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How To summon a Deity


i'm the wench if you're the cake ;)
Henceforth included are all OOC-Guidelines for deity-summoning, active primarily during this campaign and - perhaps after its end (However that ends up going).

Some important notes:
All IC knolwedge is best imparted by a Priest/Priestess pr Religious Leader Character, the second-best being one largely involved in the chosen Deities' following throughout their IC lives. A character who suddenly claims to be a Priest or Priestess or etc. due to this event will most likely not be adequate to perform a successful summoning. This also ties into the RP 'method' of summoning - I can not and shall not impart that OOCly, for it is an IC mechanic that religious characters must discover.

Remember that there is no one secure outcome. Depending on the focus deity of your ritual-whatever, and the actual details within it, said God or Goddess may not be what you expect (Or even agreeable). In fact, if you happen to mess up particularly horridly, an entirely different sort of deity could show up. As much as I would like to - I, unfortunately, cannot explain the IC lore mechanics behind deities and how they work in response to alteran whatnot.

When summoning a Deity, you automatically agree for potential damage or changes to the surrounding area. Make sure to check with town and region owners if you plan to do this in their town!
(Port Silver and all server-owned properties are, by default, a-ok to summon about in.)

Keeping the above in mind, merely follow these few steps to begin a deity-summoning!

1. Post a thread within The Return campaign section, titled: [Summoning] Deitie(s). This is going to be your event thread :D

2. Fill out this handy form and stick it right on the first post of your thread:
-Priest/Priestess/Religious Leader:
-Public or Private:
-Temples or Shrines Involved:
-Have you spoken with the town/region owners?

3. Kindly add a Location and a Date - Make sure you don't conflict with any existing Events, and please create the thread one day in advance.
There may only be THREE summoning events per WEEK (Week reset being on Monday.) If there is a conflict of date, I will assign priority.

Please convene in-character to decide of whos summonings should be held

Have fun!

Helpful Hint #1: "The more the merrier"
Helpful Hint #2: "More then one can summon the same Deity"
Helpful Hint #3: These are simply rituals and overtures to the Deity in Particular, not a character trying to make some deity appear.
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I'm typing as fast as I caaan~
Heartsplosion: That moment when a single Player Love is not adequate, so you go and Player Love a bunch of recent postings for emphasis.


King ForumStalker
I don't need to summon a deity, I AM A DEITY! THIS TUTORIAL IS IRRELEPHANT!

(Ahem, apologies. Looking forward to seeing the tutorial...)


Retired Staff
Here's how to summon a deity.

1. Gather incense, beeswax candles, and chalk.
2. Throw them into the air all at once while shouting "GODS ARE A BUNCH OF BASTARDS"