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The Fiendish FAQ


object oriented
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If a construct looks upon a Fiendish person does their anti-corruption programming kick in and are they then compelled to destroy the Fiendish?
Serious take- They don't have computer programming. But if they do consider the Fiendish corrupted, they can act towards their inherent purpose.


Lord of Altera
Retired Staff
What details should one be aware of when it comes to performing an exorcism?


object oriented
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What details should one be aware of when it comes to performing an exorcism?
The details are something I'd prefer folk find out in roleplay, frustrating as that statement can be.
Oocly- I will be DMing it until there's enough understanding of how it works - and you can contact me.


Lord of Altera
Retired Staff
Could a curse of divine origin be placed on one of the possessed trinkets?
: Jishrim.
Tier: 3
Action: Touch.
Cost: 2 SP
Duration: Permanent
Spell: The caster holds an item in both hands and curses it with the touch of Jishrim. This trinket will have a permanent effect upon it until it is destroyed or cleansed with intent by a blessed of any Divine of the same rank or above with holy water. How long it takes for effects to take hold or fade is up to the target(s) but cannot be instant nor exceed an hour. Up to three trinkets may be active at one time, but there can only be one effect on an item at most. Targets may roll Soul+Determination against the caster's AoE DC to resist this effect.
[ Prism ] - When worn, the target finds themselves seeing illusory scenes of great beauty around them, all colours seeming to blend into one another and make new ones. Violent, cruel, or acts aligned with Jishrim seem flipped morally, and more like good ideas. As an object, the same effects apply to all in a 10b radius.
[ Skittish ] - When worn, the target becomes twitchy and itchy, generally restless and convinced there's something crawling upon them to the point of hysteria. As an object, the same effects apply to all in a 10b radius.
[ Nightmare ] - When worn, the target finds all sleep is disturbed by nightmares of horrific things, bad memories, or things they fear most. When awake, they seem troubled, dark circles forming under the eyes and skin becoming a pale or sickly pallor. As an object, the same effects apply to all in a 10b radius.


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Although interesting and fun- the soul inside the object will conflict with it. You can place the curse on it after it's rid of the possession inside it.


Lord of Altera
For the Infernal tongue, it says "The language cannot be taught, written or understood by non-Infernals.". Perhaps a divine question too, but, would the spell Lexicon be an exception to this?


: Visage.
Tier: 2
Action: Prayer.
Cost: 1 SP
Duration: One hour.
Spell: The caster whispers a short prayer to Visage, and grants themselves the ability to understand all spoken words regardless of the tongue used for a period of time. They cannot use this ability to learn the language, though may pick up on the occasional words and know what languages are spoken outside of the spell.

Also out of curiosity...

It mentions 'Cogimencers can pry into minds and find parts of their memories clouded by a black and red darkness.'
Would the Visage spell 'Scour' have similar effects at all?


: Visage.
Tier: 3
Action: Touch.
Cost: 2 SP
Duration: 30 minutes.
Spell: The caster targets someone in sight and wills their surface thoughts and recent memories (at the discretion of the target) into something reflective in hand. This can be a basin of water, a mirror, or a shiny blade. The target will feel a faint tugging sensation, of being watched, something behind them. This can last up to 30 minutes, but the caster must keep touch with the reflective surface for it to continue. The target may roll an opposed Soul+Determination against the caster to resist this effect, or Mind+Guile if they are aware of what's happening.


Legend of Altera
From the page on the Infernal
-Animancers can sense the second soul as carrying feelings of distress, mischief and maliciousness.
Do Animancers require a spell to sense presence of the second soul, or it is automatic?
Reposted from Discord DMs to help out with FAQ.


object oriented
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For the Infernal tongue, it says "The language cannot be taught, written or understood by non-Infernals.". Perhaps a divine question too, but, would the spell Lexicon be an exception to this?
For the time being- it's a part exception. Meaning- the Infernal tongue and scripture changes and alters in tone and writing with each iteration. Lexicon may be able to grasp a few words beneath the many in a sentence.

It mentions 'Cogimencers can pry into minds and find parts of their memories clouded by a black and red darkness.'
Would the Visage spell 'Scour' have similar effects at all?
Yes, that'd be fine

From the page on the Infernal
-Animancers can sense the second soul as carrying feelings of distress, mischief and maliciousness.
Do Animancers require a spell to sense presence of the second soul, or it is automatic?
Reposted from Discord DMs to help out with FAQ.
I am amending that writing. On review, it was missed as I realize now there's no active spell that does this for animancy.


