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Fryzbee Ban Appeal [Denied]


Lord of Altera

It is a little over a year since my proper ban, which I was able to appeal after a month.

Here I am a year later. A lot of old friends are returning to the server, and with the closing of a few RP places I frequent, I've decided to appeal. I realized a bit ago that what I did was emotionally fueled and stupid, and I have no excuses. I simply wish for another chance, and fully expect nothing but punishments should I break the rules again. I know a lot of people may have differing opinions on me, and I put on the record here that I promise I will not engage in any arguments or disputes. I will be complacent and chill. I just want to RP with my friends again, and tell a good story for those involved.

Should the ban be appealed, I will be fully compliant with LT to determine what should be done with the character that spurred the staff involvement, if anything. To refresh, I cured a Vyre character through a misunderstanding of the rules of Vyrism, using an NPC type deal to cure them.



The Alchemist
Retired Staff
Hello! Just wanted to let you know that this has been seen and the team is discussing it, thank you!


You've yeed your last haw
Staff member
Events Staff
In-Game Tech Staff
Lore Staff
Server Outreach
Server Owner
Shadow Owner
After consideration we have decided to deny your appeal.
The last time around we think you went out of your way to cause drama, knowingly broke rules and claimed ignorance when confronted, and for the collective weight of the experience with you last time we aren't interested in seeing if your attitude and behavior has changed.


Lord of Altera
After consideration we have decided to deny your appeal.
The last time around we think you went out of your way to cause drama, knowingly broke rules and claimed ignorance when confronted, and for the collective weight of the experience with you last time we aren't interested in seeing if your attitude and behavior has changed.
That's a real shame. I'm sorry to hear it, for certain. Hope all goes well with the server and it's future. If anyone is curious on the actual specifics of my ban and my 'behaviour', my discord is Fry #0236, and I'd be glad to elaborate.

I appreciate the outcry of support on the above appeal and in my DMs, and I wish the team considered it. Please be nice to Lannis and staff- their opinions are their own, and I wish the above decline extended that same branch. If you have anything to say, feel free, but be kind. I hope that the decision changes sometime in the future. :)

Much love!


Retired Staff
He/Him, She/Her, They/Them
Is there a point where this can be appealed again or is this a DNR? This was not detailed in the appeal decline.


You've yeed your last haw
Staff member
Events Staff
In-Game Tech Staff
Lore Staff
Server Outreach
Server Owner
Shadow Owner
For the sake of closure, we'll call it permanent with no appeal. I do not expect my opinion on it will change in the foreseeable future.