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Juno Brooks-Marr


Lord of Altera
Juno Brooks

Golden Angel.jpg

All that is gold does not glitter
not all those who wander are lost
the old that is strong does not wither
deep roots are not reached by the frost

Gender: Female

Race: Human

Age: 30

Personality: INFP

Alignment: Path of Mercy (Neutral Good) - Benevolence and Universalism

Sexuality: Bisexual

Nickname: Red (because of her blushing)

Date of birth: Sundersday 22 Sporebloom Season of Birth 2240 - Year of Plague

Voice: Astrid from How To Train Your Dragon

Juno 2.png

Physical Description

Height/Weight: Juno isn't very heavy, only weighing 40 - 50 kg or 88 - 110 lbs. She is also not very tall, only 1.6 m or 5 ft 2 in tall

Facial Structure: Round with usually blushing cheeks, Juno’s face glows with her inner kindness and selflessness

Body Build: Juno has a pretty average build, with large breasts and hips due to her childbearing

Skin: A smooth olive colour, with a small white scar over her heart and a scar across her face

Hair: Juno’s hair is golden blonde cut short, to her neck with a longer lock of hair on her left, the ends of her hair curl slightly

Eyes: Grass green, This is a medium true green that contains an equal ratio of blue rays and yellow rays in the iris

Clothing/Accessories: For casual wear Juno wears a grey homemade shirt brown hose with a leather belt and brownish-green leather wrist things. She always wears a gold ring with an inscription on it. (insert wedding dress)



Likes: Plants, Pumpkin pie, Spending time with Frost, Sewing, Looking after her kids, Training, Reading

Dislikes: Drinking, Doing nothing

Priorities: Be a good mother, train herself to become stronger

Life philosophy: "Never, ever give up hope, for hope is all we have"

Soft spot: Her children and Fronslin

Fears: Losing herself or all her loved ones

Regrets: Sleeping with [redacted]

Proud of: Winning Frost's heart, her children

Darkest secret: Shh, its a secret~



Talents: Juno enjoys learning new things, she quite creative and eagerly approaches new ideas. Sewing, she has made all her children’s clothes

Strengths: Her love for Frost and her family is her motivation, as long as she knows that she can keep them safe she will fight to her last breath the defend them

Weaknesses: Juno can be emotionally unstable

Weapon of Choice: Fists and feet or possibly a dagger

Disabilities: None


Social status: Upper-Middle class

Home: Heavens Reach or Azerport

Profession: Housewife

Worships: Vermella

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Lord of Altera

Frost: Loves She has fallen head over heels for him, wants to spend the rest of her life with him

Ryia: Loved Juno misses her dearly

Annabeth: Loved One of her two beautiful children

Augustus: Loved The other beautiful child (I mean, no bias or anything :3)

Roian: Loved Yet another of her children, yet it is sour because Hera claims she is the mother, not Juno

Olive: Loved Her second daughter and last child

Tybalt: Trusted he is in Juno's eyes a very trustworthy person

Elfa: Befriended

Vernicus: Befriended

Maplehoof: Befriended

Marcus: Befriended

Alexander: Befriended

Tilee and her father: Befriended

Aldi: Befriended

Robert Senatoor: ~Liked~ *blushes bright red*

Robert Plug: Liked Pretty sure he is stalking her, so cute...

Dorothy: Liked

James Fairborne: Liked

Sohal: Liked

Alanna: Liked

Luna: Liked

Gavin: Liked

Raven: Liked

Gambler guy who sold her fish: Wary She is pretty sure he cheated

Corvus Ventus: Broken Trust "You will always have a place by my fire"

Corva Ventus: Afraid

Mila Terrified

(If you have been left out, it is because I forgot)
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Lord of Altera

Overall: Good... I guess

Hand to Hand: Passingly good

Dagger: Good enough, although she threw away the only dagger she ever had, she is still quite good with it


Overall: Maybe...

Perception: Quite good, living on the streets makes one quite aware of their surroundings

Stealth: Adept, she used to be a thief although she has not had to sneak for a while and is out of practice

Fishing: Yes... Fishing, Frost got her to do it


Overall: Good

Sewing: Adept, she makes her own clothes and her children's

Leather working: (Its going to happen)

Smithing: Novice


Overall: Very Good

Humour: HA!

