Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Baron Aron


Retired Staff
Name: Baron Aron

Nickname/Alias: Aron; the Stranger

Age: Unknown

Gender: Male

Race: Human exterior, unknown biological composition. He could be human, he could be elfish, he could be something entirely new...

Height: 6' 3"

Weight: 115 Kg, due to higher density bodily structure than normal humans

Hair: Brown, with a clean cut and trimmed edges.

Eyes: Slightly larger than they rightly should be, shift according to mood.

Skin: Light, Caucasian appearance, with veins coloured slightly off normal

Identifying Marks: Mysterious scars on arms, appear to be the result of a nasty struggle.

Appearance: About 6' 3", Aron has slightly bulkier build than normal humans. His face is nothing near normal, however, as his eyes have a predatorial appearance and shift colours according to his mood. He has a straight, forward posture apparently designed to intimidate, which he tries to hide by hunching slightly.

Strengths: Extreme intelligence, powerful vision, higher-than-average physical strength and near infinite patience.

Weaknesses and fears: Despite his physical ability, Aron can be easily outmatched by the magical. He has an odd fear of silverfish following an incident he'd rather not mention. He is a sufferer of amnesia, and has little knowledge of his life before arriving in Altera.

Religion and cults: Atheist, as he has little faith in gods or the supernatural as a result of a mostly forgotten childhood. He does, however, have a strange attraction to the Moon.

Profession: Small scale architect, potion brewer, miscellaneous task accomplisher, farmer, lumberjack, ...something, nearly forgotten, a memory of a hunt, of night long ago...


Lord of Altera
Good work, now it only needs a backstory.
It seems you took a lot of time to make this, I like that.