Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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It all needs to start somewhere...


i'm the wench if you're the cake ;)
Ever been interested in getting more involved with the Divinity of Altera? Think your character would strive to lead their religious sect? Wanted to try something exciting and interactive? This just might be the place for you!
To begin, please check this out:

{Click Here} -Official Lore of the Pantheon
{Click Here} -The High Church of Altera

The threads this post concerns are the stickied ones in those two sections- And if you haven't already, I highly recommend giving them a quick look over.


As you surely read, the Exalted are to be the mortal presence of the Divines upon the Northern Kingdoms of Altera- working in their name and stead. Despite how amusing it certainly would be, I do not intend for those positions to simply fall out of thin air! To make sure everyone is OOCly on the same page, there is an application process for the Exalted. Feel free to apply even if there is an existing Exalted in the position your character falls into!
This is going to detail what the applicants should keep in mind should they wish to become involved. It will outline two parts- OOC and IC, respectively. Know that any member of this community has equal opportunity to participate- but that does not mean it will be easy for your character.

In addition to the Exalted, criteria for the Grand Inquisitor will also be included at the end of this post.
Lets get started, shall we~?

Those interested in taking a shot for the High Council with their character need to first contact the Lore Coordinator (Currently @Michcat ) OOCly, with their application. The purpose of this is to ensure that they can communicate and collaborate and touch base to ensure shenanigans go smoothly. There needs to be an OOC understanding that taking upon this role holds no small risk for their Character, and they must be able to not only prevent OOC knowledge from affecting IC actions (Metagaming)- but to respect confidentiality. Similarly, breaking the server rules will remove your character from the Exalted position (You can find the Kings Law inside the Survival Guide tab!)
It is also good to keep in mind that you may be doing a good amount of writing, organizing, and/or threads work- And if you don't think these activities are the ones for you, you may wish to enlist the help of a close friend or perhaps seek a different avenue of roleplay.
Please contact the Coordinator through this thread so they don't receive a barrage of Private Messages- unless you believe in contacting you will handle sensitive information, then by all means send a private message.
It is encouraged to use the form laid out below!

On the IC side of things, character development will always be a matter of great importance- As it ties in so closely with roleplay (And this is, of course, a roleplaying server). However, being OOCly compatible is only slightly more important then In-Character compatibility, given the sensitive nature of these matters.
It is generally helpful if your character has a history of worship or contact-of-good-terms with the divine in question. Characters have been able to touch upon the world of the Pantheon for a very long time now, and it is more then feasible to hold some sort of past dealings with them.
Arranging the position of Exalted will occur through roleplay and character development within the server- even if some OOC setup may be done through the forums. Think of this as more of a show of interest then anything.

To apply for Exalted:
Add this form into your message (Be it on the thread or in a PM)

+IGN: -
Character Name: -
Divine of choice: -
Have you read the relevant OOC and IC components of this position and the High Council thread, and are there any issues? If so, please clarify here: -
History of IC worship: -
Examples of OOC leadership (Events, organizations, running a town, etc.): -
Why are you interested? -
Please restate the information of this thread (Pertaining only to an Exalted), in your own words: -

The Grand Inquisitor.
Similar to the position of Exalted, the Grand Inquisitor will hold criteria in both OOC and IC terms. There is little difference to what is written above- Communication, collaboration, confidentiality and contact will all be necessary traits. As does being one for writing, organizing, and forum-thread business!
In-Character, the Grand Inquisitor is a position largely impartial. While the specifics will be created through roleplay upon the server, a good basis is to keep the Grand Inquisitor the sort of being who can make all the tough (but 'necessary') decisions. They will need to- as the name implies- lead the Order of the Inquisition.

