Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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[Earth] Aki Bellamy Evergreen


Legend of Altera
He/Him, She/Her, They/Them
Aki Bellamy Evergreen


[ x ] They find sections of their body become mottled and grey akin to stone in colour, be this only the hands, whole limbs, and in rare cases, the entire body. They feel slightly colder to the touch.


Earthblessed find that their personality shifts, trending towards the more stubborn or steadfast types. They are known to become more argumentative, often thinking themselves right, with others simply becoming more determined in their actions. You may choose how your character is changed, be it a minor or more dramatic trait.


They are at home in the wilderness, finding it familiar to them and comforting, and have an easier time navigating it as a result. Their skin seems a little tougher, bruises and light scrapes not really taking much effect. Many make for great gardeners, having a natural talent at helping flora flourish.


Great cities disorient them somewhat, places far from nature and the more natural way of things making them uneasy. Some gain a mild fear of the sea, and they hardly ever manage to keep themselves steady on ships with an eagerness to get onto land as soon as possible. They are not as nimble with their hands, some being a bit clumsy.


Earthblessed can manipulate up to a handful of some natural materials at will within arm's reach, accurately shaping it without using their hands. This includes stone, sand, mud and clay. Their footing on shaking or shifting earthen grounds, such as mud, swampland or sand, is better than most, and they are able to restore held flowers to full health.

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