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Fuvurian Courts


... is very scientifical.
Retired Staff
"So long as an institution is made by man, it will share all of the faults and weaknesses of man."

Fuvurian courts don’t have an easy parallel with the real world, but can be described with the same legal terms. There are three recognized courts in the Fuvurian system, Court of the Emperor, Court of the Moghul and Court of the Father. Emperor’s Court can override and act in the place of the latter two, while Moghul’s Court can only override the rule of Father’s Court if the household of Father’s Court lives predominantly in the Moghul’s lands.

Matters of Jurisdiction

Emperor’s Court has jurisdiction over every citizen of the empire as well as every foreigner who commits crimes on Fuvurian land. If the emperor chooses not to exact his will over any particular case, it falls to the Moghul’s Court. The emperor may also change any any decisions made in lesser courts, and enforce his right to take the position of any member of the legal process except for the criminal. Because, as far as the law is concerned, the emperor cannot be a criminal because the emperor is the one who grants the right to judge others and exact justice; it cannot be expected for an emperor to be a criminal unless the law itself is criminal, which to claim is treasonous.

Moghul’s Court has jurisdiction over their lands and citizens who lease land in their communities. If a citizen lives in one community but travels to another to commit the crime, it is immediately deemed a Rule of Many (to be explained later), with the Moghul who had the crime commited in their territories acting as the main judge. The Moghul whose land the citizen has on lease is able to pick the members of the Laymen (again, explained later).

Father’s Court is a legal means for families to resolve disputes without unsanctioned violence. It is generally monitored by an official agent of the emperor or Moghul who owns the lands where they live to ensure due process, though they can be held privately if all members (both accused and accuser, as well as the main judge) consent to this. Father’s Court can only hold trial on members of their household, and the accused can plea for it to become a Moghul’s Court instead.

Burden of Proof

Citizens are assumed to be innocent, and those accusing them at trial must prove that they were the most plausible person to have commited a crime. Foreigners, however, are assumed guilty and must prove it is unreasonable for them to have been the culprit, or that another is the most plausible person to have commited the crime.

Organization of Law

There are multiple kinds of trials that exist in the Fuvurian system, each operating differently. There is, however, always The Most Honorable Judge, who chooses what kind of trial to impliment (except where circumstances forces one kind of trial over another, or they are overruled by the emperor). Depending on the kind of court, The Most Honorable Judge is different - either an agent of the emperor or the emperor himself (Emperor’s Court), an agent of the Moghul or the Moghul themselves (Moghul’s Court), or the head of a family’s household or an agent of the head of the household (Father’s Court).

The kinds of trials are as follows:

Rule of One. The Most Honorable Judge hears out the case of both the Accuser (the one accusing another of a crime), and the Accused (the person being accused or their representative at court) and then makes a judgement.

Rule of Many. A panel consisting of The Most Honorable Judge and at minimum three Laymen (chosen by The Most Honorable Judge) hear the cases of the Accuser and the Accused. The Laymen then form their own cases and proposals amongst themselves, with The Most Honorable Judge mediating their discussion, and The Most Honorable Judge must choose one of the proposed judgements from the Laymen.

Rule of Might. The Accused and Accuser duel one another: weapons, setting, and exact rules decided by The Most Honorable Judge. The loser of the duel is then subject to The Most Honorable Judge’s judgement.

Rule of Wit. As Rule of Might, but instead of a duel, some manner of game of skill is used.

Rule of Popular Vote. Both the Accused and Accuser are forbade from leaving the supervision of the court. Over the course of a period of time determined by The Most Honorable Judge, people who are eligible to vote (also determined by the judge) vote on who they believe to be innocent. The loser is subject to The Most Honorable Judge’s verdict.

Rule of State. When someone commits a crime against the state (i.e., crimes like treason, where some facet of the state or itnegral to the state is the victim), or there is no applicable Accuser, The Most Honorable Judge acts as the Accuser. The trial is then to determine the guilt or innocence of the Accused, as well as the severity of their verdict.

Valid Cases

Citizens are expected to appeal to their rights as citizens, and explain how they were either violated or would have been violated if they did not act. Or how their rights were violated by the person they are accusing of having done so, if they are acting as Accuser. Foreigners, however, have no such legal rights in Fuvurian society. Their only legal recourse is begging the court for a light sentence, or proving to The Most Honorable Judge that they genuinely commited no crime.
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