To apply for the Grand Inquisitor:
Add this form into your message (Be it on the thread or in a PM)

+IGN: -
Character Name: -
Divine of choice (If relevant, this is unnecessary here): -
Have you read the relevant OOC and IC components of this position and the Inquisition thread, and are there any issues? If so, please clarify here: -
History of IC leadership positions: -
Examples of OOC leadership (Events, organizations, running a town, etc.): -
Why are you interested? -
Please restate the information of this thread (Pertaining only to the Inquisitor position), in your own words (Can be super short): -

Each Exalted and Grand Inquisitor will be asked to name an Heir/Marshall, respectively. Once this business is underway, should something fall upon the Exalted or Grand Inquisitor (I do not fault anyone for developments that would create this situation nor expect it to come about, I only plan for it for the sake of smoothness), it will be their heir who takes their place. Should the heir also be unavailable, these applications will be reviewed and the position go to the most worthy candidate.

Good luck!
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You've yeed your last haw
Staff member
Events Staff
In-Game Tech Staff
Lore Staff
Server Outreach
Server Owner
Shadow Owner
+IGN: -
Character Name: - Jaret Ironbrow
Divine of choice: - Korog
Have you read the relevant OOC and IC components of this position and the High Council thread, and are there any issues? If so, please clarify here: - No problems 'ere!
History of IC worship: - Devout of Korog, bordering on fanaticism
Examples of OOC leadership (Events, organizations, running a town, etc.): - Running a crew of miscreants, various summonings
Why are you interested? - All for dat Korog, baby
Please restate the information of this thread (Pertaining only to an Exalted), in your own words (Can be super short): - "O'thou shalt be an instrument of the Gods, thy duty to perform their divine will unwavering. Hear thy God, and tread not from its proclamations lest thy faith falter."


Lord of House Hawklight
Character Name: - Axex Kholin Hawklight
Divine of choice: - Crusade
Have you read the relevant OOC and IC components of this position and the High Council thread, and are there any issues? If so, please clarify here: - Ye mate, and nah, no issues.
History of IC worship: - Axex was one of the first people on the server to start worshiping the Gods, Harateth and Korigon in particular. More recently he's turned towards a more neutral deity than the original Harateth, and thought often of Skeira, by extension he recognises the strength of Crusade, and the necessity of conflict. Can be found almost daily in the Chapel in Heavens Reach thinking of the Gods. Has a loooong history of fighting in wars, and indirectly worshiped the Gods of war through these actions.
Examples of OOC leadership (Events, organizations, running a town, etc.): - Involved in managing a few towns ages ago, founded Hawklight and Wintermourne, now one of the leaders of Aeyeras/Hierax. Managed a few events way back, ran the Ascension Heights and Lindisfarne events on the fly etc.
Why are you interested? - I feel Axex is a character that could have a really cool implementation of Crusades warlike nature, involving all three of its original personalities, plus he recognizes that the strength of Crusade could likely not be trusted to many people. As for myself, I want to get more involved again, lead some people and what not, since it's what I seem to be best at.
Please restate the information of this thread (Pertaining only to an Exalted), in your own words (Can be super short): - Exalted should be ready to do a lot of thread writing/organising, people playing them need to be half decent role-players, and flexible ooc. They need a history of worship/contact with the divine. In rp they should be all bout dat God, acting as his/her mortal instrument etc.



Lord of Altera
+IGN: sadko12345
Character Name: Vladdim Wallins
Divine of choice: Jishrim
Have you read the relevant OOC and IC components of this position and the High Council thread, and are there any issues? If so, please clarify here: Everything I have thoroughly read, and I have no issues /at all/.
History of IC worship:
-Sacrificing his soul for Jishrim at the Summons willfully.
-Giving his island of Salts Ridge into Jishrim's power by building a shrine there.
-Filling the shelves of Crossroads Library with mantras of Jishrim.
-Slowly finding madmen and organizing summons.
-Waging chaos in bar brawls ( :D )
-Took advantage of people's weaknesses to confuse and scare them.
Examples of OOC leadership (Events, organizations, running a town, etc.): I have been a leader of a couple organizations and hosted a few small events, and had been running Salts Ridge for some time.
Why are you interested? I believe I and my character fit very well into such a role, and I'm super excited. My character had grown into a very chaotic, extremely creepy character, and serving Jishrim became something of an obsession to him.
Please restate the information of this thread (Pertaining only to an Exalted), in your own words (Can be super short):
". . . Ah, you shall be a nice shiny bug of the gods, you shall serve and dance for them, a jester at their court who plays only by their rules, ah? Rules? BAHAHAHA"

