Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Ban Reports

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Lord of Altera
This is the Ban Reports section. People are able to read this whenever they wish but it will not be bumped, commented on or linked when it's updated. You just have to check here yourself to find a name.

Player name:
Ban type/duration:
Rule(s) broken:
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Lord of Altera
Player name: Acu20
Ban type/duration: Forever and ever
Rule(s) broken: #1, #20, #21, and #24, also ERP'd and was verbally violent toward staff.

Player name: Aloctor
Ban type/duration: Permanent ban
Rule(s) broken: #11

Player name: NickofWar
Ban type/duration: Permanent ban
Rule(s) broken: #11

Player name: XBarbarianGaming, DuelistDraven, DETN8R
Ban type/duration: Forever and ever
Rule(s) broken: ERP and Salt

Player name: MegaDonkey30 and alt
Ban type/duration: Forever and ever
Rule(s) broken: #20 and #1, also said unsavory things to a staff member via convo
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