Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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The Anime loving Brony
I'm starting to get back into RuneScape in the past few days. I have been playing on and off for the past few months, and when I logged in the past few times, no-one I knew was online, and all the clan chats (friends chat) That I'd normally go onto are empty.
Just wondering if anyone on the server still play's this game, and what clans and such they are in.
IGN is 54 loki if anyone want's to know and maybe start a clan? I heard that there is a server one, but no one told me what it was called, who was in it etc... :p


Grand Lizard
Hahah... its been years since i played it... Never was in any clan, got to level 60ish. i think my account name was buzzer 14.


Zalenfal Guardian
I play it quite a lot :D
I have way too many usernames though.
Icarux, Darkness1328, JustShadow, TheDarkFyre, TheDarkFyr3, Caerux, Runwithskizz, FMG Alex.
Icarux is my best, and a mod :p


The original mute
Last I played it was bout a year before I came here, even then wasn't serious. I did have a lvl 58 character called hugggggggg. And that is the truth, though that was years ago.


Lord of Altera
I myself haven't played the game in a few months but last time I was on I'd just finally gotten over level 100!

Knight Xavier

Lord of Altera
My ingame name is koala kieran and my clan is Knights Of Aether, 200 members =D

He's a non member at the moment but he is level 98 ftp level 104 p2p


Loyal Servant of Altera
ign: triburn76. Would be awesome to get a clan going, what with the new clan castle system. level 60-70. Haven't played in a while :D.


Admiral of the Warstrom Fleet
My IGN is "Beorz", I made a noob account a while back when loads of us Hollowfolk went and played, i think that one is "TheArkkaine" or something similar.

We should definately get a Hollow World clan started.

Master Pheonix

Lord of Altera
IGN: Hokage Natsu
I do play regularly enough so add me or PM me here to let me know you IGN and I can add you.
It is my main account although its by no means some kinda uber account, I just play bit by bit getting my levels slowly up. Its a level 95 account f2p and 100 in members.

I also own a clan with 4 members =P since me, my friend at uni and his bro, were bored and we decided to create a clan with our surplus of accounts. To be honest we only did it with the bare minimum and we could have had 9 members if we added all our accounts together :p


Lord of Altera
IGN : ShiNoKage I
F2P :p

I think it would be great if we all started a clan!
And RPing in RS seems possible, not that I know.

Master Pheonix

Lord of Altera
Thank you…

It's actually Death's Shadow but google doesn't like me -_- Death Shadow is close enough…
Yeah good point, I forgot to take into consideration the 'no' in your name while translating, lol, also im not using a translator since I recognised the words :p