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Animancy Update - Player Information Required


Lord of Altera
Lore Staff

Animancy Update - Player Information Required


As most everyone has been made aware, Animancy is being updated and fleshed out. It’s been an exceptionally long project and I cannot give our team members enough thanks, and even more gratitude goes out to the patient players. There’s going to be a short forum that I’d like our Animancy players to fill out. Because the Base Grimoire is changing almost entirely we will effectively be doing a clean sweep, removing the old spells to replace them with the new. As you might expect, this is going to be a bit of an arduous process, but it’ll be easier if we know who and what to help change on the backend.

As for Custom spells, the team is willing to help revisit them and assist in making changes where needed as requested. If you have customs, please detail them as follows in the following forum.

As for Echelons and Cantrips taken, the team is extending the ability for people to change up their levels in Animancy.

My request is for people to fill this form as neatly as they can to help the team sort through the spells. If you cannot remember your old spells, that is okay.

Edit: Cantrips cannot be taught by staff, they have to be learned by the players themselves. We apologize for the inconvenience.

The new spells can be found by clicking [here].

Link to profile:
Current spec:
OLD Animancy cantrips:
OLD Spiritualism spells:
OLD Occultism spells:

Desired spec:
NEW Animancy cantrips desired:
NEW Spiritualism spells desired:
NEW Occultism spells desired:

Special thanks goes to;
Magic Intern
Arget Istalri

And, once again, most thanks to goes to this wonderful community. If I've missed anyone on the list above, please reach out. There were a lot of hands in this pie.
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Lord of Altera
Lore Staff
IGN: Heie_
Character: Kethron
Link to profile:
Current spec: [Stable, Matter, Telepathy, Occult]
OLD Animancy cantrips: Weaver of Rushes
OLD Spiritualism spells: N/A
OLD Occultism spells: Boulder Blockade

Desired spec: Same
NEW Animancy cantrips desired: Dowse
NEW Spiritualism spells desired: N/A
NEW Occultism spells desired:

Customs: Devourer's Vault, Ice Stride, Sylph's Shielding, Spatial Scission, Enders Translocation Stone, Abrogation, Spacial Conveyance
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Legend of Altera
IGN: LuxTop
Character: Reinhard Blud
Link to profile: Reinhard - Echelon 4 | Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying (
Current spec: 3 Occultism 1 Spiritualism
OLD Animancy cantrips: Impulse
OLD Spiritualism spells:
OLD Occultism spells:

Desired spec:
3 Occultism 1 Spiritualism
NEW Animancy cantrips desired: Omen, Incense, Dowse, Eclipse
NEW Spiritualism spells desired:
T1. Ward, Beguile, Descry, Induction
NEW Occultism spells desired:
T1. Thrall, Tumult, Ken, Vicinity
T2. Veilstep, Intuit, Whipping Tendril, Vulgar Adherence
T3. Cloak of Flies, Sorcerous Thrall, Voidlost, Avert

Customs: (idk what to write, will just list ones I have)
An Eye of Caution
Branding of Perdition - change to Spiritualism
Devourer's Vault
Sylph's Shielding - change to Spiritualism
Beastly Fixation
Demon of Corruption
Conjuror's Boon (Lilith taught it to Blud but it wasn't added to the magic book, - can you help?)
Knock it Off
Tenetur Post Mortem
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Lord of Altera
Retired Staff
Link to profile: Current spec: 3x occultism
OLD Animancy cantrips: Cannot recall
OLD Spiritualism spells: -
OLD Occultism spells:
Cloudburst, Impish delight, Fiendform, Demon of corruption, Earthen sight, Eye of Caution, Planar spell(voidlost equivelant). That is all I remember

Desired spec: 2x occultism & 1x spiritualism
NEW Animancy cantrips desired: Dowse, Incense, Abjure
NEW Spiritualism spells desired: Spirit A drift
NEW Occultism spells desired: Thrall
Eye of Caution, Hex Tenebrum
Demon of Corruption

Can I submit passive changes here?
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don't sit on ladybugs
Lore Staff
IGN: uhavebeengalaxyd
Character: Bernard von Briarwood
Link to profile: [x]
Current spec: Spiritualism [x1], Life [x1]
OLD Animancy cantrips: Shadow Dance
OLD Spiritualism spells: Maddening Malady, Shadow Puppet, Sonic Revenance
OLD Occultism spells: N/A

Desired spec: Nothin's changin :3
NEW Animancy cantrips desired: Sixth Sense
NEW Spiritualism spells desired: Eidolon, Induction
NEW Occultism spells desired: N/A

E1- Sonic Revenance


Lord of Altera
Lore Staff
Conjuror's Boon (Lilith taught it to Blud but it wasn't added to the magic book, - can you help?)
We can moist certainly help! You'll need to log on at your earliest continence to learn the new cantrips, they should be in your grimoire

Can I submit passive changes here?
Could you elaborate?

