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Active Glenn Louvel || Bright-Eyed


Retired Staff
He/Him, She/Her, They/Them

───────────── ⋆⋅⋅⋆ ─────────────
Stout︰ Reveled︰ Crooked ︰ Between ︰Sane

⋖ The Bright-Eyed Bard of Mine ⋗


AGE || 28
GENDER || Masculine
RACE || Human

PROFESSION || Bard, Sailor
SOCIAL STATUS || Lower Class
CURRENTLY... || Out and away.

WHAT YOU'RE LOOKING AT || An man built of crooked angles, Glenn is starting to get toward middle age.
His hair is a mop of muddy brown and his beard is, despite all the ill-wishes of old friends, full. His face is full of
lines, mostly scars, clustered tight around the bright and uncanny eye that once belonged to the figment of Charity,
which now occupies his left eye-socket. The other trace of their encounter sits on his left shoulder, faint but unmistakable.
You can still see her icy hand-print. The other scars are numerous but unremarkable. A life lived always on the end of a rope,
dancing and often falling from the razor's edge.

WHAT YOU'LL GET || Fierce and cavalier at the best of times: never the ace in anyone's sleeve but certainly in the
deck. Time has weathered away the rough edges, but the man will always be the same boy who hung onto the spires
of the Queensport Cathedral, wind and snow whipping a stolen cloak around him. How can we forget our roots, in this
era? Still. Having won almost every war of attrition, Louvel would be pleased to say that's he's Upright, Upright, Upright.

SHAPES IN THE DARK || We left those fears behind. Salt-worn.

BY MY OWN HAND || Still a bard, even if he denies it. Still a sailor. Still pulling at the leash, still patching up scrapes.

THE TONGUES WE SPEAK || [8/10] Rede, [5/10] Elvish, [10/10] Common.​
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Retired Staff
He/Him, She/Her, They/Them
⋖|| THE ACT ||⋗
───────────── ⋆⋅⋅⋆ ─────────────
Two Queens, Two Princes, One Princess
Earned the Greyling's Name
Paid it Forward (An Eye for an Eye)
The War of Attrition


Nat 1 Counter: 23
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Retired Staff
He/Him, She/Her, They/Them
───────────── ⋆⋅⋅⋆ ─────────────

MAEBH || Magic Intern || The Foundling

BENNETT || TheDeester || The Raging

GUNTER || PhilBruno || The Minding
Wasn't ever your fault, mind.

MOURIN || TidalTerror || The Wandering

ROLLAND || Fry || The Aging
You won't make me afraid.

MARIAN OLLIRAN || mageaegis || The Waiting

THALIA OLLIRAN || Sophe || The Blinking
Stories to take along.

ISKVANDAR || Vincentius || The Smoking

JAMES VARYN || TheDeester || The Falling
Slim and slightly sorry.

THE REST OF THEM || We outlived the rest. War of attrition.
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Lord of Altera
Values: "Art,"
Alignment: Chaotic
Short Term Goals: ...write the song

...Foxbells would like to know your location. She too likes "Art"


Retired Staff
He/Him, She/Her, They/Them
Values: "Art,"
Alignment: Chaotic
Short Term Goals: ...write the song

...Foxbells would like to know your location. She too likes "Art"
Follow the sound of shrill, off-key singing in the Landing.

I can dig it.
Doggett better watch his back, he's already in one ballad.

Also it's been an hour since I posted this and he already got in a fight over his terrible lack of talent.


Lord of Altera
Follow the sound of shrill, off-key singing in the Landing.

Doggett better watch his back, he's already in one ballad.

Also it's been an hour since I posted this and he already got in a fight over his terrible lack of talent.
Was it a fight or....was it him punching a man made of steel?

ALSO I claim this child, am adopting him


Retired Staff
He/Him, She/Her, They/Them
Quick morning update because overnight Magic Intern gave me the cutest, greatest gift I could have asked for: Character art!

I've also finally transcribed my 1am song about Doggett and it is now in the "bardic accomplishments" folder!

"Oh! There once was a man named Doggett, forever a terrible shrew,
They called him a banker but /I/ called him a wanker, not that he ever knew!
One day when the shadows were longest, o' bravest Doggett went out;
While he might not yet be the strongest, but his wit and humor were stout!
Twas' there in the palace he met his match, a foe no taller than he;
The man were a' tremblin' but to mine own awe, the fellow didn't flee!
The creature of shadow nipped at his heel, but clever, Doggett, was he-
For he took up a knife to defend his life and ne'r become its meal!
Oh! The man who's short in stature is never short in ire;
and in no time the creature was but kindling on the pyre!
Doggett, being a humble man, t'would deny it to this day-
But never let the man pretend! He did /not/ run away!"
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Retired Staff
He/Him, She/Her, They/Them
"A little false encouragement, the harm they never knew;
O' pity to your foolish ears, the bard now sings for you!"

Somehow this boy has accomplished more in three days than I have in 19 years.

"I met an awful lot of folks and only two were awful,
the rest I can on great beside, and we rarely ever squabble."

