Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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The Skin Shoppe! ~Abbey~ (Free)

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Lord of Altera
I've skipped around, but I love what I did with this skin!! :D
Ormild Shot.png
Ormild Wake.png
I have a rose in the hair, because I saw it in your avatar.. The dress is a navy/purplish with a few rips. The dresses tops of sleeves were torn off.. You have a cute little blush.. and the most valuable thing on you is your amulet. You could RP something like that if you wish. ;)
Need any changes?​


Lord of Altera
Love how these are turning out

Character Name (optional: I want to name it for the file): Ranruk
Character Age: Eh, fifty-something
Hair Colour: Very dark brown
Hair Length: BALD!
Facial Hair?(Length, Etc.): Thin, short to medium length beard, no mustache
Eye Colour: Deep red
Skin Colour: Darkish green, he's an Earthspawn
Male or Female: mayul
Outfit Description (optional: I can go with my intuition): Something classy and worthy of a scientist, but at the same time reminiscent of his orcish barbarianism

Thank you in advance, I know you have a lot of requests so there's no big rush.


Lord of Altera
Character Name Lord James Beckett
Character Age:25
Hair Colour:White
Hair Length:Short
Facial Hair?(Length, Etc.):nope
Eye Colour:blue
Skin Colour:tan
Male or Female:male
Outfit Description (optional: I can go with my intuition):ill send you a picture


Lord of Altera
yes but the last name beckett is also associated with my family as well. it was my grandmothers maiden name, plus it goes well with my fathers side royal naval traditions
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