Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Exodus - Logbook


object oriented
Staff member
Retired Owner
(Either to be determined. Journal maintained by Staff handling this.)

The threat coming from the Daughter of Grief escalates the need for protectors of Altera to step forwards. For crafters to create defenses- to protect themselves, others, or their land. A few may have already made their dues, unknowingly, ready to move on. Others desire to linger for one last fight before accepting the end.
  • Qlippoth’s Awakening - An attempt to pit villain against villain. xVigil

Heralds whisper of explorers preparing ships of grandiose forms to navigate far off frontiers, from the seafaring to airships, to portals or archways fueled by magic. The cosmic skies, seas, and the thinning Veil signify a chance to see beyond. But who will step up to dare it? Who will join them?

The date of take off is yet to be determined.

There is nothing more sacred than where one calls home. These individuals seek to retire within Altera itself, despite the threat of its destruction. Even if not all of it can be saved, there is a chance to protect one’s home or city, through the efforts of gestalts or divine intervention. Perhaps the Veil or the gods above will take mercy upon your lands. These do not need to be DM’ed events and can be player events, happenings or occur in the background in lore blurbs written by players involved once approved.
  • A Banquet of Demonic Souls - Reinhardt’s last hurrah LuxTop
  • Preservation and true resurrection of the Earthspawn race - Yrdl and Tiek Baron2537
  • Development of revolutionary technology as the fabric of reality begins to crumble Edouard2000

The realm requires protectors and the gods need help. The Pantheon’s persistence wavers as some open the doors to the Titans ascending, promises of aid against Altera’s true threat, Grief. Defiant, others seek power in their own right.
  • The Knowing Edge, Silas’s resurrection with Athryl IceandFire
  • The Drowned One, Laet’s revenge with the Chainbreakers Juvix_
  • Manna Egg Arget Istalri

The Pantheon understands that in order for people to survive, they need defenders. They give large portions of their power to a new cadre of Exalts, more than before, representing different aspects of their court.
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object oriented
Staff member
Retired Owner
{ Request your Events here }
{ Character Conclusions }

-I'm not done updating everyone's additions
-This is a list of both events and non-event requests, things that will happen in the background in a blurb. The more major requests are noted here. Things that are personal/private will be done seperately
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