Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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please don't respond to this like a twitter thread

  1. I am Wake

    Herald [Letter] Planar Convergence Genesis: Arcana

    This is not a public letter. The lengthy list of recipients are below. This is here to read for your enjoyment otherwise! :) This letter is sent to: Milah Jazzper - Trefor JennyBean - Storm Catalyst - Raenyr Astalgon - Frost Fronslin - Quill Juvix_ - Ruvan TagTeamChampion - Aislin Galaxy -...
  2. TheDeester

    vote bennett

    One poster is put up close to the inn. I’m Bennett, and I’m running for Storm’s Landing Council. I’m just trying to do good by the place I was born. Voting is soon. If you know me then you can make that decision yourself, if you don’t then ask around. You’ll get an opinion. It’s extremely...