Wit: Maybe...

Trustworthiness: Very trustworthy... most of the time

Wisdom: Yes


Overall: Its a bit iffy

Emotional Stability: Good


Overall: Poor

Can Read/Write?: Yes, but not very well

Has no other education whatsoever


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Lord of Altera
Event log:

+Juno followed Frost to Winterguard and found out he had been Knighted
+Juno went to Frostlight and became friends with Ryia
+Discovered her intense distaste for raw liver thanks to Ryia
+Went down south to meet Tybalt in Azerport
+Had a conversation with Tybalt (secrets secrets secrets)
+Met up with Alaon and had an /interesting/ conversation
+Faced with a major crossroads, Juno thought about what she has done so far
+Juno has chosen to stay in Azerport
+Juno decided that she couldn't live without Frost and went back up north to get him
+Frost and Ryia have agreed to travel with Juno to Azerport
+When they went through Heavens Reach, Juno developed a fear of falling down staircases
+Was scared by a creepy guy with claws at Crossroads
+Jax did not smile upon Juno, she lost almost all her money on a bet but got some good fish
+While cooking the fish, she burnt her left hand and badly burned her right hand.
+Corvus Ventus healed her hands
+Met Tilee and her father
+Went back to Azerport with Alexander while Frost went off to have some time with Ryia
+Got a bar with a house on top
+Frost and Ryia arrived in Azerport
+Moved all of her stuff over to the bar, which she now lives in
+Frost made a sign for the bar, which is now called The Singing Siren
+Frost left to go on a journey
+Juno started training daily
+Frost came back and watched Juno training
+Juno had a /fascinating/ conversation with Tybalt, Alanna and Alexande
+Salheira made Juno an official follower of Vermella
+Ryia and Juno played around in the river with Alex
+Other stuff I cant remember (I have bad memory ok!)
+Nice chat with Marcus and Alanna
+Frost fished up a stone sword *item added*
+More chatting with Frost
+Tybalt became lord of Marr, Juno was made Head of Diplomacy. Shenanigans ensued
+Murdoc gave Juno a sewing needle *item added*
+Juno made some maternity clothes using the sewing needle
+Went to Hound-Ru and trained with her new sword, besting James
+Peace talk in Lydel with Habin
+Stuff happened with people
+Robert looked sad so Juno tried to cheer him up
+Juno delivered two healthy babies *pregnancy over*

+Juno broke down a door! #badass
+Super frustrating rp where both sides just spammed hate and Juno tried to stop them
+Narali and Juno told Robert where babies come from
+More chatting with Ylva and Corvus!
+Alanna wounded, Juno holds door closed
+Ylva takes Juno to see Aenna, Robert appears
+Talking with Corvus and Frost!
+Met Lord Gavin, got told his life story
+Got drunk!
+Got drunk!
+Got drunk! Frost told her off for drinking
+Went to GB (that was a fail)
+Went back to Azerport, Frost told Juno that he broke up with Ryia

+Juno followed Frost to Winterguard and found out he had been Knighted
+Juno went to Frostlight and became friends with Ryia
+Discovered her intense distaste for raw liver thanks to Ryia
+Went down south to meet Tybalt in Azerport
+Had a conversation with Tybalt (secrets secrets secrets)
+Met up with Alaon and had an /interesting/ conversation
+Faced with a major crossroads, Juno thought about what she has done so far
+Juno has chosen to stay in Azerport
+Juno decided that she couldn't live without Frost and went back up north to get him
+Frost and Ryia have agreed to travel with Juno to Azerport
+When they went through Heavens Reach, Juno developed a fear of falling down staircases
+Was scared by a creepy guy with claws at Crossroads
+Jax did not smile upon Juno, she lost almost all her money on a bet but got some good fish
+While cooking the fish, she burnt her left hand and badly burned her right hand.
+Corvus Ventus healed her hands
+Met Tilee and her father
+Went back to Azerport with Alexander while Frost went off to have some time with Ryia
+Got a bar with a house on top
+Frost and Ryia arrived in Azerport
+Moved all of her stuff over to the bar, which she now lives in
+Frost made a sign for the bar, which is now called The Singing Siren
+Frost left to go on a journey
+Juno started training daily
+Frost came back and watched Juno training
+Juno had a /fascinating/ conversation with Tybalt, Alanna and Alexande
+Salheira made Juno an official follower of Vermella
+Ryia and Juno played around in the river with Alex
+Other stuff I cant remember (I have bad memory ok!)
+Nice chat with Marcus and Alanna
+Frost fished up a stone sword *item added*
+More chatting with Frost
+Tybalt became lord of Marr, Juno was made Head of Diplomacy. Shenanigans ensued
+Murdoc gave Juno a sewing needle *item added*
+Juno made some maternity clothes using the sewing needle
+Went to Hound-Ru and trained with her new sword, besting James
+Peace talk in Lydel with Habin
+Stuff happened with people
+Robert looked sad so Juno tried to cheer him up
+Juno delivered two healthy babies *pregnancy over*

