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Poster A Request of the Underking


Bored Brit

Sygyt Kristoff Dwain Stenashieldar a da Irrsten et Dwardun calls upon Kharuz Thordil Barumur a Aeroch Rimtar to grant a respectful request of his Kin to the South.

It is requested that the remains of the fallen Kharuz Erik Stenashieldar are relinquished to the possession of his family to rest in the halls of his Kin.

It is recognised that personal squabbles and issues have existed between Barumur and Stenashieldar, but it is expected that such issues are set aside in order to reunite a
Son with his Father's remains.

- Kristoff Stenashieldar -




Hi [Unsuspecting Comment], I'm Jazzper

Sygyt Kristoff Dwain Stenashieldar a da Irrsten et Dwardun calls upon Kharuz Thordil Barumur a Aeroch Rimtar to grant a respectful request of his Kin to the South.

It is requested that the remains of the fallen Kharuz Erik Stenashieldar are relinquished to the possession of his family to rest in the halls of his Kin.

It is recognised that personal squabbles and issues have existed between Barumur and Stenashieldar, but it is expected that such issues are set aside in order to reunite a
Son with his Father's remains.

- Kristoff Stenashieldar -



Khorug-Khárûz Bárúmur has overseen the excavation of deceased Kharuz Erik Stenashieldar's stone coffin from his crypt, seeking the All-Father's blessing upon this transfer and his new resting place. The chains keeping the coffin in place during transport are covered in rough leathers so they may hold but not scratch the stone.

Gur a Korog, Erik Stenashieldar

His former resting place will remain as-is for the time being, although the hole is sealed with a solid slab. It will serve to commemorate the former king of Dunasten, buried first in Aeroch Rimtar I, then Aeroch Rimtar II and now finally with his blood-kin.
