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Finished Drinkin' yer way thru Altera!


An Alteran Bard
Retired Staff
Welcome Lords and Ladies, May I present to you:
This short fellow... With a beard... and he looks very angry at me now... I better get out of here... short fused bugger... Nasty Dwarves... Here he is!"

"Laddies and Lassies you'd mean?!
Be gone with fermalities, it's time fer a pub crawl! We'll be drinkin' our way thru altera 'nd use'te dockmaster as main transporter of 'te drunken lot! We'll be endin' with a traditional Pub Brawl at 'te end o' 'te journey in Tahkul-Rimtar's Corner Tavern! Fill yer pockets with radiants and yer beards with ale, it's time fer 'te celebration o' Korog!"
The Dwarves are once again hosting an event! :D

This time it's for Elves and any race alike, it's for the celebration of Korog. Which is celebrated among other things with drinking as much as you can, since Korog is also god of Hard Liquor.

If you want the pub-crawl to go past your town, just enter a description on the way of how to get from the dockmaster to your tavern, pub, or bar. (the more the merrier)

We will pass by several towns and in the end we will go to Tahkul-Rimtar, where the Dwarves will start a Pub Brawl inside the bar. This will be a traditional OOC PvP pub-fight like the ones the Dwarves already did 2 years ago! (true fact!) The conditions of this fight: We will be fighting each other in a big mosh-pit without stimuli of any kind. (potions, armor or swords, etc) This is also part of the reason why you should join us: Killing another will gain you his / her head, which is a mighty prize if you believe the saying: "A true pub brawler has his friend's heads on his wall"

Pub order:
- Naught inn
- Sunken Norwegian
- Dark Haven
-The Snowed Inn
- Azerport
- The Corner Bar.
If you like to join, simply reply below with:
"Hail! I will not fail, to drink more stale ale, than the males that join this trail!"

This Saturday @Michcat I believe there is no SoS event this time? is there?
This Saturday, 22-02-2014, 21.00h GMT at Naught Inn!

Join the Dwarves and have fun!
Have at us!
comic dwarves.jpg
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The Arbiter of the Gods
Ooh, look at that.
King of Renatus might find this fun. Eastern blood and Eastern drinking pay off ;D


Lord of Altera
"Hail! I will not fail, to drink mor stale ale, than the males, or females, that join this trail!" ~ Fennik Hearthfire
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i'm the wench if you're the cake ;)
There is not, but there IS the Tourney and Horse Race (Individual events). Woop woop! I don't think they collide, so have fun :D


Lord of Altera
There is not, but there IS the Tourney and Horse Race (Individual events). Woop woop! I don't think they collide, so have fun :D
I can see it now.
The racers come to a halt as the land begins to rumble. "Wha-what's happening!?" One of the older racers gets off his horse and looks into the distance. "I see...oh by the gods!" He runs as far as his feet take him as an outright massive horde of hundreds of swaying dwarves charges forth. As a rather large one falls to the ground, another hops atop it for a speech. "That'sha way! The necksht pub ish dat way!" And just like that, they are gone without a trace save a distant rumble and a slightly clusmy dwarf with a sack on his head asking how it got dark so fast.


An Alteran Bard
Retired Staff
I can see it now.
The racers come to a halt as the land begins to rumble. "Wha-what's happening!?" One of the older racers gets off his horse and looks into the distance. "I see...oh by the gods!" He runs as far as his feet take him as an outright massive horde of hundreds of swaying dwarves charges forth. As a rather large one falls to the ground, another hops atop it for a speech. "That'sha way! The necksht pub ish dat way!" And just like that, they are gone without a trace save a distant rumble and a slightly clusmy dwarf with a sack on his head asking how it got dark so fast.
You would make a bladdy good dwarf roleplayer xD
EDIT: This description asks for a drawing, I've set up the lay-out and I'll finish later and post it here xD
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Lord of Altera
Feel freee to drop by the pub/inn at Dark Haven,
"Go Dark Haven"
Find the building with the beds (in a frame) over the door (near bazaar construction site, is a small building that tunnels down)


Lord of Altera
I'll do my best to be at the Naught for the start of your event~

and don't forget the crossroads inn~
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Dark Council Elite
Hail! I will not fail, to drink more stale ale, than the males that join this trail!

Such fun for my new dwarven character.


The Court Jester
Retired Staff
The Snowed Inn at Stormhold can be reached via:
Dockmaster > go Myrneth > White-sailed boat > Stormhold > Straight on through market > Inn


Puppycat Herder
Staff member
Events Staff
Lore Staff
Retired Owner
Are you including Sorrows bars? Because Eresse has one~


An Alteran Bard
Retired Staff
no we're not going to the sorrows to prevent pre-dated casualties. :p (working on the drawing btw) :)


An Alteran Bard
Retired Staff
@Ray1333 thanks for the wonderful script of this comic!!!
comic dwarves.jpg
EDIT: This took me 2 days, in total 3 hours to finish xD comics and hand-drawn on paper don't mix for me.
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Lord of Altera
Pirate: Produces beautifully drawn comic that not only puts a smile on your lips but also matches the Dwarven mentality to a D, but still says comics and paper don't mix for him.

Me: Creates a emoticon of robot Zoidberg and is quite proud of himself. [\/][;,,;][\/]