Now, just in case, the OOC information:

Exalted shall be a group of devoted servants of their gods, and they shall follow their laws by all means, as their 'ambassadors' even. So it is easier for said gods to converse with the world mayhaps, and they always do their bidding.
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Dead Man Walking
+IGN: - Dummyplug

Character Name: - Dummyplug

Divine of choice: - Skraag

Have you read the relevant OOC and IC components of this position and the High Council thread, and are there any issues? If so, please clarify here: - One IC issue, though I wouldn't say that Dummy is anti-social, I would certainly say that he is "pro-loner". He can't hang around other people all too often. Or, if he is going to be with people a lot, he will also have to be killing other people a lot to avoid killing the people he will be with. OOC issue(kinda), I actually quite like keeping Dummy's interactions with people low. It makes them special due to their rarity. Although I'm perfectly happy to do all these RPs, I would be sad if Dummy became commonplace. The air of mystery about him is something I quite enjoy. So I am somewhat reluctant to put him in any "leadership" position.

History of IC worship: -
-Rove Skraag rong time.

-Has dedicated the vast majority of his kills to Skraag, it's his own little way of worshiping(He doesn't really "pray").

-Has spent nearly all of his time working on self improvement, via combat training and learning mysticism(practically the only 2 things he does); he wants to become a paragon for Skraag.

-Combat training is for the purpose of being able to act as Skraag's hands. If Skraag needed something done, aka needed to be defended or needed to lash out at something, Dummy would be able to do it.

-Learning Mysticism for the soul purpose of repairing the ward on the Planar Infinity, thus ensuring Skraag doesn't lose out on any souls.

-Has and is attempting to spread the faith to bolster Skraag.

-Has attempted to exemplify the virtues of Skraag as he understands them, such as: Humility, Patience, and from patience: Slow to Judge and Slow to Anger.

-Skraag is a definitive part of this character's story and has dictated much of the characters actions.

Examples of OOC leadership (Events, organizations, running a town, etc.): - Couple summonings. No organizations have been made because it kinda conflicts with his character(The whole "pro-loner" thing).

Why are you interested? - As I am interested in my character, I want to see his story unfold. So, really, wherever it makes sense for the character to go, I must go as well.

Please restate the information of this thread (Pertaining only to an Exalted), in your own words (Can be super short): - Forum stuffs, secret stuffs. Rp meeting stuffs, probably more secret stuffs. Being nice.

Edits: I've added more junk in the History of IC Worship part.
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Lord of Altera
Applying for Grand Inquisitor
- GregorWaldstein

Character Name: - Lucius Artorius

Divine of choice (If relevant, this is unnecessary here): - (Harateth) Ignis Synnove

Have you read the relevant OOC and IC components of this position and the Inquisition thread, and are there any issues? If so, please clarify here: - I have no issue, read both threads several times, and feel like it suits my character, and the OOC components fully doable.

History of IC leadership positions: -
Lucius has been found in leadership positions throughout his time in Altera, from leading a mercenary company to becoming Knight Inquisitor of the Order Of The Fallen Light. While he hasn't been a leader of a faction wise, he has been more of a small group leader, training and giving orders on the field instead.

Examples of OOC leadership (Events, organizations, running a town, etc.): - Doing behind the scenes things in terms of planning for multiple organizations, involved in managing Lavoyard currently.

