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-=[ Curses & Graces ]=-


Events Staff
Very Sweet
[ MTG Art; Cliff Childs ]

- - -=][=- - -

Some individuals may incur the wrath of the Divine, or a gesture of appreciation, and they do not necessarily need to be a member of their faith for this to occur. Curses are often given for offending the Gods in some manner, destroying their shrines or repeatedly provoking them. Some curses are temporary, and some require repentance for it to be lifted at all.
There are also cases of the Divine gracing individuals with small boons in great acts of appreciation of thanks, and these too may be temporary or more permanent variants. This thread will document those current in place. If you destroy a shrine to any God, speak with Divine Staff with either your intentions ahead of time or logs of you having done so on the day you’ve done it.

Curses may also be removed by an Exalt of the same God who applied it, but it is at their discretion and they must be entirely certain of repentance before proceeding, less they incur the wrath of their own God in turn. This is done through some ritual of the Exalt's choosing.


- [ THE CURSED ] -

[Curse of the Corpse] When outside of the wards, the right arm finds itself in a perpetual cycle of rot and decay, but living enough to not lose the limb. Sections slough off but flesh regrows underneath ready to rot again. It becomes blackened in colour, extremely painful, but will heal over a few days once back in the safety of the wards. [ Skraag ]

LANA WAKE; Former Blessed of Visage
[Curse of the Lost Mind] For casting the gifts of her patron aside, she finds herself seeing a distorted reflection in the mirror by which she is made to look grotesque and feel most uncomfortable. As a further price, she finds her memories invaded and certain key moments have been taken as payment for her abandoning her god. [ Visage ]
I am Wake

IQYA'MUT; Blessed of Jishrim
[Curse of the Defiler] Should she near the territory of any wolves, she finds herself frozen with fright and they are made immediately aware of her presence. This also extends to Garulfs and the Wutgeist. Furthermore, dread is felt whenever she is in the wild. Birds of prey – even if soaring high above – are suspicious, as though they are watching her; branches snap and leaves shift around her like an animal prowls nearby; shadows take the shape of terrifying beasts, only for there to be nothing. [ Theodra ]

AMNESTRIA ; Blessed of Jishrim
[Curse of the Ashen Leaves] The cursed's skin is scattered with leaf like patterns that feels like burns and it's texture ashy, a feeling of tenderness is spread over the surface of the skin as a reminder of their attempt at conflagration. [ Shalherana/Theodra ]

ARDARIC TIDEBORNE; Blessed of Visage
[Curse of the Devourer] A lurking presence is felt behind him, and no matter what direction he faces it prompts some paranoia and a minor fear of being backstabbed that lessens in the light of day and intensifies under the light of the moon. Words occasionally blur and muddle to him, making reading difficult from time to time, and despite being well versed with the seas he gains an unsettling sensation when out at sea. That there is something below waiting for him, something seeking to devour him, but it never shows itself despite the gnawing feeling that is is there. [Visage]

STORM ARCTURUS; Blessed of Valiant
[Curse of the Storm] Storm feels the harshness of storms and rains more severely for the next week, the sounds being loud enough to him to startle him, but it fades after that period with lingering disappointment and an unease when thunderstorms arrive.

RAENYR DIWYNEB; Blessed of Visage
[Curse of the Depths] A newfound fear of the ocean takes root, with an unshakeable feeling of something being in the depths awaiting him. Should he ever find himself within the sea at waist deep or more, the waters become dark to him, and he feels sharp bites upon his skin and the sensation of water in his lungs. [Visage]

HELLMANN KEGHEART; Blessed of Skraag
[Curse of the Indecisive] Hellmann finds herself with a renewed fear of the depths, finding water shifts and moves and she can never see through it. Water is never clear to her anymore no matter the source, always dark and churning. Sometimes red eyes peer up through it, sometimes she sees her reflection crack and distort. Arcane magic cast near her makes her shudder and feel uncomfortable, glimpsing a tall robed figure with half a moon for its face in the corner of her vision now and then.[Visage, Jishrim, Magic]

DAYTON ERAH; Former Blessed of Theodra
[Irony] Dayton's altered ears grow ragged and tattered, dangling limp at the sides of his head. So too fades their boon; the sounds of the world around him grow muffled, as though he were deep underwater. He now makes any hearing-based checks at a step of disadvantage.