Heie/Kethron has PM'd you to log on to learn your cantrips, but I'm posting it here for absolute clarity.

For everyone else, you will need to log on and manually learn the cantrips yourselves before we can teach the new spells. We cannot add them for you, unfortunately.


Lord of Altera
Retired Staff
Could you elaborate?
I never had anything besides my tier 1 knack/passive for Myrddin, having not submitted one at t2 or t3. I've been waiting to submit them all at t4 but wondering if now is ok instead


Lord of Altera
Lore Staff
I never had anything besides my tier 1 knack/passive for Myrddin, having not submitted one at t2 or t3. I've been waiting to submit them all at t4 but wondering if now is ok instead
Oh, Knacks. We typically accept them at rank ups but now is an acceptable time to submit.


Lord of Altera
IGN: Auralein
Character: Vowrawn Hal'Natrizi'ma
Link to profile:
Current spec:
OLD Animancy cantrips: Impulse, I forget the other, it was removed
OLD Spiritualism spells:
OLD Occultism spells: Boulder Blockade, Fiendish Form?, Impish Delight

Desired spec:
NEW Animancy cantrips desired: Inconceivable
NEW Spiritualism spells desired:
NEW Occultism spells desired:
Thrall, Ken, Banish


Lord of Altera
Lore Staff
IGN: Auralein
Character: Vowrawn Hal'Natrizi'ma
Link to profile:
Current spec:
OLD Animancy cantrips: Impulse, I forget the other, it was removed
OLD Spiritualism spells:
OLD Occultism spells: Boulder Blockade, Fiendish Form?, Impish Delight

Desired spec:
NEW Animancy cantrips desired: Inconceivable
NEW Spiritualism spells desired:
NEW Occultism spells desired:
Thrall, Ken, Banish
To verify, are you 1 spiritualism/occultist. Are you keeping impulse? Did you want any spiritualist spells as well?


Lord of Altera
To verify, are you 1 spiritualism/occultist. Are you keeping impulse? Did you want any spiritualist spells as well?
Sorry, to clarify. If I have a spiritualism cantrip, am I limited to just level 1 Spiritualism?


Lord of Altera
Lore Staff
Sorry, to clarify. If I have a spiritualism cantrip, am I limited to just level 1 Spiritualism?
As you do not have your current and desired spec filled out it is difficult to ascertain your current echelon. as you posted impulse and one other as being what cantrips you had, I assume you are an E2 mage. You only listed your old occult and desired occult spells, and did not list a new spiritualist cantrip nor another occult cantrip, thus my questions.

To answer your question. If you have only 1 cantrip in a branch, you can only cast T1 spells in that branch. 2 cantrips in the branch, T2 ect. As CloakedReaper stated, you may change what branches you wish in Animancy from what you had previously, along with a complete respec should that be what your heart desires.


Loyal Servant of Altera
Retired Staff
He/Him, She/Her, They/Them
IGN: Bookwormpower
Character: Elthea
Link to profile:
Current spec:
1 Telepathy, 2 Occultism
OLD Animancy cantrips:
Impulse, I forget the other one
OLD Spiritualism spells:

OLD Occultism spells:
Heirloom, not sure if there's others. I don't think so.

Desired spec:
NEW Animancy cantrips desired:
Incense, Dowse (I do NOT want Impulse, but I currently have it)
NEW Spiritualism spells desired:
NEW Occultism spells desired:
idk I'll just research them I guess?? I would like as many of the level 1 spells as i'm allowed to get.

Customs: He Who Wanders (I have other occultism customs but theyre not my own so idk if im supposed to list them or not- I'll list them here) Blood Cipher, Ice Stride, Dancing Stars