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Practice makes perfect


Soul stealer
Retired Staff
Also here's more Laisa

Also I have something I wanna say about the state of this thread and my other art-related threads currently but it could be long so imma put it in spoiler so you only have to read it if you want to.

So basically I've been thinking lately about pressure. I've not been having the best time IRL and I won't go into why but at the moment my art is basically the only thing that I can just do and enjoy. That being said, there are times where it becomes a pressure for me, and I get frustrated because I feel I have to improve each time and then post it for everyone to see, and there are things I draw that I spend hours on and that I dont post on here because I get so worked up about it not being good enough. And its nothing to do with the forums, you are all very supportive and kind about my work and I appreciate all the comments I get so much, whether they be constructive or just compliments, it is entirely down to my state of my mind, and my desire to be better, and my lack of confidence/appreciation for my own abilities. I think part of that is down to the fact that...I have never had a period in my graphic art "journey" where I didnt post on these forums. There has always always been this pressure to show what I'm doing to everyone and thus make it perfect for everyone and I think maybe I need to take a step back, try just drawing and not uploading anything for a little while. Im not sure, because I am also concerned that it will not be the solution and thus I will just...stop drawing all together because I wont have the motivation of posting things on here anymore.

TL;DR: I might be taking a hiatus from posting on the forums until I feel more comfortable and less...self conscious. Maybe.

Anywho, if anyone has any thoughts on this, I suppose preferably artists who may have felt similar things, please PM me personally as I dont want to flood this thread. Thanks for reading...sorry for such a ramble


Soul stealer
Retired Staff
And final commission, from Jazzper for Jinny


BUT, yes. Im going to take a bit of a break from commissions and posting on here, just to see if it makes any difference to how I feel about my art or my overall motivation. So see you guys on the flipside, hopefully my art will have improved a little next time I post


Soul stealer
Retired Staff
Art fluff.
I know its literally only been eleven days, but while I was away recently I visited the Herge museum, and for anyone who doesn't know, Herge is the creator of Tin Tin which I am and have always been obsessed with. It was very emotional for me and it made me realise that since my haitus I have not been feeling as passionate about art. So here's what I'm going to do to balance wanting to post here and not wanting to feel pressured. Im going to stop feeling like I gotta post every day or every other day. I'm gonna draw as much as I want during the week and then post an... "overview" so to speak of that week's art. Once I am more comfortable, I will reopen commissions. From what I can tell that's how other artists tend to post on here anyway. I'm sure like, no one cares at all about any of this but its actually been very therapeutic for me.

SO here's what I worked on while I was away! Including a redraw of my first piece on tablet, a year and eight months later. (I know a few of them need a little bit of cleaning up shhhh I've been pressed for time)


Soul stealer
Retired Staff
I know I said I was gonna post weekly but this is an exception because the tail literally took me an hour to do on its own. (also i used an ariel pose for ref)