MATHAEUS VON KOURTNAY; Former Blessed of Jax
[Curse of the Luckless] The Cursed finds themselves constantly unlucky. Losing track of small quantities of held money, keys, and other small trinkets held on their person. At unfortunate (but not combat-related) times, the Cursed will find themselves clumsily knocking into objects around them and find themselves off-balance. At the DMs discretion during events based around Luck and Adventure, the Cursed finds themselves terribly unlucky- This can be in the form of foes targetting the Cursed more often, for example.

BOK'RA; Former Exalt of Jishrim
[Curse of the Mad Betrayer] They lose their right eye and any attempts to restore it or provide sight to that side will result in a shockwave of pain and maddened hysterics, with spiders creeping from the eyesocket. Scars where a crown once lay are forever maimed, the scar tissue shimmering faintly and always painful if touched, never fading. Nightmares creep into their very being, invading their sleep with horrors of what they have done and may have done, occasionally appearing when they are awake as brief hallucinations that leave them unsure of what is reality. Spiders in any scenario will take the opportunity to attack them, seeing them as a threat, be this in events or otherwise. Whispers, chittering, and occasional glimpses of red, beady eyes haunt them. Forever.

KHROROTH; Former Blessed of Skraag
[Curse of the Blood] He will hunger for blood whether he is a Vyre or not, it replacing his usual requirement for food. However, it is always an unenjoyable experience, it nauseates him, makes him feel sickly, carries the scent and taste of rot. His teeth seem slightly dull.

ALEKSEI; Blessed of Ignis
[Curse of the Prideful] Retaining a twisted piece of his previous blessing, flame does not burn his skin and instead results in something like a sunburn at worst. Despite this, he feels all the effects of heat and fire as if he were actually being burned, though to a somewhat lessened degree, as a reminder of what his prideful choices have cost him. When in direct sunlight, he feels the sense of being watched.

AMNESTRIA; Former Blessed of Jishrim
[Curse of Sight] Unable to see with eyes of their own, they occasionally have haunting glimpses into various nightmares instead, with hallucinations and an odd sense of things occasionally jumping for them.

CASSIUS VON HARDANGER; Former Blessed of Ignis
[Curse of the Dawn] Each dawn, Cassius is awoken with an uncomfortable warmth and disturbed by the sensation of bright light even if he is in darkness. It is a minor thing, fading quickly, but he is cursed to wake at this time each day as if reminded of she who brings the dawn upon him.

BRANKO CALLAS; Blessed of Skraag
[Reaper's Tax] Branko suffers a random revival ailment; roll with 4d6. Any physical damage caused by this lasts for one OOC week before Eternal has any effect on it. Whenever he kills someone and they revive, he rolls for another random revival ailment in the same manner.
[Stormlord's Wrath] Lightning is drawn to him like an iron rod. In any DMed event while outside and in a thunderstorm, notify the DM of this effect and that his getting struck by lightning is a possibility at their discretion. Additionally, any rolls he makes to avoid getting struck by environmental lightning are done at disadvantage.

VELMONT; Blessed of Jishrim
[Bad Eggs] With the establishment of his deal with demonic forces, Velmont feels something uncomfortable settle over his shoulders. As if his previous mischief was no longer given a pass. Wherever he goes, there are eggs. Sometimes they land on him as if dropped from something flying above, sometimes his drink or food turns to raw or rotten egg in his mouth, and sometimes it is just an overwhelming smell.

MATTHIAS; Former Blessed of Valiant
[Reflect] Matt feels phantom pains that mirror any injuries he inflicts upon a mortal foe. They hurt badly, enough to be clearly noticed, but do not pose any tangible impediment. If the injuries he inflicts are against an unarmed foe that is not fighting back, Matt suffers them physically and fully himself.

