Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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How long?


Lord of Altera
How long time have you all played this game? i saw the other thread "Kong Fo Panda" which probably means "Kung Fu Panda" and people said in there that they liked some expansions more than other expansions, also on the other thread it seemed that there was lots of "WoW Geekz" so i want to know how long time you all have played this game?

Well, i have played this game since it came out, 2005 i think


The Lunarch
I started when TBC was launched and loved every minute of the Outlands... can't say the same for the other expansions so far.


Legend of Altera
Gah....been playing since release....I'll let my account lapse, then get a call from a buddy and reactivate it..dammit blizzard, delete my account so I can't come back-I am just too weak to do it myself....


Loyal Servant of Altera
I was on and off WoW when WOTLK came out, I mostly played Private servers as I couldn't afford the monthly fee, but started officially playing retail from around 12th November 2011, but already stopped as my membership ran out


Loyal Servant of Altera
Same as Br4ndz, funny thing is that I moved between servers with him and joined retail with him, and my membership has also run out.
Started on my brother's private during vanilla, till TBC came out, then i played for 4 years, even played WoTLK, then stopped somewhere before cataclysm, cause i had to start paying myself *sadface*