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"Good Morning sun"


Lord of Altera
(Short-ish Evenglion themed story I made one night. Enjoy if you think its good, if not well whatever. each to their own.)

‘Darkness, as humans we have come to fear it. As ghosts we run from it. Its is the color we have given to the term of death. Yet when we play with the devil’s toys we openly walk into its darkness.’

Ashes covered the site of the battlefield. Smoke rose from the ruined tanks and other vehicles, as the ash continued to fall from the sky as the clouds of smoke blocked out the sun. Limbs of the enemy lay around her and her evangelion, Unit 06. A test four type model. Opening her eyes all she saw was blackness inside her plug. The LCL tasted bitter and iron rich as it filled her lungs and stuck to her skin. Her hair floated in front of her face leaving her sight patchworked as it tried to see past the darkness.

“zero six… A-am I dead…” She whispered and closing her eyes again as she exhaled the liquid from her lungs. She expected nothing to happen at the echo of her words. Yet a soft, almost warm light casted over her eyelids making her shut her eyes slightly tighter. Slowly opening them she saw the plugs health monitoring systems coming back online. It labeled most of her body in a soft red color meaning at most mid level injuries as rated by its systems.

“S-so I’m not dead.” She smiled softly before coughing and seeing slowly spinning, morphing, ball of her own blood. In that moment of her cough the system turned a much deeper red on the display’s chest. Broken rib, punctured lung, they were all options if she was like this.

Slowly the systems returned to activation before the display showed static then finally the outside world again. The ash fell in heavy sheets from the sky and covered the ground. The crater was massive and she lay in the middle of it. A suicide mission they had called it. To carry a bomb up to the enemy and let it detonate in her hand, something that should have killed her outright yet, it had left her mostly unharmed and alive.

“Six… can you move.” She whispered thinking about sitting up and seeing if her unit would follow her thoughts or if she was stuck there on the bottom of the crater. To anyone watching on the outside, it would have been like seeing a giant of the long forgotten past sit up from the ground and watching the ash fall off their body. Its armor no longer a deep green and white, but now it was scarred black as night. Its body nothing but a silhouette against the morning light.

She smiled softly and held one hand against her chest giving another pained cough before trying to stand. Her armor would stand with a loud creek of armored pieces having been melted to a misshapen form or even just melted together, which gave a loud snapping ring as they broke apart.

Standing in the crater she looked at the scorched earth around her. The burnt ground and emptiness within the blast range… Under what right did she have to survive something like this…. To be ready to die but continue to live… when there were people that only wanted to live but continued to die everyday to illness or the enemy.

As the ash continued to fall away from her unit, she looked over at the rising sun and say it in a new light that morning. Not just as a light to the world, but a light to all life that they didn't have to fear the darkness. That it wasn't just something and part of the outside world. But that it had meaning outside of human feelings. Outside of human fears.

Leaning back against the plug’s seat she closed her eyes as her unit stood there facing the sun, facing that which gave her some unknown feeling of hope that maybe humanity didn't have to forever walk while glancing over it’s shoulder at the darkness following it. With that thought she drifted back into unconsciousness and into a different kind of darkness.