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[Lakeside] Lake Vera


One so Bereft of Light
Retired Staff
Well, I visit here enough.. Why not join?
Username: TheDeester
Character Name: Abel, or Thorne
Job you want: Smith's taken, so guard?
How active are you?: On nearly every day, unless something comes up.


Retired Staff
Noa's been missing a good while, so you can take the job of Smith.

Feel free to build your own home. If you need plots, let me know.


Retired Staff
Oh, I should mention. One of the residents is Nanny Ogg, a witch that sells the aether water from the beacon pool. (It's actually XP bottles).

Will Stansell

Legend of Altera
Username Drake3321
Character Name: Seph
Job you want: Farmer or fisherman. COULD be a healer if needed.
How active are you?: I active on weekends.


Retired Staff
Welcome to Vera, Seph! We don't have any farm in town, but the fishing boat actually goes places, so have fun!

Pay the cost of plots to me, and I'll claim where you like. There's no real need for organization, so just pick a place and I'll try and claim out to it for you. You can build your own house :D


Lord of Altera
Username: Herr_Noldus
Character Name: Connor
Job you want: Hunter perhaps, if not maybe a fisherman of some sort.
How active are you?: Trying to be online everyday.


Legend of Altera
Username minersrevenge7
Character Name: Galenai Barsin Silverian
Job you want: florist/farmer/nice person
How active are you?: pretty much every day​
p.s seeing as how caparii are nomadic can i live in this and another town at the same time?​


Retired Staff
You can live wherever you like, bro, as long as you can contribute to the RP of the town! Accepted!

For both of the new guys, keep in mind that you can ask for a house, or build your own. If you need one built in an unclaimed area, I'll be happy to claim the chunks needed for you as long as you're able to minimize the cost by donating money to the claiming or such.


Lord of Altera
Username: apollo6000
Character Name: Sairen
Job you want: Wanderer. Musician. I dunno.
How active are you?: Almost every day, if not everyday.


Retired Staff

When the new Exodus arrives, Vera is going to mobilize, and fast. Claiming plots there before unclaiming the town in our current world isn't going to be cheap, so I'd like to ask if town residents (and anyone feeling generous) can donate some of their daily vote money to Baron_Aron as often as they can in order to stockpile before the move. Don't worry though, because once that first plot is claimed in New Vera, it'll all pay off.


I am a new player, but your community seems lovely and I would love to join on if possible.

Username: fortunite
Character Name: Klein
Job you want: Well, I am a "retired" monk, so I could work for the town as a sort of spiritual consultant, to help those struggling. Besides that, I would not mind being a fisherman as well.
How active are you?: As often as I can. I'm not sure how often that will be, but I will make an attempt to be on rather often.
I am Fortunite's IRL friend and I too would like to join your noble town if possible.
Username: RedIncarnate
Character Name: Trick Elderson
Job you want: Guard? Something to do with archery (kinda my thing) Maybe Hunter?
How active are you?: I can be on usually a few times a week. Plus or minus uncertainty.


Retired Staff
Both accepted :D

You can ask me to claim land for your homes if you'd like, since the paths don't actually go anywhere yet (they were designed to lead to houses).

And when it comes to the job, just keep in mind that it's entirely voluntary. Just a guideline you can follow if you'd like regarding how you want to RP in town.


Triangles are my favourite shape
Retired Staff
WOOOOOOOOOOM *epic explosions and such* Application incoming!

Username: K9_Diarmuid
Character Name: Elrohir Ancalime Engem
Job you want: Town Apothecary. Elrohir is a master in potion brewing and is striving to be a master Apothecary also. Due to this he has far above average healing skills (thanks to many great RP healings!)
How active are you?: Every day. I might miss an odd one here or there but only because RL things are stupid. .-.