Why are you interested? - I feel like such a position would fit my character, given the recent developments and having lead a /very/ similar role as Knight Inquisitor, (Including the squires part!) Lucius was a devout of Harateth, doing his best to convert people to his faith and prosecute heretics and apostates, seeing Harateth as the only true deity, but as of late with him being reborn and his commander abandoning the faith, he has taken a more pragmatic look at religion, viewing it as a balance between the gods, with things angering the gods being a danger to the realm, such as heretical religions.

As a character, Lucius is blind to status and allegiance, and seeks to uphold "justice" going as far to turn against his brothers in arms when they were doing things he viewed as injustice, or having no qualms about arresting people regardless of their sob stories, believing that justice is above all.

Please restate the information of this thread (Pertaining only to the Inquisitor position), in your own words (Can be super short): -
Collaborate with staff for events and such OOCly, and be a religious nutte- stalwart defender of the faith ICly.
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Lord of Altera
Character Name: Murdoc Ferrothorn
Divine of choice: Crusade
Have you read the relevant OOC and IC components of this position and the High Council thread, and are there any issues? If so, please clarify here: not at all!
History of IC worship: Murdoc has worshipped crusade since the day he was seen at the cathedral, knowing his ways of war were perfect for Murdocs personality, he prays everyday during training and slays his enemies in her name whenever he can.
Examples of OOC leadership (Events, organizations, running a town, etc.): Well, I helped with a few events, I also set up a few town meetings and pretty much run the scenes militarily in Marr ICly.
Why are you interested? I feel Crusade is Perfect for Murdoc's personality and fits his warlike nature, Murdoc serves as a grand Marshall for Marr and Wishes to serve crusade in any way he can, as he feels contained currently it is hard for him to do much, but wishes for his chance to break out and serve, and feels he can do so much more for crusade, and his/her followers. Murdoc uses all 3 personalities of the old gods of war to help in his descisions in Crusades name, and knows this strength cannot be trusted to just anyone. OOCly I feel like I really have not gotten involved enough in the community then I could, and I feel like I could really do something, and lead the worshippers of crusade t a better and brighter future.
Please restate the information of this thread (Pertaining only to an Exalted), in your own words (Can be super short): You must serve your divine ICly and OOCly, but you must be prepared to be a flexible person no matter what, and show that you are able to be calm and not giddy in intesnse situations, ICly you must e ready to serve his/her divine will no matter what, and if you do not you will have the gods wrath come upon you. OOCly by organizing things for him/her and must dedicate yourself quite a bit to prove you are worthy.


Lord of Altera
Ok in advance... I'm making two here because honestly it is honstely hard to decide to apply for which one due to RP reasons, so I will just apply for the two I believe to fit my character most.

I am fully aware that, if any ,only one will be granted.
Moreover, even if possible to get two positions I'd like to automatically step back from being considered for the other if one is already grantedto me.
- So each as an alternative to each other

+IGN: - DraconDarknight
Character Name: Bolvar Firestorm
Divine of choice: Rahas
Have you read the relevant OOC and IC components of this position and the High Council thread, and are there any issues? If so, please clarify here: All misudnerstandings of text have been clarified already, and read several times after having had coffee.
History of IC worship:
Mostly more through actions than prayers I admit it:

- having organised, in my opinion, just laws for Hierax

- Having helped keeping evil (corruption) from touching the lands throughout the campaign

- Having at least attempted to bring former parts of Valor, which now reside in Rahas, back when they were believed to be lost for good.

-Sharing his feelings about Jirishim and the first thing (which I wanted to do with 1.8 before this got announced) will be dismantling Jirhsim's temple in Salts ;) (As soon as Kvothe finally tells me about it :p)

- The nice window picture in the Winterguard Cathedral, which only revered gods in Hierax get, that is only waiting for me to get my hands on stained glass ><

- Declared one of the revered gods in Hierax at the foundation of the (back then) Church of the golden hammer

- Tried to gather the sisterhood to make sure not more of them fall to the corruption
(Bigger point towards Shalherana, but falls under Protection of those in need too)

- Staed true to the ideals of Valor which are now part of Rahas :)

Examples of OOC leadership (Events, organizations, running a town, etc.): Grandmaster of the high Church of Hierax and the Knights of the Dragon, Heir in Hierax and responsible for religion, law and military, Running my own town as well as co-running Heaven's Reach, which are also Bolvar's IC positions.
Why are you interested?