[Galvanic] During storms, the sound of thunder follows Matthias, growing closer and closer as time goes on. The sound resonates like a war drum, and an increasing feeling of dread follows with each subsequent crash though this never reaches a debilitating level. Weapons and armor wielded by Matthias appears to rust and lose their gleam, tarnished by the toils of war.
Sergeant Freedom

VOWRAWN; Former Blessed of The Grey Lady
[Chilled Judgement] With the abandonment of his blessing, Vowrawn is plunged into a permanent chill. He is never able to feel truly warm, though this offers no protection otherwise from natural overheating. When he casts, his animancy brand burns even colder, inducing violent shivers.

Ravens watch him with stern judgement when he draws near places of the dead, such as graveyards and battlefields, and especially so when he casts spells that relate to the river or mortal spirits. Perhaps they report back to a wintry mistress.

POHK'URZ; Former Blessed of Shalherana
[Vengeful Bine] Pohk'urz awakes one morning to a searing pain on his neck, as if he were being choked. Around his neck, a white necklace forms in the shape of vines, resting upon his chest. When Pohk'urz attacks or harms those who have not given cause to harm or takes acts in the name of vengeance, he will find the vines begin to constrict upon him, making it impossible to speak. If he attempts to remove the necklace, it will constrict tighter making it impossible to remove.

- [ THE GRACED ] -

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Events Staff
Very Sweet
ROWLEY DURANDAL; Blessed of Valiant
[Curse of the Shambling Hunger] Once per day you should roll a d20, and if it is 5 or less, you will be harassed with visions as if devouring innocents as an undead each time your eyes are closed. Even blinking will briefly invade his senses. [ Skraag ]
The curse fades with time after no further angering of Skraag.

[Curse of the Ravenous] For his part in the destruction of a shrine, Ronak finds that he can only eat "innocent" and "beautiful" things, such as butterflies, bees, roses, baby rabbits, and so on. If he eats anything else or tries to avoid this, he will be violently sick and one of his fingers will abruptly fall off. His skin is riddled with patches of bark-like growths that are stiff, awkward and painful. Small sproutling plants occasionally grow from these areas. Lastly, he finds that he occasionally speaks in a garbled or backward way. [ Jishrim ]
Jishrim seems disinterested in continuing to torment for now, and so the curse fades.

BOK'RA; Exalt of Jishrim
[Curse of the Prey] For the foreseeable future, Bok'ra feels an intense sense of foreboding whenever he nears a Theodran shrine. If he comes within 30 blocks of a Theodran blessed, this sense is doubled and they are made aware of his presence as if they had cast the spell [Hunters Mark I] upon him. You must PM these people, if you RP within this range and inform them of such. [ Theodra ]
Theodra has since lifted the curse, feeling it no longer necessary.

CLIFFORD RAYMOND; Former Blessed of Ignis
[Curse of the Rescinded] For a duration of seven (OOC) weeks, Clifford Raymond is cursed. All sources of light and heat no longer hold the same comfort as they once did; the sun is dull, and the days lack warmth. He is also unable to lie, or declare himself a knight—to do so burns his mouth. As of (5/22/2021). [ Ignis Synnove ]
The time of the curse has passed, and so it is lifted.

SOPHIE VELOUR; Blessed of Sallana
[Curse of Ashes] She finds her skin holding more of a sickly, pale pallor, her eyes less vibrant and somewhat dull. Wines and fruits do not taste as they should, as if even the taste of their vibrancy is dulled down and lesser. [Sallana]
The curse fades away as Sallana is disinterested.

KAZU; Blessed of Theodra
[Curse of the Hunted] He finds himself more uneasy in the wilderness, to the point of wanting to shield himself in cities and walled locations. Until this curse is lifted, he will find himself uneasy, anxious, and somewhat fearful of being out in the wild, and wolves may make him panic with nerves. [Theodra]
The unease eventually leaves him, as the curse fades.

