Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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  1. Jase

    [ Visage ] Serenity

    IG NAME: Whitespoor CHARACTER: Serenity PROFILE: ------ PATRON: Visage. TIER: 0 SPELL POINTS: 0 ARTIFACTS: TRINKETS: PASSIVE: Visage; Mark of the Watcher Serenity has a mark upon them akin to an inky smudge or eye shape, of either grey or blue hues. Due to the mark, she shows traits of...
  2. MercurySteve

    Finished [Reflections Truth] Forming, Giveth and Reforming

    What: Initiation, Sharing and Schemes Where: A Visij shrine When: Thursday 12th of August, 4PM PST Rating: Peaceful, most likely Who: Reflections Truth members and Initiates
  3. MercurySteve

    Missing Malark Tallstag