My Character is a Paladin(aka Knight), which is why I think Rahas is a good choice for Bolvar.

Views upon the other Gods as well as alignment (Lawful good) fit well in my opinion. For the sake of fairness I have to note that we are a Kingdom and that Bolvar is a noble which might conflict with it, however it is a just Kingdom where in front of the law everyone is the same which is a very important part of having a system that you can call 'Justice'.
being born noble was definitely no hindrance in medieval times, and it doesn't negate the thing that one can hold others in equality.

I do at least currently not see any issues with our laws being unfair

This also extends to the Knights of the Dragon where people are chosen due to whether they are deemed fit for it rather than whether they are RP nobles, this also extends to whether they are granted lands within Hierax.

Paladins are also defenders also the Shield of those who can't shield themselves.
Fighting Evil is just how my char rolls, and Bolvar is definitely dedicated to his cause.

Please restate the information of this thread (Pertaining only to an Exalted), in your own words (Can be super short):

The exalted are the popes of the faith, and have high responsibilities such as aididing Fights against heresy and staying true towards the believs of their respective god.
In Rahas case this would for example be making sure that Jirishim's madness does not spread while still keeping true to the divine laws as well as fighting against the corruption on every posisble occassion.

The positions comes with risks such as divine wrath upon stopping to uphold the deities values.

Edit: Since I wrote something else here for Shally I think i should add something more here too to prove I actually read it. When there is a bigger event taking place we are to record to make sure to record what has happened by either recording it ourselves or choosing someone to record it on our behalf.
We are also to change our skins according to the God's colors.

+IGN: - DraconDarknight
Character Name: Bolvar Firestorm
Divine of choice: Shalherana
Have you read the relevant OOC and IC components of this position and the High Council thread, and are there any issues? If so, please clarify here: All misudnerstandings of text have been clarified, and read several times after having had coffee
History of IC worship:

- Summoning of Shalherana during the Crisis

- Gifting her an entire, and currently our only, Forest in Hierax

- this includes an entire Monastery for her

- made sure good care of our artifact was taken and brought it to Winterguard for better growth space. (See insides of Winterguard's cathedral)

- Our Church got an artifact from her :)

- Tried to gather the sisterhood to make sure not more of them fall to the corruption (Also partly falls under Rahas Protection of the Weak)

- Declared one of the Revered Gods right when we founded our Kingdom's church back in the days.

Examples of OOC leadership (Events, organizations, running a town, etc.): Grandmaster of the high Church of Hierax and the Knights of the Dragon, Heir in Hierax and responsible for religion, law and military, Running my own town as well as co-running Heaven's Reach, which are also Bolvar's IC positions.
Why are you interested?

As I stated earlier I made two applications because it is really hard to decide. We had a lot of direct and indirect interactions regardig Shalherana such as trying to seek out the Sisterhood, and gifting the Monastery to her.
I don't think being a Paladin would conflict with any of her beliefs either, so the choice between the two of them is really extremely hard :/.

I'd also like to get more chances to RP for which one of these positions would be most ideal, because at the end of the Day a Paladin is a Knight of Faith.

Please restate the information of this thread (Pertaining only to an Exalted), in your own words (Can be super short):

The exalted are the popes of the faith, and have high responsibilities such as aiding fights against heresy and staying true towards the believes of their respective god.
The positions comes with risks such as divine wrath upon stopping to uphold the deities values.

And since I feel extremely lazy for writing the same thing in both my Rhahas and Shally application I will add that we are to participate and help organizing and that our responsibilities can be extended by the gods at their free disposal

In Shalheranas case this would be for once fighting the corruption on every possible occassion as well as making sure that the corruption may not... well corrupt life and her brothers, cousins and children and making sure that Shalherana will not only be the first but also the last of the gods.


