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League Of Legends Build and Champion Guides

Name: Balls To You!
Champion(s): Orianna, The Lady Of The Clockwork.
Item(s) bought:
Pro-Orianna: | New Player-Orianna :
Boots of Speed + 3 Health Pots. | Sapphire Crystal + 2 Health Pots.
Sorceres Boots. | Catalyst.
Catalyst + 2 Wards | Sorceres Boots + 2 wards
From here, there are also 2 different type builds.
AP/Health Focused: | AS/AP Focused:
Rod Of Ages | Nashor's Tooth
Rylai's Crystal Scepter | Malady
Rabadon's Deathcap | Rod Of Ages
Morello's Evil Tome | Rylai's Crystal Scepter
DeathFire's Grasp | Rabadon's Deathcap
Difficulty: Difficulty is above 100%
Advantages: Not squishy, more attacking damage. Not easily killed in 1v1
Disadvantages: This build will require some practice

Not Finished!

Ability Order:

How to play this build:​


Name: Offensicus Jaximus
Champion: Jax
Items: Starting: Doran's Shield Core: Trinity Force/Hextech Gunblade/Ninja Tabi OR Mercury's Treads/Guinsoo's Rageblade Luxury (Pick one, sell Doran's Shield for other): Bloodthirster/Frozen Mallet/Atma's Impaler/Randuin's Omen/Madred's Bloodrazer
Ability Order:
  1. Empower
  2. Leap Strike
  3. Counter Strike
  4. Empower
  5. Empower
  6. Grandmaster's Might
  7. Empower
  8. Counter Strike
  9. Counter Strike
  10. Counter Strike
  11. Grandmaster's Might
  12. Counter Strike
  13. Leap Strike
  14. Leap Strike
  15. Leap Strike
  16. Grandmaster's Might
  17. Leap Strike
  18. Leap Strike

Masteries: 27/3/0
Maximize: Mental Force, Brute Force, Hardiness, Alacrity, Sorcery, Weapon Expertise, Deadliness, Blast, Sunder
Runes: 5 AD Per Level Marks, 4 Flat Attack Speed Marks, 9 Flat Armor Seals, 9 AP Per Level Glyphs, 1 Armor Penetration Per Level Quintessence, 1 Magic Penetration Per Level Quintessence, 1 Armor Per Level Quintessence


The Very Best, That No One Ever Was
I cast Resurrection!

Best build evah guis.

Name: TONS OF DAMAGE and shrooms (Jungle Teemo)
Champion(s): Teemo
Item(s) bought: Start with Doran's (because machete is for wimps)
Trinity Force
Trinity Force
Trinity Force
Trinity Force
Trinity Force
and if your opponents haven't given up yet, sell Doran's and build yet another Trinity Force for TONS of damage.
Difficulty: Basic, even a baby can pull this off
Advantages: TONS of damage.
Disadvantages: Makes for short games because your oponents tend to surrender at 20 from your sheer awesomeness.
Ability Order: Start with Move Quick, it will help you immensely to take down those jungle creeps. Get blinding dart when Move Quick isn't avaliable and ult up. Need to start that mushroom farm. Get poison last because poisoned darts are for wimps.
How to play this build: First fake out the opponent by taking advantage of Teemo's passive and pretend to be a ward. This will get you many early kills because the opponent will be like, "Ermergerd, I thought it was a ward, and then it started to move. I tried to screenshot the glitch but then I died." Once you get your first Trinity Force there will be no need to hide because you will be a unstoppable force on the battlefield. TONS of damage, TONS of damage, TONS of damage, TONS of damage, TONS of damage, TONS of damage, TONS of damage, and win.

Alex Rudi

Name: Breaking the Meta with AD Sona
Champion(s): Sona
Item(s) bought: Starting: Longsword + 2 HP Potions.
Rush Sheen as first item.
Early Goals: Sheen, Vamperic Sceptre, Berserker's Greaves
Core Build: Trinity Force, Berserker's Greaves, Infinity Edge, Vamperic Sceptre

Final build: Trinity Force, Berserker's Greaves, Infinity Edge, Phantom Dancer, Bloodthirster, Black Cleaver/Situational defensive
Difficulty: Intermediate. You should be level 30+ with a moderate understanding of AD Carries, and how to use sheen procs efficiently.
Advantages: AD Sona provides a lot of utility. Like Ashe and Varus, her ult is a great initiation tool, as it is an AOE stun. Her Q's power chord provides double damage on the next auto attack. This combined with Sheen, as well as a critical strike, is a ton of damage.
Disadvantages: Sona does not have a reliable escape move in her kit. She is also one of the squishiest champions in the game, comparable to Ezreal and Vayne in her defensive abilities as a carry.
Ability Order: Q>W>E. Max Q first, as well as spending points in R whenever necessary. Max W or E depending on preference.
How to play this build:
Runes: Attack Speed Marks. Armor Seals, Magic Resist Glyphs, Attack Damage Quintessences
Masteries: Standard 21-9-0 Mastries, focusing on the AD portion of Offensive, and leaning toward Armor and Health in your 9 points of Defensive

In Lane: Use W and E to give yourself two counts toward your next power chord. Do not give yourself the third and final skill use until your enemy carry moves within harassment range. Then, use your Q and auto attack them for easy harass. Always be sure to have two counts toward your next power chord for any given situation, as this is your main form of burst damage.

