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[Skraag] The Hound


An Alteran Bard
Retired Staff

Basic Information:
Minecraft name:
Character name: Melzar
Character profile: [Melzar The Butcher]

Patron: Skraag

Overall Tier:
Tier 1

Spell Information:
Spell Points:
0-3 per day (Blessed)

Prepared spells per day (# of times cast):
Current set:

Vision [3]
Tier 1 || Universal || Incantation || Hand-movement (S) & Verbal (V) || 1 spell-point || One minute duration
Spell: Enact a magical vision that is thematic to your deity to one aware target. They will see it in their minds eye.

Ruin [3]
Tier 1 || Evil || Touch || Hand-movement (S) || 1 spell-point || Permanent duration
Spell: Touch one object to ruin it with the following effect: break, rust, crack, shatter.
Limit: Must be something one can lift or hold. Cannot be anything imbued by Enchantments, Arcane or Divine magic.

Aura of Unease [4]
Tier 1 || Evil & Neutral || Thought || Hand-movement (S) & Verbal (V) || 1 spell-point || Concentration duration
Spell: A glow emits around the Caster’s head for the duration of a speech, or held conversation. It can be visually thematic to a color of whichever neutral/evil god they worship. Players around in speak range will feel uneasy and unsettled.
Limits: Effect doesn’t work on characters feeling extremely violent.

Other spells:
Madness [6]
Tier 1 || Evil || Thought || Hand-movement (S) || 1 spell-point || 1 combat round duration
Spell: Choose a target within speak range. The caster makes a hysterical action that another is forced to display. You laugh, they laugh.
Limit: laugh, scream, cry, be angry, or fearful. Must have intent on only one person of madness. If there is an attempt at physical harm on the subject, the spell breaks.

Gaseous Poison [2]
Tier 1 || Evil || Incantation || Hand-movement (S) & Material (M) || 1 spell-point || 24 hours duration & 1 combat round
Spell: Poison a liter vial of liquid with an incantation turning it green. The vial can be tossed within a 10 block radius, in which it will disperse a gas within a 3 block radius of its location. If inhaled, the targets will feel nauseous and mildly poisoned. If it touches the skin, targets will feel an acidic, burning sensation. The effect of the gas lasts for one combat round.
Limit: The gas becomes expired and loses vigor if not used within 24 hours.

Depose [2]
Tier 1 || Skraag || Touch || Hand-movement (S) & Material (M) || 1 spell-point || Permanent Duration
Spell: Taint a corpse with intention of it turning undead. It begins to decay faster, yet vital parts remain intact. It will rise within a few days.
Limits: It cannot be used inside the wards. (Keep a record of which corpses are marked).

Divination [2]
Tier 1 || Universal || Ritual || Hand-movement (S) & Verbal (V) & Material (M) || 1 spell-point || Changing duration
Spell: With an offering and divine magic of the divine, the Blessed may contact them and ask a single question. If the question appeals to their favor, there may come a reply with a sign, phrase or omen.
Limits: This can be used once a week. The player must contact the God Event Staff at least a week prior to using it so they may know what question is being asked.

Passives(s) or Sustained Effects:
Passive: Sire of Vyres

Melzar has been gifted the power of the Vyre. His eyes have gone bloodshot and the irises a deep red, his teeth like a dog at this point. He is weaker in the day, a lethargic version of himself, while the night brings a newfound strength giving him the power of an Earthspawn. Normal food doesn't appeal to him, instead he must consume the blood of sentient races. He can sustain himself with the blood of animals for about a week, but then the thirst makes him succumb to his insanity and go on a rampage.

Keen Senses

Hearing of a healthy Elven individual, able to hear whispers in the same room as them.
Eyesight is excellent in the dark, even in pitch darkness they’re able to make out some of it, but to walk in broad daylight is almost disorientating with how bright it is.
During the day he has an itch occasionally, like his skin is crawling, itching.
Able to pick up the smell of mostly fresh blood, within a day old at most, and within a 5ish block radius.

During the night, his blood clots faster, his bones less prone to breaking. If he has recently fed, even their sense of pain seems dulled and replaced with the excitement of a fresh meal. But during the day, those very same injuries which could have been ignored under the light of the moon come back with a vengeance.

Ages unnaturally slowly for a human. Can expect to age somewhere between a quarter to a third as slowly as the contemporary humans. As he grows older, he seems to age even slower.

Sense of Death
Able to smell out death and oddly drawn to it, making him rather capable at finding corpses even if well hidden.
Also drawn to taking a body or bones if they’re not directly risking themselves by doing so, and taking it to the Sorrows.

Spider’s Gift
Additionally, has the unnatural ability to walk on vertical and horizontal surfaces. Is able to do this at no great personal cost to himself, but does leave strange impressions on the surfaces they walked upon. Dark spots that leave peculiar foot and hand prints which are hard to wash off.

Family Tree:

The Gluttony Bloodline, including the Deaths & Cures, excluding some of their names.

Chain of Three:
Vyres at this level get blisters on exposed skin in direct sunlight if they are in it for five minutes or more, and feel sick and disorientated. (This is less so due to 'Daywalker' trait) They have a repulsion to food of any kind, especially those with strong smells as their sense of smell seems heightened.

The blood of the individual takes on regeneration properties, able to staunch and repair wounds when mingled with the blood of another of the same bloodline. It is limited to wounds up to one inch deep and three across, and is only to be used on surface wounds. It does not heal internal damage beyond a certain depth. Additionally, any injuries sustained on themselves that fit into the same limitation will heal within one night at a cost of making them somewhat more hungry.

