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The Razboinic Clans


Lord of Altera

"There is no room for hating ones foe or to distane them in life,they preform their actions to their beliefs in life. We can only offer them the best fight we can in life and honor the fight they give forth. Respecting them and treating them as a brother after even if we win for we shall not lower ourselves to gloating."​



  1. Fight with honor, for without it, there is only disgrace.
  2. Do not fall into corruption, stand firm against it in all its forms.
  3. Remain loyal to one's family, for, without it, there is no purpose in life.
  4. Always fulfill your Vow's, for without doing so, you are forsworn.
  5. You may never remove your mask to do so reveals your shame and dishonor in life, only in privacy can you take it off to eat, drink, or rest. To remove your helmet to another is the highest form of intimacy, entrusting them with your burden of shame and sin.
  6. You never part with your sword or weapon. It is apart of your being, and your soul of redemption in life put to use for the people. The only time it may be taken off, your person is if one is married, and you can hang it at the head of your bed on the side you sleep upon within arms reach. If unmarried, your sword is your companion as you rest your partner in life.


We live our paths separated from the ways of others of our kin, we walk alone and without hate for any other living beings. While rage and anger touch our voices, it will never tinge our beliefs and decisions in life. Bitterness and anger are natural in life to suppress. It can only lead to suppressed emotions that will fester and rot a man's soul and path in life. We do not live by our weapons or our armor, but we put them in service for all people of the land, serving them and protecting them from harm and the darkness that creeps upon their doorstep. Your life is spent in service to the path set before you and the great journey to walk upon it till the day you die.

Over Look

One's armor

A person shall not receive their armor till they have reached seven years old. This armor is customed made by a smith of the Guild made for their body alone, this armor will be remade and reforged as they grow older to adust to their size and growth. Adding to what they desire in the form of the type of armor they wish, making each person's armor their own. The armor will be unordained steel make and not colored for most of their lives, not until they come of age at 16 and then make a choice upon which path they wish to follow. At the age of eight, they receive their helmets designed by them with the help of a Clans Smith. They then place this helmet on in the ceremony of the warrior swearing the vows of the Clan.

you get your brother's hand-me-downs or father's clothes growing up. Till you hit adulthood and make your final design with the smith. The same goes with any re smelted items goes for certain point till it just becomes the ornamental price for family or burned on a pyre with the body like they did with eimar once and he had to make a new set.

Coloring of the Armor

When a youngling reaches the age of choosing at 16, they can decide to take the right of paths. The youngling will meditate for three days and three nights at the foot of a waterfall in silence for four days and four nights. When they are done, they return to the Clans home and shut themselves away with the Clan smith there they lay out their decision and offer a request to the smith to what their armor will be colored for their life. The smith and the youngling will together smith the new armor and then spend time painting it, the youngling to come out only when it is finished presenting his decision to the rest of the Clan. A feast is held, and the youngling is welcomed as a full-fledged warrior of the Clan itself.

Red Armor

The red coloring of the armor is a devotion to the way of battle and the sword; this path treads upon the mastery of all weapons and martial combats the warrior can find. Traveling the land to visit other races and cultures to learn from them and ability their ways of fighting compared to the clans bringing the knowledge home to strengthen it.

Blue Armor:

Blue armor signifies those that devote their lives to the art of war and defense. Learning the mastery of the subtle techniques of war strategy and tactics, to lure one's foe into pincer attacks and surprise ambushes. These Warriors often lend their wisdom to clan leaders or lead the clans themselves.

White Armor:

White armor is for those that decide to devote themselves to the mysteries and inner workings of the anatomy of creatures and their fellow warriors. Rare and well protected on the field of battle, they put the lives of their fellow warriors above their own to mend their wounds and ensure their survival.

Green Armor:

Those in green armor devote themselves to nature and animals, looking after the livestock horses and the wild game of the Clan. Becoming trackers and hunters while teaching the rest of the Clan how to survive in the wilds on their own.

Black Armor:

The black armor is that of the smiths of the clan. They forge the tools, weapons, and armor of the clan itself. They are the spiritual leaders of the clan forging and reforging the armor of the generations into new armor to be used. Nothing wasted but reforged and customized to tell a story amongst the clans.


Helmets of the clan are dull and not very elaborate, serving solely for the purpose of protection. No ornamentation is used upon them except when a clan member gets married, then they are allowed to put a plume upon their helmet or some sort of feathering showing that they have been taken by another.

Warriors Cloak:

A warrior first obtains his cloak when they fight their first battle; it is a simple and plain cloak itself. When they have decided what their sigil is based upon the honorable action that reveals itself.

Equipment and weaponry of a standard Warrior

Each and every warrior wields a spear a sword, daggers, and a whip in their arsenal and are taught how to use these weapons through their entire youth, along with these items, they also carry an array of useful devices to help against the enemy itself. Ball bearings, caltrops as well as a few potions used for combat against the enemy itself. These weapons are chosen to help combat mounted soldiers and monsters.