I'm also aware that I might have to drop certain of my positions in the Kingdom for this if the god/dess demands it.
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The Very Best, That No One Ever Was
+IGN: Master_Aster
Character Name: Aster Master
Divine of choice: Sallana
Have you read the relevant OOC and IC components of this position and the High Council thread, and are there any issues? If so, please clarify here: Yes I have, and no problems as long as it doesnt conflict with classes.
History of IC worship: Has a shrine to Sallana built on his grounds. Hosted the summoning of Sallana accidentally because he just eximplifies her teachings so well like that. Dat dance doh. (That's what happened right? :p).
Examples of OOC leadership (Events, organizations, running a town, etc.): Hosted the 3rd Alteran Ball, Hosted the summoning of Sallana, well at one point was Co-Mayor of Tauredal
Why are you interested? Because I could use something to occupy my time on the server and I found Aster's faith hard to really exemplify otherwise, the rp sounds fun. :D Also I am one of the few people that actually pronounces her name correctly.
Please restate the information of this thread (Pertaining only to an Exalted), in your own words (Can be super short): The Exalted ones should be able to communicate with the gods lore coordinator very well (being the great Magikarp herself). Not only that but be able to keep to yourself mostly with the information you get with this position. Must also generally be involved with the God/dess through rp and events. As for the IC stuff, you need to be sure that your character pretty much is the epitome of the teachings of their god or face punishment from said god, they must be good at leading the other followers of their respective god in events. Oh, must also named an heir to the position for any possible "accidents" that may happen due to the nature of this position / stuff just happens.
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Lord of Altera

Character Name:
- Inquisitorial Mother Selena Elysium.

Divine of choice:
- Lord Ignis Synnove.

Have you read the relevant OOC and IC components of this position and the High Council thread, and are there any issues? If so, please clarify here:
- I have of course read the threads, and I don't see any visible issues that need to be adressed.

History of IC worship: -
-Leading the Sister's Inquisitorium in the name of Ignis.

-Pray-circle in the travel to Kavdek.

-Purging heretical figures in the name of Ignis.

-Conversion of subjects.

-Erected an Abbey in the name of Ignis.

-Holds stake/shrines for Ignis in the Abbey, and a fountain of fire.

-Purged the town before Champagnac of the heresy, praying to Ignis whilst doing so.

Examples of OOC leadership (Events, organizations, running a town, etc.):

- Purging/Creation of Champagnac.

-Queen of Lavoyard, not much authority over King, however.

-The Sister's Inquisitorium.
-Murder of Corvus Ventus.

-The Coalition.

-The occupation of Aellyrdale.

-Co-Leader/Founder of the Lyserium.

Why are you interested?
-Well, my character doesn't have much purpose, now that there is another Inquisition, seeing as they do the exact same thing, but in a grander scale. I think she would definitely fit in, as her character, in essence, is made to purge Heresy, which is why I made her, she has experience with an Inquisition, as she leads one herself, and is devout to Ignis Synnove. She is also one of the co-leaders of an Ecclesiarchy, the Lyserium, so she has religious experience, also.

Please restate the information of this thread (Pertaining only to an Exalted), in your own words (Can be super short):

'Puppets' of the Gods, Malaks, if you will, act instead of the Gods themselves, they organize, and participate in most religious affairs in torn of the patron God they worship. Keeping almost constant contact with their corresponding diety, they shouldn't defy their will, nor act fully on their own accord. Being one of these is of high responsibility, as you are expected to be of better Role-Play standards, and OoC personality-wise, should also be calm and not exactly rude/patronizing, despite what their characters do ICly.
In short; Messengers.

