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Exodus - A Symphony To Remember


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Daughter of Grief, The Immortal Child, Destroyer of Worlds, Mistress of Evil, Unchained by Demons, Shackler of Shadows, rises from her broken bindings within the Hellscape. A creation of Corruption, she holds and bleeds the essence of the Destructors, claiming the steps of her Mother, the Bane of Alterans. Consumed by Wrath, all she was made to know is to ruin.. ruin all before her. Kind, or weak, or defiant, it mattered not.

Seeping through the Veil, tiptoeing around the Twilight Blockade that failed to seal her, she arrives within the Realm of Feeraidah which was home to mythical creatures, ancient in their own right. Here, Ancient Kaven rests. Here the sister of Vata’inu drifts. Here the Sirens sing upon the coastlines. Here in its endless forests, the Fae tongue is spoken. A land of mischief and wonder. Towers and castles of stone and seas sprinkle within the wild continent. Arfelin, One of the three settlements found within Feeraidah, was ruled by an Archduchess. A city that is built to live within intrinsic harmony with nature and wildlife. Upon the corner of the world, it fell first to the Daughter of Grief, its forests overcome by enslaved shadows of soldiers from the Veil, forced into duty and bidding. Its citizens are consumed by them, broken and forced to follow in toe in the midst of their corruption. Then came Eyfaluna, a land that rests upon the shores of the Seas of Illanor, hosting great longships and a city made of marbled stone. Its Archduke fought long and hard, until he too fell to a violent blade in a valiant battle. The Oedellian Wilds held her long enough, the Mountains of Senlian faltering soon after, the Kyssaei Highlands kept her occupied until the rest of the Seas of Ilanor expanded before her. Stronger, confident, she turned then to her core purpose. To terrorize those that felled her Mother. A faceless expression shifted beneath her helm, features non-existent, a creature full of grief and anguish. Dark shadowy tendrils followed behind her like a cloak and with a flick of her hand, a tear formed through the Veil as it shook under the weight of Titans Ascending. Feeraidah weeps …as Altera welcomes her.

Credit: Lore on Feykin Jstar


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The wind stirs, the sea shifts, the fires crackle, the earth rumbles.. Shadows seem to dance, others shrink underneath the sky. The Veil begins to thin in great swaths of magical light. The starry sky blends with the shallow planar, appearing as cosmic clouds blooming in populated areas of the world. Across the deserts, the sky sees a deep red and orange streak of light. Across the forests, they see a green-blue swath painted in echoes of swirls of auroras upon the trees. Within bodies of water, midnight blue and purple mystical mist seems to lay atop it, undeterred. Stone buildings seem to crack, foliage and moss covering them up quickly, crawling in overgrowth- the WIlderness begins to take over. The shadows seem eerily darker. Those familiar will notice the Planar Convergence fluctuates more rapidly and alarming than its prior rates, much like when it first came to be. There is tension in the air, a foreboding feeling lingering. Those of magical influences in the Arcane feel it in their bones, a waxing and waning of their powers as they hold onto it by pure will. Across the center of the sky a black rift forms across the cosmic clouds. A thin line to mark its beginning. Larger than that of the Ivory King’s. Seen from the south to the north of the Continent.

A dream flickers within the minds of the Blessed. A dark humanoid, yet unnatural and imposing form standing before a marching storm. Familiar beings of mortals appear armored in shadows, black-eyed and veined, holding weapons. While others seem to levitate, barking orders, crackles of magic warping around them. They appear from a black rift behind and head forwards through another, marching across a bridge of crystal that breaks away and disintegrates behind them. There is only one direction, their world. The dream flickers away, leaving a lingering feeling of apprehension and determination.

An invasive vision enters the mind of Alterans during their daily lives soon after. A flicker of a blue form with white eyes glaring from a reflection- a mirror, the surface of water, a window, the edge of a blade. The Twisted Star. +A threat nears.+ It speaks within their minds with a weary tone. +As requested, I warn the people. Prepare yourselves, to fight, or to seek refuge as your predecessors once did. She has come.+ The vision vanishes.

The world rumbles.. and changes. What once was may never be again. There are surprises in every corner- one merely needs to step forth to catch it and protect their sanctity.

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Puppycat Herder
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I never thought I'd see the day when a villain I created for a fan-fiction, daughter of Grief, would ACTUALLY end the world.
It's merely a coincidence, I don't think we realized you had a similar premise. We wanted to pay homage to the way HW started without using a character that was technically the personal PC of a former player.