ERWIN EINDRIDI; Blessed of Valiant
[Curse of Shackles] Heavy metallic manacles appear about each of the wrists of Erwin/Arne one morning. They shimmer an odd blue one moment and red the next. Chain links appear with every morally dubious act from either identity. A harsh pang of judgement is felt whenever they attempt to reach for a weapon or act in violence. [Valiant]
The shackles crumble as the curse fades.
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Events Staff
Very Sweet
Two more curses have been applies - Apologies on the delays with these. They take place upon your next login.

ERWIN EINDRIDI; Blessed of Valiant
[Curse of Shackles] Heavy metallic manacles appear about each of the wrists of Erwin/Arne one morning. They shimmer an odd blue one moment and red the next. Chain links appear with every morally dubious act from either identity. A harsh pang of judgement is felt whenever they attempt to reach for a weapon or act in violence. [Valiant]

RAENYR DIWYNEB; Blessed of Visage
[Curse of the Depths] A newfound fear of the ocean takes root, with an unshakeable feeling of something being in the depths awaiting him. Should he ever find himself within the sea at waist deep or more, the waters become dark to him, and he feels sharp bites upon his skin and the sensation of water in his lungs. [Visage]


Events Staff
Very Sweet
This curse takes place upon your next login:

HELLMANN KEGHEART; Blessed of Skraag
[Curse of the Indecisive] Hellmann finds herself with a renewed fear of the depths, finding water shifts and moves and she can never see through it. Water is never clear to her anymore no matter the source, always dark and churning. Sometimes red eyes peer up through it, sometimes she sees her reflection crack and distort. Arcane magic cast near her makes her shudder and feel uncomfortable, glimpsing a tall robed figure with half a moon for its face in the corner of her vision now and then.[Visage, Jishrim, Magic]


Events Staff
Very Sweet
This curse takes place upon your next login:

MATHAEUS VON KOURTNAY; Former Blessed of Jax
[Curse of the Luckless] The Cursed finds themselves constantly unlucky. Losing track of small quantities of held money, keys, and other small trinkets held on their person. At unfortunate (but not combat-related) times, the Cursed will find themselves clumsily knocking into objects around them and find themselves off-balance. At the DMs discretion during events based around Luck and Adventure, the Cursed finds themselves terribly unlucky- This can be in the form of foes targetting the Cursed more often, for example.


Events Staff
Very Sweet
The following curse takes place immediately:

BOK'RA; Former Exalt of Jishrim
[Curse of the Mad Betrayer:] They lose their right eye and any attempts to restore it or provide sight to that side will result in a shockwave of pain and maddened hysterics, with spiders creeping from the eyesocket. Scars where a crown once lay are forever maimed, the scar tissue shimmering faintly and always painful if touched, never fading. Nightmares creep into their very being, invading their sleep with horrors of what they have done and may have done, occasionally appearing when they are awake as brief hallucinations that leave them unsure of what is reality. Spiders in any scenario will take the opportunity to attack them, seeing them as a threat, be this in events or otherwise. Whispers, chittering, and occasional glimpses of red, beady eyes haunt them. Forever.


Puppycat Herder
Events Staff
Lore Staff
Retired Owner
This curse takes place upon your next login:

KHROROTH; Former Blessed of Skraag
[Curse of the Blood] He will hunger for blood whether he is a Vyre or not, it replacing his usual requirement for food. However, it is always an unenjoyable experience, it nauseates him, makes him feel sickly, carries the scent and taste of rot. His teeth seem slightly dull.


Events Staff
Very Sweet
Not a curse in the traditional sense, but those holding the three objects of Evil now have two extra curses. Enjoy.