They are able to locate those below them in the chain of the same bloodline to the accuracy of pinpointing the town they are located in. The requirement to be able to do so is one minute of focus, and the name of the individual to be quietly whispered for the duration.

Gluttony Bloodline:

The pupils thin to almost tiny slits and they find they can function much like a human with a mild cold in the day(weakness, lethargic, tired), still relatively strong and capable. They must have recently fed for this to work, or they find they remain weakened.
Addition: The damages taken on by the sun effectively half in regards to generation level. They'll last twice as long, blister half as much, and not set on fire quickly.

Acute Hearing:

Hearing for this bloodline has adapted to pick up traces of movement, and can hear quite well if someone is walking upstairs or if a mouse is moving in the corner of the room. It is not honed so much to whispered conversation, but a predatory awareness of potential prey. They are however easily overwhelmed with places of multiple sources of sound, like taverns or markets, and cannot focus well in these locations.

Additional granted boons:
-Spell name/description/link (#)

-List of artifacts attuned to or in possession and spell/s involved within each

Current Divine Status:
- Spreading faith and showing the strength of Skraag

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An Alteran Bard
Retired Staff
Divine log:
With Skraag's [approval] or [disapproval] if known.

Road to Tier 1:

  • [Approval] Melzar the Butcher has made a book of the divines, painting them as pictures of beasts. He had a reasoning for it; Skraag is always the beast, looked down upon, sought to be destroyed. If all the other Gods look like beasts too, and he can smudge the line that divides them into good and evil, Skraag will become relatively more appealing to others.
  • [Unknown] He's set up a butchery shop as a cover up for getting rid of bodies for shady organizations. He grinds the meat in a giant grinder; into sausages which he sells to the populace of Halbed.
  • [Disapproval] Has eaten human meat
  • [Approval] He has set up a small shrine to Skraag in his sleeping room where he offers a bit of his own blood onto it every night.
  • [Approval] Wrung out his apron after the blood rain in Storm's Landing and collected the blood that poured out of it in a jar with a lid on it. The intend to keep it and observe it through the days. It is now part of his small Skraag Shrine
  • [Disapproval] Has fed the Storm's Landing guard a dried sausage with pepper and herbs, made of human flesh.
  • [Approval] Has made dry sausage out of half the jar of rain-blood and human flesh, tasting one to see if it's still has the same effect as back when he gorged a liter of the stuff.
  • [Approval] Has fed four people the blood-rain sausages of human meat during the opening of his butchery.
  • [Approval] Has made blood-sausage out of Skraag's bucket of undead blood and will fry them on the grill outside his butchery during the next event.
  • [Unknown] Has left some of his stock to decay, to please his master.
  • [Unknown] Has used a clean cloth to put on the drop of blood and keeps the blooded cloth on his Skraag shrine in his room.
  • [Approval] Has used all the blood of Skraag's undead to make blood-sausage and fed that to two people (perhaps some townsfolk too if they'd join the free sampling of food).
  • [Approval] Has murdered a man inside his Butchery, taking three deep cuts in the process, and set sail to The Sorrows to see what's true of the vision he had gotten, intending to bury the fresh corpse as he was told. At doing so, broken bones came up from the freshly dug earth and formed a bowl, which filled with a gory black substance. Melzar was told to drink it and did so, effectively turning him into a Vyre by Skraag himself, being told to spread the blessing.
  • [Approval] Has hosted a gathering of Vyres and Opium traders.
  • [Approval] Melzar spread the Vyre virus to <Redacted>, to <Redacted>, and if fresh blood-sausage works to <Redacted>.
  • [Disapproval] Has prayed for guidance, asking Skraag what to do, when presented with a choice he had to make.
  • [Unknown] Has created a safe-house in Halbed by opening his Butchery to Vyres to consume blood and flesh from the dirt of the opium business.
  • [Unknown] Has joined a certain <Redacted> society.
Approval [10]
Unknown [5]

Disapproval [3]

Road to Tier 2:
  • [Approval] Sacrificed fresh meats to Skraag in a meeting of this society.
  • [Unknown] After his resurrection, the feral version of Melzar, not having fed for a week, has taken to Sanardu to feed. There, he has turned one person Vyre, and fed on two others, finally he's absolutely butchered a beggar and taken to eating his flesh and drinking his blood to satiate this insane thirst, all the while feral and haunted by the chittering in his brain.
  • [Unknown] Has left the above society and joined another <Redacted> society.
  • [Approval] Teams up with another Skraag follower to plot against Archon.
  • [Unknown] Moves to live inside the Sorrows with Fadast, closer to his master.
  • [Approval] Dyed his apron a foul green in his master's colors
  • [Approval] Prays to his master at Fadast's shrine to Skraag
  • [Approval] Swears an Oath to Skraag, never to have a master between himself and his God.
  • [Approval] Offers meaty chunks of four different hogs to his master, hoping for guidance, and straight after that finds someone.
  • [Approval] Turns someone in the Sorrows into a vyre, adding to his bloodline.
  • [Approval] Puts fear into people by letting them know that nobody is safe, not even in Haven, town of the sun, as he planned and executed a feeding frenzy upon its people. Getting 'healed' by Skraag after getting severely wounded in the attack.
  • [Approval] Converts someone to worship Skraag.
  • [Unknown] Attempts to raise a sewn-together corpse from the dead, made up from multiple humans.
Approval [9]
Unknown [4]

Disapproval [0]

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An Alteran Bard
Retired Staff
Update with family tree, thought that was noteworthy enough to mention here.


An Alteran Bard
Retired Staff
added the abilities of a chain of three! :) The family expands !