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Inkling of Know

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- ] I N K L I N G - O F - K N O W [ -
The Keeper of Thought

A Figment of the Cognitive Plane, aided by followers that oppose the God of Secrets that captured Knowledge. Know is a being of no physical form, taking on appearances that vary whenever he's called to the realms. He stands for the freedom of knowing secrets, the beyond, and of curiosity. Always a book at hand, he appears to callings within Libraries. Through every movement, every action, there comes a price. To have an Inkling of Know is sometimes to become enlightened... and sometimes to forget.


SYMBOL || A Bejeweled Worn Tome with a Key Clasp
ALIGNMENT || Neutral.​
COLOURS || Blue, Silver​
ENTITY || Figment​
TITLES || Keeper of Thoughts, Curator of the Mind​
SIGNS || Disturbances within libraries, the vanishing of books or memories. Glimmering wires of blue or silver light within studies or areas of learning. Cobalt Blue ink stains.​
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elz solus
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