One skill burst damage is not enough to land you kills. This is where your attack speed and crit will come in. Your auto attacks will deal critical damage, and you will find the damage rather strong. You will have very fast movement, and kills are easily secured.

You must pair up with a support such as Taric, Nunu, Volibear, etc. You are a very weak AD Carry and need a tanky support to compensate. Taric is the absolute best support for AD Sona, as he provides a passive armor buff to you, as well as gives you a stun. This can be combined with your ultimate at level 6 for easily secured kills.

In teamfights, remember to be positioned in the back, but close to your bruisers. They need to be able to peel enemy assassins off of you. Pick a priority target and do not chase far, or over extend. Though you are a high damage carry, you're a very squishy one.


Lord of Altera

Name: Trolololol
Champion: Singed, the mad chemist
Masteries: 9-21-0
Runes: Magic pen marks, armor seals, magic res glyphs and movement speed quints.
Spells: I prefer ignite and ghost. However, teleport, flash, cleanse and exhaust CAN also be used.
Build order: I have put in some variables, remember that no lane is the same, pick the option thst will help you the most, although you want to end up with all these items by the end of your build! Or naturaly means that there is another option :)

- Boots + pots or
Crystalline flask ( then buy boots ) + pots or
Cloth armor + pots

- Rod of ages

- Mercury's treads or
Ninja tabi depending on the situation

- Frozen heart or
Abysall sceptre

- Crystal sceptre or
The item not taken on the previous step

- The item still remaining after all the steps

- A very variable item as at this point you can easily analyze what you and your team needs. I prefer to get either hp or more resistances at this point

Difficulty: Hard, singed is a very different champion and requires some practice to get used to his playstyle. Although it all varies on how the player is used to playing. A very agressive play might find singed difficult or boring while a more defensive farmer would cope with the playstyle easier.

Advantages: Singed is one of those champions who can be match winning if farmed while can be useless if he had a bad laning phase. If you manage to win your lane in farm even if the score top is 0-0 it is a big advantage to your team. His fling can really change a teamfight and his poison will deal well over 1000 damage PER SECOND if applied to the entire enemy team.

Disadvantages: If singed is hard countered or denied farm by the enemy jungler he will fail to do his job soaking up damage as he will die too fast. He has loads of movement speed but he can still be kited if his ult and ghost is down. Remember, the only ranged ability he has is his slow.

Ability order: Distribute points in poison trail and fling after how you will you need them. Upgrading poison trail is useless if champions like kha zix can just jump out of it. Many forget that fling actually deal quite abit of damage especially of you throw them right into your minions. I normaly end up maxing poison trail first and the glue last. naturaly take ult when you can!

How to play this badass train of merry decay? Here are some tips and info, more on the laning phases below :-P

- Dont underestimate his speed, with ultimate and ghost he can outrun ANYONE but rammus, but no one likes rammus :'(

- Dont pick singed as first or second pick, if the enemy picks teemo or vladimir you lost top and most likely the game if your oponents play smart.

- Set your /l to an easy acessable key for a 1000 range taunt!

- ALWAYS laugh after someone following you dies. even if there are 4 more right behind you!

- Listen to raggae while playing singed for an enchanced experience.

Laning phase: Your optimal lane is a quiet lane where you get to farm in peace. ( SINGED IS NOT A KILL- HARVESTER!) farm up and own the mid to late game. If your oponent has ranged harrass get the flask for better survivability and try to get some ganks!

Mid game: keep farming, if your team needs help by dragon or other places sure, but try to earn thw most gold you can before the teamfights start.

Lategame: If you successfully farmed during the other phases you should be clear to start trolling for real. throw yourself into those fights and try to fling their carries into your team and poison. If you get a good amoubt of aggro start running in circles and spam your preset laugh button because everyone knows chasing the singed means defeat! Dont be afraid of chasing people under turrets . you will barely feel it with this build!

This is the build i use in ranked games with singed and i can guarantee it works as long as you remember not to get countered and to farm alot! Just ask if there are any questions :-P


Lord of Altera
Name: Its a bird, its a plane, no its Dari... LEGENDA..DOUBL...TRIP...QUAD..PENTAKILL!! uehhehheh...
Champion: Darius
Masteries: 9-21-0 is safest, 21-9-0 if you feel ballsy, 30-0-0 if you really feel like roleplaying.
Runes: Armor pen marks- armor seals - magic resist glyphs - Damage quints.

-Boots and 3 pots or
Cloth armor or
Dorans blade for the ballsy ones

- The first time you go back you should have at least boots and 2 dorans blade or
if you got real rich go man mode with boots, brutilizer and a dorans.

- Upgrade your boots adapting to the enemy team comp.

- Get phage

- Finish black cleaver

- Finish frozen mallet

- Get bloodthirster.