-=Praise Ignis!=-
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Lord of Altera
+IGN: - Humpfries123
Character Name: - Tybalt Rhett
Divine of choice: - Theodra is Love, Theodra is Life
Have you read the relevant OOC and IC components of this position and the High Council thread, and are there any issues? If so, please clarify here: - I have read it entirely and there would be no issue at all ;)
History of IC worship: - Tybalt was born into a family who honored Theodra above all others and hunting to them was a common practice in their everyday life. In fact when Tybalt was born his parents gave him to Theodra, that his life would be dedicated to her. Tybalt prays to her and gives thanks after each hunt whether it be successful or not, and spreads the knowledge of her to everyone he can at every opportunity. in fact he teaches a class that wishes to be Scouts one day, about Theodras ways of hunting, trapping, archery, tracking, and to protect their homeland.

Theodra‘s Doctrine:
1. Always defend your family, home, and honour.
It has been a Rhett family motto that "Family Comes First"
And he has always stood by his family, home, and honour even if it meant death.

2. Do ensure to perform your duties scrupulously.
Tybalt takes pride in his work and is by no means lazy. If it needs to be done he will get it done, and done right.

3. Be ever vigilant- Do not give mercy, and do not expect it.
He shows no mercy, and never expects it. If their is a threat to his family or home, he will not hold back.

4. Let not your body fall into disrepair, for such is a disrespect to the lands that allow you to live.
Regularly exercises in activities to keep his body in top shape, he believes the body is a temple, and it should be treated with respect
5. Needless hunting is a Sin- Respect and honour the Beasts and the Hunt.
He doesn't only thank Theodra after each hunt, but he thanks the animal as well for providing him with nourishment and strength, ad respects the animals greatly.
Another family saying "I'f you kill it you eat it"

6. See to it you observe The Divine Law. Always, he ain't no heretic ;)

Examples of OOC leadership (Events, organizations, running a town, etc.): -
Even when i wasn't the leader of Marr I was always dedicated to it and stepped up to the plate, and pulling it over the slump where it almost died twice, and kept it alive while it's real leadership was paying no mind. Marr is now one of the largest houses in Altera and is thriving. I also run the city of Azerport which is one of the largest RP hubs currently in Altera and it's still going strong. Concerning events I hosted a meeting during the Return Campaign that was the meeting that united Altera and was where a plan was laid out that successfully struck down Harateth and finished the Return Campaign.
Why are you interested? - I believe a lot of character development would come out of this and for a year I have had Tybalt go down this path and to see him actually interacting with Theodra would be a cool sight to see. I really love tracking, hunting, survival, and forestry RP as well as I do Irl and I hope to be able to teach to more than just Tybalts scouts how to properly RP out those activities, especially tracking. And I also want to help out and support this campaign out as much as possible. Also their is a lot of thread making and I enjoy writing :)
Please restate the information of this thread (Pertaining only to an Exalted), in your own words (Can be super short): - Those who wish to have their character be an exalted must understand that their is great risk to their character. They must be able to create and keep up with a lot of threads pertaining to their duties and their deity, while keeping in touch and work smoothly and efficiently with staff and coordinators. They need to be able to keep their ooc knowledge from influencing heir ic behavior (don't metagame), and of course they need to be decent RP'ers and their character
be dedicated to their deity.
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Lord of Altera
+IGN: - Sybbyl0127
Character Name: - Dorothy Plug
Divine of choice: - Skraag
Have you read the relevant OOC and IC components of this position and the High Council thread, and are there any issues? If so, please clarify here: - Quite~ I have excitedly explored all the bits and bobs of the lovely lovely new godsy lores and things
History of IC worship: -
Dorothy prays on a very regular basis, she often dedicates her time spent on research to him, putting in as much effort as possible while she betters herself with her skills. She has worked hard through her years to get to the position she is in today, spreading the knowledge of Skraag and his following on several occasions as those curious tend to visit the Enclave with their questions.
She tends to dedicate much of her artwork to Skraag, becoming very familiar with crafting glass and metal skulls with her blacksmithing and glass forging skills. She takes great pride in her creations and happily gives them to those who ask, and decorates the Enclave and the temple with them.