NAME: Coronet
DESCRIPTION: The crown is small and undecorated, made of a black metal that shimmers a rainbow of colors in the light.
PASSIVE: The crown suddenly produces barbs when worn on the head, sinking into the skin of the wearer, and cementing the crown there. After roughly a day of being worn, the crown will sink into the skin of the wearer, until it is like another layer of dermis on their head. Once thus attuned, it cannot be removed from the head without tearing the head off with it.
[ABILITY - Connection]: Those who touch the crown can perceive the thoughts of the wearer whilst allowing the wearer to read theirs in turn. The crown makes the wearer seemingly much more intelligent.
[CURSE - Haunted]: The attuned finds themselves more often thinking of bad memories, as their bodies begin to appear marked with black lines akin to webbing. Occasionally, black spiders can be fond upon or within whisper range of the attuned.
[CURSE - Nightmares]: The attuned suffers from horrific nightmares each time they sleep, the most vivid and terrible nightmares they could imagine. They are given restless nights, but may find through some methods (alchemical, divine, arcane) they are able to get temporary rest. If they go several days without natural sleep they will have shadowy hallucinations at the corners of their vision.
[CURSE - Phantom Pain]: Their head will occasionally feel as if it is burning and breaking, taken over by venom and briefly appearing to be covered in black veins that shimmer a myriad of colours. It happens at least once per day.
ITEM HOLDER: Aleksei blargtheawesome

NAME: Cocoon
DESCRIPTION: A polished black breastplate that shimmers in the light, reflecting shades of a rainbow. It is equivalent to high quality steel.
PASSIVE: Barbs seem to depress into the skin of the wearer, but the pain of it fades after a few moments. The heartbeat of the wearer can be felt through the armor, and if the armor is forcefully removed, it must be pried from their skin and tears the heart out of the wearer in the process.
[ABILITY - Conform] The armor naturally conforms to the body of the wearer, and will over the course of days slowly meld over the skin of their torso. It becomes mutable at that point, and will naturally flex along with their skin, like an outermost layer of dermis while still being as hard and impenetrable as steel.
[CURSE - Haunted]: The attuned finds themselves more often thinking of bad memories, as their bodies begin to appear marked with black lines akin to webbing. Occasionally, black spiders can be fond upon or within whisper range of the attuned.
[CURSE - Nightmares]: The attuned suffers from horrific nightmares each time they sleep, the most vivid and terrible nightmares they could imagine. They are given restless nights, but may find through some methods (alchemical, divine, arcane) they are able to get temporary rest. If they go several days without natural sleep they will have shadowy hallucinations at the corners of their vision.
[CURSE - Phantom Pain]: Their torso will occasionally feel as if it is burning and breaking, taken over by venom and briefly appearing to be covered in black veins that shimmer a myriad of colours. It happens at least once per day.
ITEM HOLDER: Karn Catanomical

NAME: Bloodletter
DESCRIPTION: A steel estoc whose blade carries an iridescent sheen. The pommel is angular, and the shaft is wrapped in black leather.
PASSIVE: Bloodletter's blade can be kept sharp by anointing with the blood of sentient beings. The bearer of this blade feels compelled to hold onto and maintain this blade through violence. If not maintained, Bloodletter will look rusted and dull to them, making them feel empty inside as well, disconnected from friends and family.
[ABILITY - Mutate] Bloodletter can transform into a one-handed flanged mace or a two-handed greatsword over 3 rounds / 15 sec. It will drip with blood and black ichor that dissipates into wisps of smoke after mutating.
[CURSE - Haunted]: The attuned finds themselves more often thinking of bad memories, as their bodies begin to appear marked with black lines akin to webbing. Occasionally, black spiders can be fond upon or within whisper range of the attuned.
[CURSE - Nightmares]: The attuned suffers from horrific nightmares each time they sleep, the most vivid and terrible nightmares they could imagine. They are given restless nights, but may find through some methods (alchemical, divine, arcane) they are able to get temporary rest. If they go several days without natural sleep they will have shadowy hallucinations at the corners of their vision.
[CURSE - Phantom Pain]: Their hands will occasionally feel as if they are burning and breaking, taken over by venom and briefly appearing to be covered in black veins that shimmer a myriad of colours. It happens at least once per day.
ITEM HOLDER: Thordil Jazzper