- Buy sunfirecape or maw of malmortius depending on the enemy team

- Get the item not taken on the previously mentioned step.

- Sacrifice the item you find most useless of your 6 items and get guardians angel.

- enchant your boots as seen fit.

Difficulty: I know matyio would tell you rolling your face on your keyboard would be good enough, and there is truth in that becauseo right now Darius is one of the game's most overpowered champions. But if you play darius on a high ranked level the trick is aboutto knowing when to go balls deep into the enemy team and start dunking and when to stay away and wait. i rate darius easy to hard all after what level you are playing at, if the enemy is inexperienced Darius can seem invincible.

Advantages: You are darius, killing is what you do, your ultimate is called " Noxian guilliotine" for a reason, secure all the kills and lead your team to victory.

Disadvantages: if laning against a ranged harrasser you will have a bad time, and if you fall behind you will be useless lategame. Also since his ultimate only refreshes upon dealing the killing blow, he wont be able to use his full potential if targeted early.

Ability order: Q then W then E, naturaly take ultimste when possible.

How to play:

Laning phase: Farm as good as you can but at the same time punish your oponent when he goes for a minion with your q, which has a longer range than people think. When your oponents health goes below half, use your e to pull him to you, slow him with w and keep hitting him till he dies, add on ignite if necessary.

Mid game: If you won your lane try to gank and help the other lanes, if your pwn lane gets reckless gank your own lane and keep denying him farm to put him further behind.

End game: Dunk.
Click the pictures for full images
Name: You haven't even seen Akali, you still died.
Champion(s): Akali (Mostly) or any generic Ability Power Energy character.
Item(s) bought:
Difficulty: Intermediate
Advantages: This build, will make most of the use out of Lich Bane and Hextech Gunblade, you'll do much damage but easy to be killed if you are too greedy. If played properly and using your 'Mark of the Assassin' to begin your combo, you'll be able to proc that with Lich Bane and Hextech Gunblade, doing around 1000 damage in an instant (! without much Magic Resist)
A good combo for your abilities will be: R 'Shadow Dance', Q 'Mark of the Assassin' and prob it with your Lich Bane, then E 'Crescent Slash' and then W 'Twilight Shroud' to escape (Use Hextech Gunblade if they haven't died yet for extra slows to finish them off.) To finish of, use your R 'Shadow Dance'. You might be able to use your Q 'Mark of the Assassin' more then once during a teamfight, use that to your advantage!
Disadvantages: Easy to kill, you don't have a lot of armor except for Zhonya's Hourglass, if you don't feel that safe, build a Guardian Angel instead of Zhonya's Hourglass for more survivability and less Ability Power and if you are dead, your team is a high damage teammate less.
Ability Order:
Akali Runes.png
Akali Masteries.png
How to play this build: This build has loads of burst damage but don't be the first to go in, if you are killed early game, try focusing Rylai's Crystal Scepter instead of Hextech Gunblade first. People with high magic resist will be able to counter you as well as people with a silence or stealth ability.


Nyto Live - LoL Nyto Ashe

Name: Simple Ashe build.
Champion: Ashe
Item purchase sequence:
1. Doran's Blade
2. Boots of Speed
3. Berserker's Greaves
4. BF Sword
5. Cloak of Agility
6. Infinity Edge
7. Vampiric Scepter
8. Zeal
9. BF Sword
10. Bloodthristers
11. Phantom Dancer
12. Zeal
13. BF Sword
14. Black Cleaver
15. Phantom Dancer
Difficulty: It isn't for those who don't know how to get gold when you need it. This costs a lot even for Hawkshot to keep up with.
Advantages: You will be dealing the damage your team needs. Low health champions will die in seconds. If someone is coming at you and you stun them, you will kill them or hurt them so bad they won't want to continue what they started.
Disadvantages: All the bad things that come with playing Ashe will amplify if you are doing this build well. You will be highly targeted and teamfights will be harder to help in if there are burst damage heroes. This build COST A LOT. Last hitting minions is one of the best options in getting gold, and is HIGHLY RECOMMENDED SKILL TO LEARN.
Ability Order:
3.Frost Shot
6.Enchanted Arrow
8.Frost Shot
10.Frost Shot
11. Enchanted Arrow
12. Frost Shot
13. Frost Shot
14. Hawkshot
15. Hawkshot
16. Enchanted Arrow
17. Hawkshot
18. Hawkshot
How to play this build: You have to play this build with absolute care, total map awareness, and a team who know what you can do and will do when the time is right. One with absolute trusts in your ability to play Ashe.
Personally I would first up my attack speed, before getting Infinity Edge... I mean what use are critical hits and critical hit damage, if you dont have enough attack speed to get a few crits^^

But that is just personal preference I guess :)


Lord of Altera
Personally I would first up my attack speed, before getting Infinity Edge... I mean what use are critical hits and critical hit damage, if you dont have enough attack speed to get a few crits^^

But that is just personal preference I guess :)
True, although you have to remember that Infinity Edge works really well with Ashe's passive ability, which is why most people chose to get an early infinity edge early due to its ability to poke the crap out of the enemies throughout the laningphase :p