Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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The Skin Shoppe! ~Abbey~ (Free)

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Lord of Altera
Hello! Welcome to my skin shop! :) Lately I am craving to make skins, but I don't have the demand for the skins to be made. I'm opening the skin shop, so that it is easy to find medieval skins within range of your character. At the moment, I will not be charging anything due to the fact that I have 0 requests. If the demand increases, I will begin to charge. ;) If you are brand new to the server, I will create 1 free skin for you if the charge is put in place.
I can't just create a skin just by someone asking. Please fill out the format if you want a skin. :)
Character Name (optional: I want to name it for the file):
Character Age:
Hair Colour:
Hair Length:
Facial Hair?(Length, Etc.):
Eye Colour:
Skin Colour:
Male or Female:
Outfit Description (optional: I can go with my intuition):
Character (Female).png

James Robson
Glugterd Ironhammer
(^This one is going to take longer, so atm last ;))
Character Name (optional: I want to name it for the file): Edgar
Character Age: 21
Hair Colour: White (Profile pic)
Hair Length: Neck Length (Profile pic)
Eye Colour: Red (Profile pic)
Skin Colour: Pale (Profile pic)
Male or Female: Male
Outfit Description (optional: I can go with my intuition): Something that makes him look crazy, insane and Elegant


Lord of Altera
Character Name (optional: I want to name it for the file): Daniel Van Hyde
Character Age: 34
Hair Colour: Blonde
Hair Length: Short
Eye Colour: Dark Blue
Skin Colour: Caucasian
Male or Female: Male
Outfit Description (optional: I can go with my intuition) some good looking civilian clothes for when i'm not at the guild

Glugterd Ironhammer

Legend of Altera
Character Name (optional: I want to name it for the file): Glugterd Ironhammer
Character Age:57
Hair Colour: Black
Hair Length: short
Facial Hair?(Length, Etc.): Beard that is black to chest
Eye Colour: blue (one eye is white with an scar over it)
Skin Colour: Normal skin
Male or Female: Male
Outfit Description (optional: I can go with my intuition): Som thing that makes him look dwarfy


Loyal Servant of Altera
Character Name (optional: I want to name it for the file):
Sensō (the only one you have to make), Shi, Kikin, and Ekibyō
Character Age:
Mid 40's
Hair Colour:
Black, with some streaks of grey.
Hair Length:
Down to his shoulders, but normally kept in a ceremonial bun.
Facial Hair?(Length, Etc.):
Eye Colour:
Make them according to the color scheme below, please?
Skin Colour:
Male or Female:
Outfit Description (optional: I can go with my intuition):
Now, here comes the hard part. I want you to make my character in full body armor, akin to the samurai of old.
Mask and armor: if you can make it either like THIS or something like THIS, I would appreciate it, but if the war mask is too hard to make, then you can just have my character's hair tied up in a bun like previously mentioned.
Also, as a side, when you are done with this skin, if you can make 3 of the same, with alternate colorings for each.
Sensō=red, Shi=black, Kikin=grey, and Ekibyō=green.
If you can make them seem mysterious and hide many of their physical appearance, it would be appreciated.

Just to clarify, you only have to make Sensō, and the other three are just minor color alterations of him. THANK YOU VERY MUCH! I realize I'm probably asking a lot from you.​


Hollows Explorer
Character Name: Artemis
Character Age: 26
Hair Colour: blonde
Hair Length: medium
Facial Hair?(Length, Etc.): blonde, around the mouth
Eye Colour: blue
Skin Colour: normal
Male or Female: male
Outfit Description: Dark blue robes with a leather belt
Also If it is helpful my character is a magic user.


Lord of Altera
Make me a pineapple skin...
Character Name (optional: I want to name it for the file): Pineapple the Pirate
Character Age: 3
Hair Colour: Green
Hair Length: Medium, straight up.
Facial Hair?(Length, Etc.): Goatee and mustachue.
Eye Colour: Black
Skin Colour: brownish
Male or Female: Genderless
Outfit Description (optional: I can go with my intuition): Just a eyepatch.


Lord of Altera
Wow Abbey you are great!

Hair color-Black
Hair length-What you think goes best with him, neck long or ear short :)
Facial hair-A short black beard.
Skin-slightly tann. He is a southern traveler.
Clothes/Outfir- Anithola is an army officer as well as a busy miner, can you manage a classy combination?

Pull this of. and you have eternal creds from me :-D


Lord of Altera
Character Name: Sir James C. Connery
Character Age: 45
Hair Colour: brown
Hair Length: short
Facial Hair? Bushy moustache
Eye Colour: green
Skin Colour: Tan
Male or Female: male
Outfit Description: (in a general Steampunk style) Bowler cap with a gear on the front, waist coat, pocket watch attached to chest, a monocle, and spats.

For my next RP character when I get bored of this one, and also my Holloween costume, both in-game and IRL! I will gladly send you a good 450r in-game if you complete this! I am very curious as to what it will look like...


Adorable according to Michcat
Character Name: Allena
Character Age: Nineteen
Hair Colour: Between blonde and brown, but WAY closer to blonde.
Hair Length: Very long, usually lands in the middle of the back
Facial Hair?: No
Eye Colour: Green
Skin Colour: Pale
Male or Female: Female
Outfit Description: Red dress possibly with green accent, emeralds just below the shoulder, gold bracelets, bare feet.
Well, there you go.


Hylian Thing
Hey! This isn't really an app but I just wanted to stop by and wish you luck! I had a skin thread open recently and closed it because I got too caught up with college and whatnot. Anyways, I know it can get overwhelming and anytime you've got too many requests you could ask me and I'll be happy to help :)

NOTE: Because I've recently dealt with someone advertising on my thread, I want you to know that I am in no way advertising. Players, don't PM me with requests. This is just for abbeyvie, hope thats clear.


... is very scientifical.
Retired Staff
Character Name: Basil Brush Hawklight
Character Age:Young.
Hair Colour: Black
Hair Length:Relatively short
Facial Hair?:A full beard and mustache
Eye Colour: Dark, dark red. Nearly black
Skin Colour: Slightly pale
Male or Female:Neither... ... Male, of course.
Outfit Description:More eviler. But it has to be a robe. I would like red to be on the robe somewhere, whether it's a blood red or firey red is your choice.


Lord of Altera
Character Name (optional: I want to name it for the file):Ormild Wake
Character Age: 20
Hair Colour: very dark brown
Hair Length: xown to the bottom of her back

Facial Hair?(Length, Etc.):none
Eye Colour:dark green
Skin Colour: tanned,but not too dark
Male or Female: female
Outfit Description (optional: I can go with my intuition): Please could she have a beatiful dress (Perhaps navy), but ripped and with some rags to cover up any holes and the rest I dont mind.

By the way, your skins are really great


Lord of Altera
I'm not going to ask for money for the skins. I'm only going to leave an option for donations towards abbeyvie, or Arianna_Rose...
Thanks. Any radiants are appreciated. :)
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