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Herald In Response to Tragedy


Lord of Altera
A message from the protectorate of New Soolera is heralded in the following days. At every noticeboard, on every street corner, in every tavern and marketplace.

To all,

Our nation, our families, and our city, has been struck by an unfathomable tragedy that has left us all in a state of shock and mourning these past few days. We find ourselves grappling with the devastating loss of several members of our esteemed guard, the injuries sustained by numerous family members and citizens, the brutal mutilation of our caravans, and the heart-wrenching death of an innocent child. We recognize your pain and anguish, as it is also ours. It is imperative that we extend our deepest sympathies to the affected families, friends, and loved ones who have endured an unimaginable tragedy. They made the ultimate sacrifice, laying down their life in duty to our people. The protectorate of the New Soolera pledges its full support to the injured and their families, assuring them that every available resource will be made accessible to aid in their recovery and healing.

*The names of the guards and identified family members are listed, with their accomplishments in life, and annals from their families.*

The death of a child is an unbearable loss that strikes at the very core of our humanity, and as Soolera. We grieve deeply for the Ghazal family and the loved ones of Ve'Ahmed Ghazal, who are enduring this unthinkable pain. We also grieve for Ghiath, another esteemed individual of the banking clan. It is incumbent upon us all to extend our support to this family, and those who have been affected by this incomprehensible tragedy.

Additionally, in response to this tragic event, the government is taking immediate action to address the underlying issues and prevent future occurrences. We are committed to ensuring the safety and well-being of our citizens, and to that end, the following measures are being implemented:

- Recognizing the invaluable role played by our guard in preserving the peace and security of our nation, we are allocating substantial resources to enhance their training, equipment, and operational capabilities. This increased funding will enable our elite guard to better protect our citizens and respond more effectively to any potential threats.

- We understand the immense emotional and financial burdens faced by the families directly impacted. To assist in their healing process, we are providing comprehensive financial support and aid. This assistance will encompass full medical expenses, counseling, education, and other necessary resources to help them rebuild their lives. In addition, we will be training a new sect of doctors and medical staff under the supervision of the Council of Health, capable of treating more than the suns wounds.

- Recognizing the need to address the specific circumstances surrounding this tragedy, we are investing in extensive research to better understand and prevent similar incidents in the future. We will be seeking and collaborating with leading experts in magical and arcane studies to develop advanced techniques, technologies, protocols, and safeguards to mitigate potential risks associated with such destructive phenomena within this city. Our commitment to protecting our citizens extends to all realms, including the realm of magic and the arcane.

*More details are placed for the needs and points of contact within the government for members of the arcane community to assist in these efforts. There is also a call for members of the divine blessed community for their aid.*

In the coming days and weeks, this government will spare no effort to investigate this tragic incident fully. We are committed to ensuring that justice is served and that those responsible are held accountable to the fullest extent of the law. We implore all citizens of New Soolera to cooperate with any ongoing investigations and to provide any information that may aid in the pursuit of truth and justice. We implore any denizens of Altera to come forward with information regarding the following:

*You read a description of Asero Crow and, Laicelem Aethlren. Their names and working documentation is listed. There is additionally a description of the weapons they used. There is additionally a description of what they were last known to wear. Witness descriptions and testimony on their actions are listed. They are implicated in several crimes, including public endangerment, destruction of property, disturbing the peace, resisting arrest, assault and battery, and manslaughter. There is a reward posted for viable information on them. They are labeled outlaws until (1) each are turned in without incident (2) reparations are made on a sum for each death as determined by each afflicted family [x4] (3) a time in service as determined by each afflicted family [x4] (4) reparations and a time in service as determined by the protectorate.* (Electric xVigil)

*There would also be an additional notice on a group of bandits known as the Sons of Sand, and a reward on information about them.*

Moreover, unless under the direct permission of the protectorate, in specific to the Security Council, all weapons and the trade of weapons is restricted until further notice and at a time when protocols to establish safer use is created; any who trade weapons within the city will receive a 15% increase in the current tariff, including any blades longer than 12 inches. All foreigners without registering the use of their weapon will be charged a fine or be held under criminal charges.

Any with the ability for magics of mass destruction will furthermore be fined a charge, or be held under criminal charges, unless such a person is a denizen or citizen and registers their abilities within notice of their entry. Magic or arcane skills of mass destruction will henceforth refer to by this council as extraordinary and highly potent abilities within the realm of magic or the arcane that are capable of inflicting widespread devastation, causing significant harm to individuals, structures, or the environment on a large scale. This encompasses any array of formidable powers that can be harnessed or channeled by skilled practitioners or individuals with exceptional magical aptitude. These abilities are characterized by their immense destructive potential, surpassing the effects of conventional magical spells or abilities. The exact nature of these skills can vary greatly. They may include spells, incantations, rituals, enchanted artifacts, or other arcane techniques that can unleash cataclysmic forces capable of causing devastating damage over vast areas. Such powers often transcend the limitations of conventional magic, and push the boundaries of what is deemed acceptable or ethically permissible. Efforts to educate recognizing these disastrous spells and recognizing the moments before their casting will be made to prevent further tragedy. Efforts will be made to ensure that individuals within our government possessing such skills undergo rigorous training, adhere to ethical codes, and operate under legal frameworks that mitigate potential risks and protect the welfare of both the magical and non-magical.

Finally, the council would like to express its profound gratitude to the courageous individuals and mercenaries who played a pivotal role in the rescue of several captive and distressed members of the Seckmet and Beckmet families, and the unveiling of a plot to exploit the natural resources and ecology of our city. Their unwavering dedication, unwavering commitment to justice, and their tireless efforts have not gone unnoticed. We also extend our gratitude to the various agencies, organizations, and individuals who worked tirelessly in collaboration with the council to ensure the successful rescue operation and the thwarting of the exploitative scheme. Your expertise, cooperation, and unwavering commitment to the welfare of our people have played a significant role in this achievement.

May our will, hope and healing guide our path forward.

Abraham Solivu, Vice Council, Head Security Council

This marks the end point of the preliminary phase. Thank you to everyone that has participated so far!
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Loyal Servant of Altera
He/Him, She/Her, They/Them
*Lerina reads this very long note, seeing the names and thinks "hm.. Never heard of those two". She then reads the rest and just shakes her head and carries on*