rule in the conversation with Moderation, and do so again now, I wish to also extend it to the playerbase for any loss in trust as a result of this negligence.

Kind regards,


Lord of Altera
Server Outreach
Jasper, your appeal has been considered and the decision has been made to unban you. Please let me know if you need any assistance.
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