Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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[Probably a series of heralds] House Fuvur is seeking a master smith


... is very scientifical.
Retired Staff
For experiments into the science of metallurgy and practical applications thereof, House Fuvur is calling upon a warsmith and armorsmith to work at direction of the Autarch, and craft according to his specifications. There will be pay, negotiable. The work will last an indefinite amount of time, but the smith(s) in question may leave at any time.


Hi [Unsuspecting Comment], I'm Jazzper
Thôrdil would...but we both know his head'd probably leave his shoulders
Not saying he won't swing by, it's a challenge
If my internet allows me to get on at last, I'll swing by and we'll see what happens :heart:
Thôrdil entering Fuvur territory like


Lord of Altera
Roy would... but he probably wouldn't ;^_^ sorrryyy....
might be able to send a learning and still naive piece of fresh meat apprentice once they're finished being taught by him