+Juno broke down a door! #badass
+Super frustrating rp where both sides just spammed hate and Juno tried to stop them
+Narali and Juno told Robert where babies come from
+More chatting with Ylva and Corvus!
+Alanna wounded, Juno holds door closed
+Ylva takes Juno to see Aenna, Robert appears
+Talking with Corvus and Frost!
+Met Lord Gavin, got told his life story
+Got drunk!
+Got drunk!
+Got drunk! Frost told her off for drinking
+Went to GB (that was a fail)
+Went back to Azerport, Frost told Juno that he broke up with Ryia
+Went on a trip, saw a injured little Aenna and helped her, left Frost and her twins at Crossroads
+Aldi found her sleeping in a park and gave her money to get back to Frost
+Robert followed Juno...

+Juno and Frost were attacked by a random moor elf
+Headed back to Azerport

+Juno pushed Ylva into the river
+Ylva smashed Juno's window
+Robert Senatoor flirted with Juno
+Frost proposed to Juno
+Fun kiddy stuff
+Juno went swimming then spent most of the day half-naked in public
+Juno got drunk and flirted with Robert
+Raven knocked out Juno and gave her amnesia
+Frost cured her amnesia
+Moved to Heavens Reach
+Enjoyed the new house
+Frost talked to Juno about having more kids
+Juno thought that she would ask Tybalt to help her learn how to use her sword
+Diplomacy meeting
+Juno headed back to Heavens Reach, stopping by Lydel on the way
+In Lydel, Juno went completely insane, attacking Corvus
+Juno was restrained, put in a small room and unable to move, she panicked
+Juno requested Corvus kill her, unable to bear the fact that she would never be able to see her family again
+Juno died~

+Juno comes back
+Amnesia shenanigans
+Gives birth to her third child, Roian, with the help of Dorothy

+Something (I really need to update this more often)
+Hera manifests as a split personality
+Juno struggles against Hera as she tries to escape by killing Juno's children
+Frost manages to calm Hera down and talk to her
+Played with Augustus
+Damon tried to sleep with Juno, she ended up badly hurt
+Victoria and Juno choke eachother, Juno ends up with a crushed windpipe but Ylva saves her
+Ylva and Juno share a emotional conversation
+Damon seduces Juno
+Juno heads to Sundown Isle to see Frost
+Juno tells a secret
+While talking with Robert, Juno falls off a wall and breaks her neck
+Juno is dead and buried under a tree in Azerport
+Meets up with Frost
+Plans their wedding
+Talks to people at Crossroads
+Has the wedding
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Lord of Altera
I will try to remember the names of the people Juno has met and add them to the list, sorry if I forgot you


Lord of Altera
Juno's Profile-
Juno Brooks

Full Titles:
Juno Brooks






Most definitely female


Social Status:
Not well known


~1.2 m

~40 - 50 kg

Date of Birth:
No one ever told her

Date of Death:
"That day may come, and I will welcome it with arms wide, but until that day. NOPE"

Current Home:



Lithe, with a calculating, conscious grace

Very long (past shoulders) Golden, slightly curly

Deep emerald green

Tan, with a single scar on her scalp (hidden by her hair)

Identifying Marks:
Her hair

OH you will know her when you see her

An ankle length dress with a not-as-tight-as-usual corset (hoping to change this soon)

A family heirloom, her dirk (A type of knife) never leaves her side

Prized Possessions:
Her dirk

Somewhat clean, takes great pleasure in bathing but rarely has the luxury

Crisp and clear cut, with melodic but strong tones



Her indomitable will
a sharp intellect
will almost always find a way

Insanity, Losing her will to live

If she can not find a solution to a problem she is likely to either lash out in frustration or break down into tears