Puppycat Herder
Events Staff
Lore Staff
Retired Owner
These curses take place on your next login:

ALEKSEI; Former Blessed of Ignis
[Curse of the Prideful] Retaining a twisted piece of his previous blessing, flame does not burn his skin and instead results in something like a sunburn at worst. Despite this, he feels all the effects of heat and fire as if he were actually being burned, though to a somewhat lessened degree, as a reminder of what his prideful choices have cost him. When in direct sunlight, he feels the sense of being watched.

AMNESTRIA; Former Blessed of Jishrim
[Curse of Sight] Unable to see with eyes of their own, they occasionally have haunting glimpses into various nightmares instead, with hallucinations and an odd sense of things occasionally jumping for them.


Lord of Altera
Retired Staff
This will take place upon your next login:

CASSIUS VON HARDANGER; Former Blessed of Ignis
[Curse of the Dawn] Each dawn, Cassius is awoken with an uncomfortable warmth and disturbed by the sensation of bright light even if he is in darkness. It is a minor thing, fading quickly, but he is cursed to wake at this time each day as if reminded of she who brings the dawn upon him.


Puppycat Herder
Events Staff
Lore Staff
Retired Owner
This will take effect on your next login:

[Curse of the Reaper] As Laicelem continues unrepentant in casting off the mantle of the Grey Lady, a chill creeps over him that makes him feel as if he is perpetually in the depths of winter. No blanket, fire, or desert heat can shake this feeling; in fact, it makes the environmental hazards of heat more dangerous, because Laicelem is still susceptible to heat exhaustion and heat stroke. Within the grip of cold, he feels in the place of his former blessing the weight of judgement upon him at all times.

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Puppycat Herder
Events Staff
Lore Staff
Retired Owner
This will take effect on your next login:

[Curse of the Reaper] As Laicelem continues unrepentant in casting off the mantle of the Grey Lady, a chill creeps over him that makes him feel as if he is perpetually in the depths of winter. No blanket, fire, or desert heat can shake this feeling; in fact, it makes the environmental hazards of heat more dangerous, because Laicelem is still susceptible to heat exhaustion and heat stroke. Within the grip of cold, he feels in the place of his former blessing the weight of judgement upon him at all times.

The curse fades.


Puppycat Herder
Events Staff
Lore Staff
Retired Owner
This will take effect on your next login:

[Galvanic] During storms, the sound of thunder follows Matthias, growing closer and closer as time goes on. The sound resonates like a war drum, and an increasing feeling of dread follows with each subsequent crash though this never reaches a debilitating level. Weapons and armor wielded by Matthias appears to rust and lose their gleam, tarnished by the toils of war.

Sergeant Freedom


The Alchemist
Staff member
This will take effect on your next login:

[Vengeful Bine] Pohk'urz awakes one morning to a searing pain on his neck, as if he were being choked. Around his neck, a white necklace forms in the shape of vines, resting upon his chest. When Pohk'urz attacks or harms those who have not given cause to harm or takes acts in the name of vengeance, he will find the vines begin to constrict upon him, making it impossible to speak. If he attempts to remove the necklace, it will constrict tighter making it impossible to remove.

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Puppycat Herder
Events Staff
Lore Staff
Retired Owner
This will take effect on your next login:

[Plagued Tapestry] Alyssa finds that when she uses her living thread for spellcasting, maggots and flies appearing as part of her spells, whether that be a summon, a living weapon, or any other formistry spell. They hold no change to any spell, nor do they affect functionality.



Puppycat Herder
Events Staff
Lore Staff
Retired Owner
[Plagued Tapestry] Alyssa finds that when she uses her living thread for spellcasting, maggots and flies appearing as part of her spells, whether that be a summon, a living weapon, or any other formistry spell. They hold no change to any spell, nor do they affect functionality.
For services rendered, this curse has been removed.