Based on what?
Retired Staff
Soft cured
Sunblessed and gravewalker
How do demonic items interact with them?


object oriented
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Soft cured
Sunblessed and gravewalker
How do demonic items interact with them?
Have time to respond now- Consider Sunblessed/Gravewalker in the same field as Vyre. A divine power protects them and prevents them from possession


Lord of Altera
What happens to an item like a lanturn that is beign cleaned of it's demon? does the lanturn stay in tact? if the item is intact what does one do about it bearing the /cursed/ tag?


object oriented
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What happens to an item like a lanturn that is beign cleaned of it's demon? does the lanturn stay in tact? if the item is intact what does one do about it bearing the /cursed/ tag?
Small items such as rings, necklaces, will shatter and explode.
Medium/Large objects remain intact will gain cracks, but ultimately can still be used or repaired
If the item is cursed, you find a way to uncurse it or keep it as is. Send in a lore ticket and I'll handle any experiments

Fluffy Bristle

Lord of Altera
SO! A few questions. There are a couple of characters that went Abysmal and lost a portion of their soul. Is that something that comes back overtime, or does that need to be grabbed? Along with that- Sylvia recently was revived. Does she have that portion back, or is it still gone, or..?


object oriented
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SO! A few questions. There are a couple of characters that went Abysmal and lost a portion of their soul. Is that something that comes back overtime, or does that need to be grabbed? Along with that- Sylvia recently was revived. Does she have that portion back, or is it still gone, or..?
Those Infernal will have their souls heal after a time.
Those Abyssal will have lost parts of their souls permanently. This can reflect in different ways: loss of memories, or loss of an emotion. I'll be more specific in the official writeup. They are in the possession of the demon they contracted with, as the characters essentially sign with their souls when making them for their deals. They won't be easy to retrieve, if at all, but I'll allow that possibility as a character goal and determine it case-by-case, depending on the character/severity of their contract.

Oocly- I'd want players to at least know these contracts are soul bound, even if your character doesn't understand it/is tricked into it.
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object oriented
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-One can play a Scion with NPC Abyssal parents, but the NPC parents can not be played by another player. Send a Lore ticket if there's any questions about details.
The Scions have been adjusted to allow for new characters to be made, with NPC parents. However, they must be fairly young in age, or young adults (at most 18) for it to be consistent with the release of their lore and their new introduction during the campaign. You may age them up accordingly.
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object oriented
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[Chosen Infernal at Heart] Those that are Abyssal have achieved a closer attunement with their patrons, further than the surface reaches of an Infernal might. The Abyssal is considered a higher tier of Fiendish, but does not have the abilities the Infernal have, including dark vision, mimicry, etc. The difference between the two is that those that are Abyssal are better at controlling their emotions. Some are even able to supress their influence so that it becomes miniscule. However, those Abyssal can taint objects and turn Infernal themselves if they choose to. They can then consider themselves [Abyssal + Infernal] or "Abyssal & Infernal at Heart". During the act of making a Contract, they can also gain the additional Infernal trait as part of their bargain. They will then carry all abilities the Infernal have. The lesser Fiend cannot be unbound unless the Abyssal is severed from their contract or has died and revived, in which they return to being just Abyssal.

There's been a lot of questions and confusion about differences between Infernal and Abyssal. I hope this clears things up as I've decided they're two seperate distinct paths. But, if you're Abyssal, you can be Infernal as well.
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Based on what?
Retired Staff
(We've covered this in a past ticket but I wanted to ask it here.)
What are the conditions for losing/retaining demonic related horns After leaving infernal/absymal?

Also, Is there a section to explain Hollowness in the works?


object oriented
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Q: What are the conditions for losing/retaining demonic related horns After leaving infernal/absymal?
A: On being excorcised as Infernal, you do not retain your horns. On being excorcised as Abyssal, you retain your horns if you still live. If you are a Scion, the horns are always part of you.
If you die in any case and revive, the horns will disperse along with your body, or even if you're revived by being watched over (they'll turn to dust). If you remain dead and have a corpse, the horns will remain on your corpse as both Infernal and Abyssal.

Q: Also, Is there a section to explain Hollowness in the works?
A: Hollowness is an empty feeling within your core soul. Those Infernal are able to heal their souls and aren't fractured. They may push away the hollow feeling after an ooc week, or until you feel your character heals from it.
Those Abyssal will feel hollow after exocrcisms as a piece of your soul was taken during the broken contract. This can be in the form of a core memory or an emotion. Some Abyssal may have more pieces taken if the excorcism was harsher.

Factors of Excorcisms with Abyssal:
Excorcisms of Abyssal have a risk of death. Those of Divine inclinations and higher ranks have higher rate of successes during excorcisms. The more thought out the ritual, the more balanced the excorcism. The divines may give flavor responses if the Abyssal is contested by their demon patron. There's many more factors that go into it, but these are some hints I've given out during them.
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