Uneducated yet gifted with sharp intuition, she will outsmart most of her opponents rather than face them head on


Apprentice Smith and former Thief


Introverted - Observant - Feeling - Judging
Religion or Cults:
Whatever wont get her killed

Good - Neutral(balanced) - Defender of Altera

Short Term Goals:
Just keep on living

Long Term Goals:
She would love to settle down after things calm down a bit




Anywhere with lots of trees (so much green :D)
Spending time with Fronslin

Pumpkin Pie (mmmm so good)

Ale (although a certain corrupted talked to her about alcohol)


Something that wont try to kill her

Least Favourite...


Big cities
Sleeping outdoors during winter


Anything that will make her sick

Pink (so bright! get it out of my face!)

Anything that has an excess of teeth or claws







Her smithing mentor


Unsure of:


Wary of:
Afraid of:
That weird corrupted guy who talked about sharks eating her

Umm... that crazy dude who wanted a horse

Hate? She doesn't need more enemies

A pauper turned serial thief, she evaded capture for years until a fellow thief (who's name she does not give the honor of remembering) ratted her out in return for a pardon by the guards. The guards then executed her parents after they refused to tell them where their daughter was. She then ran away from the city (who's name she also does not remember) and has been running from her old life ever since, trying to find a place where she belongs.

Loosely based on Vin from the Mistborn trilogy and Annabeth Chase from the Heroes of Olympus series

My in-game name is:
Ahhhhh Anabeth!!!!!!


Lord of Altera
Event log:

+Juno followed Frost to Winterguard and found out he had been Knighted
+Juno went to Frostlight and became friends with Ryia
+Discovered her intense distaste for raw liver thanks to Ryia
+Went down south to meet Tybalt in Azerport
+Had a conversation with Tybalt (secrets secrets secrets)
+Met up with Alaon and had an /interesting/ conversation
+Faced with a major crossroads, Juno thought about what she has done so far
+Juno has chosen to stay in Azerport
+Juno decided that she couldn't live without Frost and went back up north to get him
+Frost and Ryia have agreed to travel with Juno to Azerport
+When they went through Heavens Reach, Juno developed a fear of falling down staircases
+Was scared by a creepy guy with claws at Crossroads
+Jax did not smile upon Juno, she lost almost all her money on a bet but got some good fish
+While cooking the fish, she burnt her left hand and badly burned her right hand.
+Corvus Ventus healed her hands
+Met Tilee and her father
+Went back to Azerport with Alexander while Frost went off to have some time with Ryia
+Got a bar with a house on top
+Frost and Ryia arrived in Azerport
+Moved all of her stuff over to the bar, which she now lives in
+Frost made a sign for the bar, which is now called The Singing Siren
+Frost left to go on a journey
+Juno started training daily
+Frost came back and watched Juno training
+Juno had a /fascinating/ conversation with Tybalt, Alanna and Alexande
+Salheira made Juno an official follower of Vermella
+Ryia and Juno played around in the river with Alex
+Other stuff I cant remember (I have bad memory ok!)
+Nice chat with Marcus and Alanna
+Frost fished up a stone sword *item added*
+More chatting with Frost
+Tybalt became lord of Marr, Juno was made Head of Diplomacy. Shenanigans ensued
+Murdoc gave Juno a sewing needle *item added*
+Juno made some maternity clothes using the sewing needle
+Went to Hound-Ru and trained with her new sword, besting James
+Peace talk in Lydel with Habin
+Stuff happened with people
+Robert looked sad so Juno tried to cheer him up
+Juno delivered two healthy babies *pregnancy over*
+Juno broke down a door! #badass
+Super frustrating rp where both sides just spammed hate and Juno tried to stop them
+Narali and Juno told Robert where babies come from
+More chatting with Ylva and Corvus!
+Alanna wounded, Juno holds door closed
+Ylva takes Juno to see Aenna, Robert appears
+Talking with Corvus and Frost!
+Met Lord Gavin, got told his life story
+Got drunk!
+Got drunk!
+Got drunk! Frost told her off for drinking
+Went to GB (that was a fail)
+Went back to Azerport, Frost told Juno that he broke up with Ryia
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