Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Elvira Poe (2nd Rp Character)


Lord of Altera
cartoon-gothic-oriental-girl.jpg Name: Elvira Poe
Nickname/Alias: Darkend Child/ Elvira
Age: 15
Gender: Femail
Race: Witch
Height: 5'3
20 lbs, but its rude to ask
Hair: Jet Black with blue streaks
Eyes: Amber
Skin: Pale
Identifying Marks: she has a tatoo on her left arm that is hidden by her sleeve
Appearance: at first glance she is creepy and odd... thats just what she is
Strengths: VooDoo and Darkness
Weaknesses and fears: She Fear the "Normal" in herself
Religion and cults: VooDooism
Profession: VooDoo and other dark arts


Lord of Altera
Chapter 1
I've always had no family... well ever since I was 7 years old... My father was Killed when I was 3 and my mother was thought to be a witch and was tortured when I was only 5, I had to stay with my grandmother who.. sadly passed away when I was 7, I had to get away from it all... I knew who I had hurt and injured and now they were after me... and there was no point in me staying, I had no friends, because I was always so enclosed and "Weird" as the Villagers called me... I always used to stare at them... watching their every move, then they would Suddenly have the urge to run inside and hide, not that I cared if I was all alone, they were all scared of me for some reason, so I would run away into the dead forest. always alone... that's who I am.


Lord of Altera
Chapter 2
Always the weird little girl, who lived in the ruins of her old family home, she always seemed to stay in the shadows, and never socialize to the other living, but some people had their suspicions that she herself was from among the grave, she had a strange way of goings about the town, that she seemed to glide along dark alleyways and hide from the light, even tho she was part human, most of the time she would have little dolls attached to her black belt... No one asked questions about them, even if they looked familiar, like a face they had seen just yesterday.


Lord of Altera
Chapter 3
Elvira walked along the cold slippery path to the gloomy wood, she sometimes just sits by a tree.. Wondering what could have been if she hadn't done that to poor little Asirel,the first of many to fall into her cold hands, The story of poor little Asirel is quite a long one... She had traveled on the boat all the way to the frost bitten town of darkwood... were Elvira was waiting, When Asirel had gotten to thee large wooden gates, A voice of a young girl seemed to eco of the large stone walls, The voice said "Enter Girl" in a cold voice, so that's exactly what she did, as soon as she stepped through the gates she saw a girl standing there, dressed mostly in black, with bright emerald eyes and pale skin, "who are you?" Asirel asked "Your worst nightmare" the girl replied and grabbed Asirel's Hair. "What are you doing?! who are you?! Let me go!!" Asirel Screamed at the girl but she did not reply, she didn't even react when Asirel kicked her leg and tried to run off, The strange girl brought Asirel into a large house among many, locked the door, and pulled her up a ladder and into a dark candle lit loft.​
To be Continued...


Lord of Altera
new Chapter​
Hair: Long blond wavy hair
Skin: Still pale but more colour
Identifying Marks:Her amazing amber eyes
Appearance:quite friendly looking, beautiful
Strengths:The forest and the light
Weaknesses and fears: The darkness taking hold of her again