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Storm's Landing Missive, 28th of Springrise


One so Bereft of Light
Retired Staff
Art by Magic Intern


Bennett of the Storm's Landing Guard releases a final missive.

In the wake of the resolution to the outbreak of monstrosities beneath the city, the evacuation order over Storm's Landing has been revoked.

Prior to the evacuation, a vote was called to determine the next Captain of the Storm's Landing Guard, and Ulric von Hardanger has been elected.

Vidar is to be put on probation from the Landing Guard and should not be recognized as an authority.

Flourish's body remains at large within the sewers, but if found, is asked to be returned to the guard for possible repair.

Bennett is no longer lieutenant.

Recruitment is open and encouraged.

Bok'ra remains at large, and has been seen on the premises using a Jishrimite curse to incite hysteria as we attempted to investigate beneath the city.


A more personal closure to my term as Lieutenant and Interim Captain, I will be resigning from my position on the guard and taking a temporary personal leave. I have given what I can to this city, and have no regrets for the good I have attempted to do for it. My regrets lie with those who have been hurt, displaced or killed by the recent evacuation and siege upon the city. It weighs on my conscience to consider how many lives were uprooted or lost entirely because I was not enough. The other guard have evidently agreed that I was not enough, or were made to believe such by a slandering of my name by our Quartermaster, Vidar--while I was left none the wiser while I was attempting to corral the undead threat. This is the second Guard Captain election that he has interrupted with his pithy attempt at personal politics, and is not something welcomed on the guardforce.

The job as guard is demanding, but there is reward in working for the good of others. I recommend the work to any interested in helping Storm's Landing in reparations following the crisis. I will be remaining on the guard for as long as I am able and wanted, but I apologize if any are disappointed by the decision. Please give the proper respects to the new Guard Captain, as well as his appointed Lieutenants. The position of Captain was offered to me as the lone acting Lieutenant, but I turned it down with intent to go through the proper channels rather than self-elect--and I am glad I have, as the majority has spoken. I am thankful to those that supported the guard under my tenure, and for the goodwill of the people.

Remain steadfast. Protect the people. By our hand or none.

Former Interim Captain Bennett, Storm's Landing Guard​