+ Talos, the Critic
+Taelin, the Ghost
+Bennett, the Lordling
+Gunter, the Retainer
+Kinsey, the Bodyguard
+Maple, the Foolish
+Wilhelm, the Generous
+Sugar, the Gentle

"The people, o' they love the songs, and come most every day
but by the leather on my boots- the bastards never pay!"

+ Fixed his lute, paid for by Maebh
+ She also charmed his cloak
+ New strings from Talos
+ A broken nose from Gunter
+Wilhelm's generous donation to the arts

"The poet is a hero, aye, in case you didn't know,
He bravely saved a drowning girl, and has frightened every foe.

+Wrote a song and performed it for a queen
"She was quite impressed, you should have been there!"

+Saved Maple from drowning in Queensport
"No one ever has to know that I fell in there too."

+Earned the Greyling's name
"Reckon the Gods saw that one?"

+ New songs are under the cuts +

"Maebh, the intrepid explorer,
She’s more than just a witch,
She’ll pluck the eyes of lesser men
And leave them in a ditch!

Her pupils like the palest bone,
Her wit as sharp as needles,
And if you scoff her knowing tone,
They’ll /never/ find your body!

Yes, the witch is ever sought,
For all her secret knowledge,
But beware! She’s not one to be bought,
She’s got their skulls within her cottage!

Maebh, the intrepid explorer,
Twas never one brave as she,
She’ll box your ears and scare you straight,
But adventure she’ll guarantee"

It was in dreary winter that she came, thy lady of the rain;
I would have kept her,
offered her shelter,
but she turned and went her way;
Lady of the rain, oh won’t you come again?
For my fields are parched
and my heart was scorched
ever since he took you away.
Well, she came to me in Evertree
with silver in her veins;
Her eyes told tales of southern gales
and the winds that blew her astray;
There never was a merry man that knew such hurt as she,
For of all the earthly pleasures,
there was none as missed as thee.’
I dreamed of you in autumn
and I dreamed of you in spring,
And as the first of frost unveiled
I saw you before me;
Her eyes were locked in clouds of dread
with ivory in her hair,
The silver blood of jealous men has spilled once everywhere.
Never had there ever been a man so bold as thee
To cut across the mortal share and steal her company,
You held her in your auburn lair as vengeance slowly grew,
And finally, as the summer fell,
her torment slaughtered you.


Retired Staff
He/Him, She/Her, They/Them

"And if any of the people walkin' round on down,
Near the old Cathedral of the good Queen's town
should catch a note upon the breeze

the local minstrel plays with practiced ease."

Rumors of a scraggly group of kids within the cathedral of Queensport may yet be founded. Glenn finds a new home, new friends, and far more lutes than expected.
Nat 1 Counter: 7

"Beware now, gentle viewer as the Merry Misfits gain their start,
They're out to gain adventure, so guard your coin and mind your heart!"



"So many are quite generous, though some may wish me mute-
Mind the nature of your giving, though- I do not need another lute!"

+The Adventuring Lute - "Amalbert"
+Doggett's Knife - "Andebert"
+The Clear Lute - "Adelmar" I

+The Lost Lute - "Bertilda" II
Water-warped and used as a bludgeon, Berty has reached the end of her days. She rests peacefully within the clubhouse, now.

"I'm quickly gaining improved skills, and you better watch your back!
This bard will soon surpass you all, my work won't ever lack!"

Skill Up!

New Song

"It was late into the evening when they reached the sacred place-
the cathedral of the landing in all her beauty and her grace.
Within it played a poet, to his friends and very few;
But little did the spectators know, a looming figure grew."

"The doors flew open with a bang as thunder lit the sky,
and as the watchers turned and stared, what else should meet their eye?
An aged man in shrouded cloth, his face a grimy hue;
And a smaller figure cloaked in black who's face they'd never knew."

"Upon seeing there the poet, the smaller one approached,
and flashing him a pointed grin, a challenge he evoked.
'Sing a song to prove your worth and I shall share my name.
And if good poet, you should fail? You'll never find your fame.'"

"The poet was a stubborn man and caution never knew,
and so he played upon his lute- his fingers nearly flew.
He sang it in the hall of Gods and upon him they had smiled,
for from his bloodied lips the heartfelt melody soon spiraled."

"The minstrel there, he sang of rain, and the fellow who stole her away-
and as the ballad found its end, the watchers seemed to weigh.
But there, upon the creature's lips, a smile faintly played,
and turning to the poet, said,
"'I have found myself quite swayed.'"

"'A name you bought and a name you earn, for spinning such a yarn,'
And as you, gentle viewer, guess-
The creature's name was Karn."

OOC Stuff: If you want a relation, just lemme know and I'll get you in there! I likely spend too long on these update posts but I love them. :>
Beyond that- thank you all for the warm reception this character has been getting! It's really brought back my interest in HW and I'm looking forward to serenading more folks with nat 1s.


Retired Staff
He/Him, She/Her, They/Them
[. . .]


+ Added themes for all the Melodies
+Added Iskvandar


+Updated Status
+Added Flute and Medicine skills
+Added Anatolius to belongings
+Character Study