Examples of OOC leadership (Events, organizations, running a town, etc.): - Currently she is running the organisation of The Emerald Enclave, several have come to her in question for joining the Enclave and working with Dorothy but she's very patient and careful about who she allows to join her. Since her ultimate goal is to keep the Enclave in the perfect state of neutrality, she cannot allow those who do not also agree with neutrality to join the Enclave's standing, as that would add in a bias.
Not only this but she tends to very often, involve herself in politics of other cities, though she holds no high positions or any standings in said cities, for some reason, they just let her waltz in and give them advice, and the people tend to listen on most occasions. She sometimes finds it amusing, but also useful in preventing war in times of peace.

Why are you interested? - I am interested mainly because I love to see my character become mroe and more developed, and when I imagine Dorothy in this position I see her truly enjoying it ICly and taking to it well. I also would definately not mind the responsibility of the job, be it thread what nots and writing and OOC meetings, I have all the time in the world, and I love writing, as Im sure you can see in someof my posts that I had to cut in half because they were too long [lel]
Please restate the information of this thread (Pertaining only to an Exalted), in your own words (Can be super short): - Basic rundown- ... Big responisbility, are you sure? This is what the exalted do, need to be dedicated, thread stuff, write write write you must love write, make sure you are capable of keeping OOC and IC secrets and be able to responsibly distribute gods and what nots info at your disgression. This aint a job for the light hearted yo! : D


Exitus acta probat
Lore Staff
+IGN: - JstarGames
Character Name: - Daeron Eldrin
Divine of choice: - Shalherana
Have you read the relevant OOC and IC components of this position and the High Council thread, and are there any issues? If so, please clarify here: - I have read all of the material twice over, and was more than happy to do so.
History of IC worship: -
Daeron has always worshipped Shalherana and has never had any other form of worship in his extremely long life span [1800 years of worship]. Despite being a Silver Elf, Daeron has always lived in close contact with all forms of life and has prayed ever single day on two occasions, even if it was a short prayer he never forgets to pray at least once. Being the previous High Priest of Shalherana and Neutrality, Daeron has had a lot of experience holding sessions in the cathedral for her worship. No matter where has has lived, he has always held some form of small shrine or a larger one if his living space allowed it. Living in Tauredal previously allowed him to be around nature constantly. Taking up the medical practice was its own form of faith as well. Healing the sick and injured of the kingdom allowed him to be that small step closer to the lifebringer herself. Furthermore, Daeron is fully committed to this Goddess to the point where he has given his life to her in all its forms as she's the only reason he is even alive still. On his first summon, brought forth the Goddess, and received her Sign. Is also learning Mysticism.
Examples of OOC leadership (Events, organizations, running a town, etc.): -
Have run multiple towns, leadership roles in a few houses, high up positions in multiple organizations/towns as well and I also helped to run several events as well, including being one of the Harateth's and being trusted, albeit temporarily, with staff permission and a member of the Council~
Why are you interested? -
Daeron and I have always been interested in worship across the kingdom. Having Daeron be fully able to develop his role in the kingdom's worship again would be extremely fun and educative. Daeron would be immensely pleased being given the chance to do this role, to the point where it would change his entire outlook on life itself should he be chosen for this role. Being one of the oldest characters means he has kind of faded into an obscurity, but in this role I feel he could once more flourish as he once did. The responsibility of this role would be a welcomed challenge in all of its forms, and I would love the chance to step up to the plate.
Please restate the information of this thread (Pertaining only to an Exalted), in your own words (Can be super short): -
Shorter version:
Lots of responsibility in this role and you have to to be able to take the pressure sometimes with this role. Tells you what the Exalted do, keep up with the RP involved, handle any of the threads that come your way, select an heir, keep all the secrets. Not for the faint of heart!

That felt like a personal statement for a university xD
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