Some of the clans will use crossbows with bolts made of obsidian.

Marriage in the clans

Marriage and the courting is an odd thing in the clans it is built upon the martial prowess and ability in the arts of a warrior itself. A woman holds the right to accept or choose their potential partners, and many men who are interested in another will fight the woman in a test of martial prowess there are various ways this could play out.

A woman tests the man on his martial ability, for no woman would marry a man who cannot defend his clan or his family in times of strife and threat. If they fight to a stalemate and the man holds their ground before the woman, the woman can take him as a good match for a partner. If the man stands on his own in the fight, but the woman bests him, and he concedes the duel, she may still take him as a partner if she thinks he fought well though it is a statement she will run the family itself.


The view on death is a unique one when someone dies in battle, or due to old age, they are cremated upon a wooden funeral pyre. Before this is accomplished, the bodies are carefully cleaned and wiped down with saltwater. This act is done to wash the soul of all its sins. It has occurred in life to make it pure for its journey. The body is then dressed in the most beautiful clothes the clan can provide and clad in their armor and given their weapon in hand. The clan head is the one that conducts the honor of burning the bodies and then gathers their ashes to spread into a nearby water source that is flowing, a river, or the ocean. So that their souls can travel the land itself, bringing protection to those that are in need of it from souls that would bring them harm. Any remains of armor or weapons are cleaned off, and re- smelted to be used in the next generations' armor for nothing is wasted.

The clans view life as all beings are born without any sin. The soul is pure and full of joy and happiness, a sense of wonderment and kindness of the world itself. But over time, the soul becomes corrupted with the sins of the world itself. The hatred and dishonor seep into one's being. That is why the need to cover one's face becomes relevant to cover one's sin from the world and seek to redeem the clan and help the world with their deeds and actions for all.

Before Battle:

Upon the eve before every duel, fight, or battle that will take place, the warriors of the clan go through a ritual to cleanse the body and soul of hatred and disdain. To purify the soul and body for the future right to wield their blade and their armor. This is done in a long and arduous process that takes a full day to perform so that everything is satisfactory. Though if a fight is forced upon the warrior beforehand, they go through the same rituals as soon as they can to atone for the sin of not being pure before the battle.

  1. The warrior first baths in a bath of hot steaming salt water for half an hour to purify the body, then they anoint their bodies in olive oil and scrape away any excess filth using a strigil.
  2. With the first period done, the warrior then consumes a small meal of grilled fish, green beans, and a small cup of wine. This provides the body the nutrients it needs to take care of itself.
  3. Meditation for three hours at the base of a waterfall, or near any water source that is flowing if one is not available. This is to clear and prepare the mind itself for the future battle.
  4. The warrior then prepares a small altar at the site of the battlefield and burns incense to ward of evil and to bring a blessing down upon the field of battle itself.
  5. A sacrifice of doves is made anointed with olive oil upon the altar to help draw a lasting peace and a mending of wounds after the fight is done.
  6. The warrior then polishes his armor and sharpens his sword and tools to offer the best fight they can for their opponents, offering prayers over them as they do so.
  7. The warrior then spends until the early morn in prayer and reflection only retiring to sleep for four hours before the fight

Taking from Roleplay and combining a few things from the days of Edelmonte and their inspiration of Rohan and the North boat raiders that invaded their lands. By adding a dash of the southern beliefs that eimar would have grown up with, I have developed the following for the Razbonic clans and their views and take on the pantheon with the Rohan side with horses to be added soon need a small break.

The Razboinic Pantheon and how they relate to the current divine

Tată (Valiant)

Tata, or the father in the clan's naming of him, is responsible for warfare, justice, and all things corrupt. He is often weaved into tales as a noble warrior upon a path to help innocent souls or depicted as a wise and venerated Judge ensuring that the land laws are not broken. It told to children that he is staunch against all evil and corruption being anathema to them by his sheer presence.

Privitor (Visage)

Privitor is often called the watcher of the night or the jester of many faces. He is said to be the god of all knowledge and the moon itself. Respect is usually given to him by scholars and clan sages as a fount to what the future may bring forth when people speak upon seeing him. It is usually during a full moon dressed in a Harliquens clothing with a porcelain mask that seems to dance endlessly. Many a sage or man has driven themselves mad trying to solve the never-ending maze of puzzles and riddles said at the center to be the library of all knowledge where the gods locked all that is forbidden to mortals in our world.

Incendiu (Ignis)

Incendiu is depicted as a beautiful woman wreathed in fire, holding the sun in her left hand while extending a hand emitting light from her palm. She stands as the truth bringer in all things brought to many a clan meeting hall, for it is said no lie can be spoken in her sheer presence. Often seen at her feet is a bowl of fire eternally lit, for, from her, it said how mortals were given the ability to master fire itself.

Necromant (Skraag)

Necromant or the necromancer is often depicted shrouded in black robes with the face of a decaying skeleton. He is told in stories described as a significant rival to Tata and Incendiu, commanding vast hordes of the undead against them, seeking to devour the world and all the souls in them. Told to scare children who do not behave that Necromant will sneak into their rooms from under their bed and devour them whole.

Vânătoare (Theodra)

Vanatoare is often depicted as a powerful huntress shrouded in a garb made of the very forest itself with an ever-shifting cloak that seems to hide her every movement. While she holds a brilliant silver bow, to either side of her stands two large white wolves, she is highly respected by the clans for she blesses the hunt and the bounty gained from such tasks. Many an altar can be found in the deadlands devoted to her while Tata holds domain over the clan hall Vanatoare holds overall reign outside of the walls, the two often depicted working together to hunt down and bring evil that threatens the lands.

Pariat (Jax)

Pariat is often seen to people of the clans as a dashing, roguish trader in Fuvurian empire garb. He is favored by traders and those of the sea who tend to make offerings of gold and precious metals to him to garner his favor. None can have a profitable trade venture regardless of what they do unless he is sated in offerings, storms, and sunk ships are the banes of many merchants who do not ensure to prepare suitable offerings.

Suflete (Grey Lady)

Suflete, or the goddess of souls, is depicted as an old Moore dressed in simple monk robes with a scythe in one hand and a lantern of mute glowing light that guides souls upon their way. She is seen by those in their last moments judging them and their deeds in life before severing souls from their bodies like a farmer harvests grain. Followers see Suflete working closely with the Svaronul of Tata judging warriors before they are taking aloft into their embrace to the halls of the afterlife.

Dragoste (Sallana)

Dragoste is a stunning elven woman of silver elf origins dressed in a gown of extravagant red rubies. Whoever views her sees the features they most desire of a lover in her. She is often seen with a glass of wine in one hand and a book of love sagas in her other. It is rumored that it holds tales of Tata and Vanatoare, with them being lovers always close but never able to come together. Her shrines tend to be near the small farms in the deadlands to help with the harvests and in gifts given between young lovers.

Meşteşug (Korog)

Mestesug is depicted as an ancient dwarven man with a long flowing white beard held together with the finest jewels and master worked clasps of fine metal. Mesesug is the god of the forge, and all the clan's forges have his depiction carved on the pillars of the halls. He holds the domain of all crafts as well as the underground. People often tell stories of how when the ground shakes and moves. It is the result of Mestesug working at his forge and the vibrations of his hammer upon his anvil that is the cause.

Pacoste (Jishrim)

Pacoste the great evil of the world as those of the clans see the ultimate transgressor and him who corrupts all beings into doing unthinkable actions that they would not do. When tales are told of him, he is said to be a massive spider that is the size of mountains, his brood scurrying at his feet like a pestilence. A great battle in ancient times was said to happen between the gods and Pacoste, shattering his mind into the insane madness that it is now while Tata, Incendiu, and Vânătoare imprisoned him in one of the many mountains of our world. It is said that he spends his now before a giant cauldron mixing and perfecting the plagues of the land, testing them upon his brood and those they capture.

Timpul de Vindecare (Shalherana)

The great goddess Timpul or the great healer as many call her is depicted as a woman who takes upon the form of a forest elven woman in a green dress made of leaves and bark. Rare and precious flowers grow along with her hair like an elegant crown; she is said to follow all the lands brought low with death by those of evil. As in her every step, new growths and new life springs forth unbidden, possessing a healing ability that none other has. She formed all the world of its tree's rivers and plants and will be here long after all has perished, walking through her creations bringing new life when all has faded.

The art of riding and horse companionship the stemming of its beliefs and teachings.

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Lord of Altera
I see no shame in it being Mandalorian esque. I do love the armor separation and the culture diversity it could bring.


If there is more context to the link, send in a proper report to moderators if you want to do more than just imply it. Otherwise, yea, the picture is a mandalorian and there's reference to not taking the helmet off.


Lord of Altera
added a small motto,beliefs of life and death, as well as actions before battle that a warrior must conduct before hand.


Lord of Altera
is this an open culture to play?
End of the month more than likely I will open it up maybe a bit longer after Nikos Campaign arch, as icly there are some similarities that are being encountered with the Norse style raiders that are being encountered that will be fleshed into the lore a bit to expand it and give it a bit more meat overall.


Lord of Altera
Taking from Roleplay and combining a few things from the days of Edelmonte and their inspiration of Rohan and the North boat raiders that invaded their lands. By adding a dash of the southern beliefs that eimar would have grown up with, I have developed the following for the Razbonic clans and their views and take on the pantheon with the Rohan side with horses to be added soon need a small break,has been added to the main post.


Lord of Altera
Added picture references for each god or goddess, updated and explained a bit more on the armor crafting and passing down, started the section on horsemanship that will be the ic half of the Edelmonte house influence that will be revealed this weekends event then posted here.